What do you think about Bush?

Originally posted by gh0st
50,996,116 48 % 21 266
50,456,169 48 % 30 271
3,874,040 4 % 0 0

those are the election results. thats hardly a majority.

right, it's not a majority at all. it's a plurality.
Originally posted by Arno
Well, you can't expect a serious response when you write such a crazy post. "The occupation of Iraq is going smoothly" ROFL

Yeah Arno that's when I stopped bothering with this post. What an absurd thing to say! Get your stupid lame republican ass over there yourself, and guard some trash heap, and tell us "the occupation is going smoothly" you shameless cowardly nitwit.

I spent enough time in the USMC to know that most of these armchair soldiers would just as soon piss their pants in front of their mommies as pick up a weapon and actually do something.
Originally posted by gh0st
wtf how does that make sense. it doesnt? ok thought so.

what doesnt make sense is that 77% of polls are made up......cnn is pretty accurate most of the time but the only reason so many people supported the war in iraq is becuase we were lied to....people are afraid of WMD(mainly nukes...although there are things that are alot worse)..and the bush administration made it sound like there was an imminent threat of nukes from iraq.....thats what doesnt make sense.

it was nothing but manipulation of the polls through fear...politicians are good at that...especialy republicans.
Originally posted by gh0st

for some more fun with numbers, 73% of americans are for this war, and a staggering 23% are not, once again from cnn, and once again leaving your shit in complete ruins.


keep crying liberals ;(

Look at the graph again you dopehead; 73% in *April* only 56% NOW. ALL the percentages have moved *against* Bush/Rumsfield.

What a clown, posting something like that & proving *our* point instead.
lmao, way to go gh0st.

P.S. What do you mean "hardly a majority"? A majority's a majority, no matter how you skew it.
Originally posted by ElFuhrer
lmao, way to go gh0st.

P.S. What do you mean "hardly a majority"? A majority's a majority, no matter how you skew it.

like the man said, a majority is a majority fellas.
people, learn the ****ing language plz! kthx.

majority = > 50%
plurality = < 50%, but still largest vote getter (gore in this case).
i live in america and i hate it

America is playing world police

when i get some more money im going to move to costa rica and pick up some legal prostitutes

o yah
What do I think of my bush....

*looks down*

It's big and fluffy.
Originally posted by hero
i live in america and i hate it

America is playing world police

when i get some more money im going to move to costa rica and pick up some legal prostitutes

o yah

you F*&^ moron dont bother, playing the world police shit, if we weren't around to police who would, the U.N. no, thier nothing with out the U.S. it seems to me today that all liberals can do is bitch about how bad thier life is, and kill babies. Oh well were killing innocent iraqi's! to bad suck it up, under saddams rule they had no lives. Freedom comes at a price, the iraqi's have relized that want freedom and are willing to pay the price. Power to bush, thank god Gore isnt in power or more than the world trade centers would be gone.
yay waedo is here..........

they dont get much more ignorant than you do bro.

...luckily your not old enough to vote....oh well, i can see your parents have done a good job of brainwashing you.....to bad really. you will be like this the rest of your life.
Originally posted by waedoe
you F*&^ moron dont bother, playing the world police shit, if we weren't around to police who would, the U.N. no, thier nothing with out the U.S. it seems to me today that all liberals can do is bitch about how bad thier life is, and kill babies. Oh well were killing innocent iraqi's! to bad suck it up, under saddams rule they had no lives. Freedom comes at a price, the iraqi's have relized that want freedom and are willing to pay the price. Power to bush, thank god Gore isnt in power or more than the world trade centers would be gone.
your diction, syntax, and overall grammar broke my mind.
u guys know the price of freedom, are you dissagreeing with me, that freedom doesnt come with a price? BTW thanks to our excellent schooling system, my grammar is F'ed up. also rap F'ed my vocab up, using ebonics at school im a goddamn wigger :)
Originally posted by crabcakes66
yay waedo is here..........

they dont get much more ignorant than you do bro.

...luckily your not old enough to vote....oh well, i can see your parents have done a good job of brainwashing you.....to bad really. you will be like this the rest of your life.

pretty easy to talk shit when your half a country away, how do you know your not the one being brain washed :) hell you wouldnt know. your goddamn liberal parents spoon fed you that homosexuality is alright and that murders dont deserve the death penelty. how much does a bullet and a gun cost? what $250 all togehter, line the bastards up on a wall and shoot em. saves us tax dollars and, space in our prisons. The only thing a liberals good for is Complicating the simplicity of everything.
About Bush...

Another party was pushing for the Home Land security Dept. BEFORE 9-11, or something like it, bush denied it, after it happend he went right ahead and got right behind it, but get this, the people working in the dept. have some civil rights taken away, cant remember what they where... He did this just so democrats would vote against it, he then called them traitors ect.

Talk about a date rape pill.

About clinton...

A horny jack ass i know, but crime went down deficit went away..
Some say he hated the military and striped it down whatever... Cheany gave a speech before he was vice pres and said that you had to work with the military the previous pres left for you, 4 years is not enough time to change it... Yes the same military where doing so well with.

and hes a hory perv

Ann Coulter,
Stupid bitch
I'll leave it at that.

I loath all in politics...
Originally posted by waedoe
pretty easy to talk shit when your half a country away, how do you know your not the one being brain washed :) hell you wouldnt know. your goddamn liberal parents spoon fed you that homosexuality is alright and that murders dont deserve the death penelty. how much does a bullet and a gun cost? what $250 all togehter, line the bastards up on a wall and shoot em. saves us tax dollars and, space in our prisons. The only thing a liberals good for is Complicating the simplicity of everything.

Wow... and what happens when someone is falsely accused of murder? And you kill them only to find out they were innocent a year later when a piece of overlooked evidence turns up. Look who the murderer is then?
Oh well, so sad such is life :). nah just playin, ur playing the devil advocate here. Any how its bad those exacutions happen but i mean theres not much u can do about it. blame it on the liberals they also F'ed up our justice system with thier goddamn abortion right, F(*&in hippies!!!
*sighs depresedly* Oh please, PLEASE tell me that you are joking?

Originally posted by waedoe

your goddamn liberal parents spoon fed you that homosexuality is alright
So, what exactly is wrong with homosexuality? It's not your place to decide whats right or wrong for other people than yourself.
Isn't it their choice how they want to live their lives?
Who are you to say it's wrong? And please don't say something along the lines of "oh, but my local christian-priest-guy said that it's wrong to be homosexual", beacause the catholic church has absolutely NO right at all to tell people what's right and what's wrong.
Everybody has the right to decide for themselves how they want to live their lives, and it is not anyones place to judge them.

Originally posted by waedoe

and that murders dont deserve the death penelty
Oh shite...You can't be serious about this can you? Do you even realise what you're talking about? You're talking about KILLING other people.
People with friends, families, children. And you want to end their lives?
Sure, what they did was wrong and awful, but they do not deserve death for that. Nobody deserves to die.
These murderes need our HELP, the help of society.
We need to understand their problem, and help them get rid of it.
With your help, and with the money you "waste" on them, they can become better people, and valuable members of society.
And is that not a good thing?

Originally posted by waedoe

Power to bush

Wait a bit, you confused me there =S
Didn't you say that murderers should be killed?
So one can deduce that you want Bush lined up against a wall and shot, non?
Yet you say "power to Bush". Why would you say such a thing if you want him killed?
Stop contradicting yourself, young man =)
Originally posted by waedoe
they also F'ed up our justice system with thier