Weekly Photoshop Contest Discussion: Week 4

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May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Talk about it in here, not in the actual competition thread please :)

I hope you get my McDonalds one ;) :)

hello! how does everyone like the 2 i made im hoping to make another
Hehe murray, you took my idea ;). Nah.... just kidding, good job making the discussion thread as I just now was able to get on my computer. I'll try to whip something up later tonight.

And does anyone know, does it have to be a picture of a potatoe you take, or any old potatoe? I mean, it would be hard to prove otherwise, but I just want to stick to the rules ;).
I personally don't like the new topic, I would have liked to keep it Half-Life universe orientated, or at the very least game orientated.
Originally posted by chu
I agree with rec on this one.

Me too... and if at least not 'game' oriented, at least something somewhat challenging. Come on... editing a spud into something? I think I did a tutorial on this when I first began photoshop :p.

Never the less, I have a title to uphold, eh.
I'm going to pass on this weeks contest. The topic is too boring and not humerous at all. Oh well, good luck to the people who submit and by god tim if you win again...I will bite my thumb at you.
Hah, this is great. not even gonna try to make one, but I know its sure gonna be hard to vote!
OMG! Spud - Head!!1!

Added mine.

Flyingdebris' spudcrab is my favourite so far.
I think by Friday there will be over 50 entries. That's what you get from such an easy contest idea ;). Maybe everyone will just get burned out and not want to do anymore though. Or maybe a ton of entries are being posted now because of the new publicity we received from that front page news. Either way, I think the easy contest contributes to it a lot. A few good ones are up so far though.
Actually I kind of like the new idea. We got lots of people to participate and some of 'em were kinda funny. The one where Gabe is a potato cracked me up the most .. LOL
The spudcrab actually looks better than the original art...
Giving him a potato texture really makes it look more realistic somehow.

For the next contest, I say it should be an invent your own HL alien contest. That ought to be neat.

I can't enter since I have no photoshop though. ;(
This is discrimination! :)

Can I use paint?
Well, I'm glad you like my postcard. As a not-to-talented photoshop amateur, it makes me feel all goowy and mushy inside.
I hope the contest won't get to hard in the future, since I'm not a designer or anything. I try to skip a few bases using humor. I learned that trick spending time with women;).

Greetz everyone!
Originally posted by Mechagodzilla
I can't enter since I have no photoshop though. ;(
This is discrimination! :)

Can I use paint?

You can use whatever program you want, it's not like we'll know what the finished product was created with ;).

Originally posted by Element Alpha
I hope the contest won't get to hard in the future, since I'm not a designer or anything. I try to skip a few bases using humor. I learned that trick spending time with women;).

Greetz everyone!

I think it's a good idea to make comics and things, but I just thought as a photoshop contest, it would be based more upon graphical design skills, and not whose is the funniest. I'm just afraid with this weeks contest being so 'easy' that there will be way too many entries to judge. In the past, we have only had like 30 votes maximum, and if there are that many entries, it could get sticky at the end.
easy contest?

Maybe the fact that it is so easy should give you jaded pro's a reason to produce your best work... I submitted the Tyson picture for now, after a little fiddling, but I would love a reason to put a little more effort into it (i.e. let's see what you got). You are lucky I found about this now and not earlier. Again, good luck.
Re: easy contest?

Originally posted by tuvalua
Maybe the fact that it is so easy should give you jaded pro's a reason to produce your best work... I submitted the Tyson picture for now, after a little fiddling, but I would love a reason to put a little more effort into it (i.e. let's see what you got). You are lucky I found about this now and not earlier. Again, good luck.

I'm shaking in my little space boots.

First of all, I'm hardly a pro. And what was going through your mind when you made that tyson entry :-p. It was done well, but I just don't understand what it's supposed to mean. Everyone's heads are replaced by potatoes except tyson? Looks good though.
haha! these are great!
This is the best comp so far!

I guess it means that it would not be weird to see Tyson among a crowd of potatoes supporting. The guy is pretty close to the asylum as it is. From what I have seen a good number of submitters have a lot of Photoshop experience, that's what I meant by pro's. Anyway, let's keep the judging going :)
Re: reply

Originally posted by tuvalua
I guess it means that it would not be weird to see Tyson among a crowd of potatoes supporting. The guy is pretty close to the asylum as it is. From what I have seen a good number of submitters have a lot of Photoshop experience, that's what I meant by pro's. Anyway, let's keep the judging going :)

Ah, that makes sense. I just saw it when I got home from school and was all burned out :p. Wasn't really thinking that well. I hope to be posting my first entry later on today. I think i'll go for the 'out of the box' approach on this one ;). Good luck on your other submissions tuvalua!
In reply to synth's entry...

Nice attention to detail on the main spud's sun glasses. Many people wouldn't have thought to add the drop in opacity on the right part of his sunglasses where his head ends and void begins. Nice one.
Originally posted by tim8604
In reply to synth's entry...

Nice attention to detail on the main spud's sun glasses. Many people wouldn't have thought to add the drop in opacity on the right part of his sunglasses where his head ends and void begins. Nice one.

the glasses look like part of the original image
I donno' if I even want to try and participate in this one... lol. I really don't care for the topic at all... oh well.
Originally posted by Fenric1138
the glasses look like part of the original image


son of a..... well i take back all of my compliments ;) hehe jk.

I made a couple and posted them up, so check em out and let me know what you think.

LMAO. Gotta' love the HL2 emoticons, haha. That's fuggin' great ^__^
Originally posted by NSPIRE

LMAO. Gotta' love the HL2 emoticons, haha. That's fuggin' great ^__^

I just wish they'd include em in the site emoticons so I don't use up all my bandwidth ;).
Originally posted by tim8604
In reply to synth's entry...

Nice attention to detail on the main spud's sun glasses. Many people wouldn't have thought to add the drop in opacity on the right part of his sunglasses where his head ends and void begins. Nice one.
I agree, synth's kicks ass.
Originally posted by NSPIRE
I donno' if I even want to try and participate in this one... lol. I really don't care for the topic at all... oh well.

If you dont like my topics, give me suggestions!!!
i personally love this topic tbh
Originally posted by tim8604
I just wish they'd include em in the site emoticons so I don't use up all my bandwidth ;).

lol damn, i was looking everywhere for that emoticon on the get more list too, explains things if it wasn't on there grrr :D
Originally posted by SpuD
If you dont like my topics, give me suggestions!!!
i personally love this topic tbh

hmm, could this relate to your name at all? ;)

Also, for whoever is a super moderator of this forum, I figured I would help you out in case you didn't know how to add smilies. It only takes a few minutes to add new smilies, assuming that you are running the same version of vbulletin that I am running on one of my client's web sites. Just go to the control panel, find smilies about 3/4ths of the way down, go to Upload, and enter this info:

Smilie File - Just save mine to your computer
Name - Zombie
Text to replace - :zombie:
Path to save image to - /images/smilies

This is just for any of the supermods out there who weren't sure :). I'm sure you guys have to get approval and all that jazz, just wanted to help you out, if you guys decided to use it or whatever.
I dunno for sure but isn't it a guy on here called SpaceMonkey* or something like that who handles the forum coding? I suppose if you emailed him nicely and asked and sent a message to Munro at the same time they might agree to it. I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask them anyway

* sorry if I got the name wrong, im terrible with names, birthdays and phone numbers :D
Eh, I don't really care that much about it, I just made it for the community. I guess if they like it enough, they can ask to put it in.. if not, that's cool too. I'm too lazy to go emailing people, hehe. What did you think about my entries though?
That smiley rocks :D

And my photoshop didn't have that detail on the glasses, it was already there. Although getting the spud changing into the skin was hard in the back right one. Here's the originals.


Originally posted by tim8604
Come on... editing a spud into something? I think I did a tutorial on this when I first began photoshop :p.

:LOL: I did that one at school too.

Then everyone in class found out that someone had saved the finished picture for all six things and they could just print them out.

I like that one :) (the agents)
Spud, I noticed you called me "Element" in the picture line-up(page 1), but I'd like to point out my nickname is "Element Alpha", someone else already is "Element" on this forum(check the members section).

I've had a lot of fun making my submissions. I don't think it was a bad topic at all. It all started with that potato tutorial for me too. Those where the days...
What do you people want from me!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH.

/me burns out

With all of these submissions being made (32 as of yet), I don't know how anyone will be able to decide. Do you think for the competition people should be making funny comics with spuds in them, replacing peoples faces with spuds, or replacing objects with spuds? I think this category might be too broad, as all of the entries have been drastically different. I think it's good to get this many entries, but I just don't see how people will be able to decide on one, and if they do... it will split the votes so wide that the person who wins might get like 10% of the vote. It could be possible that it happens otherwise, but I just think if the contests are to be judge fairly, the scope should be more narrow. Something like, replace a commonly used object with a potatoe. Or, change a famous person into a potatoe might have worked better for this idea. I know you said you were out of ideas, but I was under the impression other people had been submitting a lot? And I know I submitted a few :-/. What do you guys think? I don't know what I should even make for my next entry.
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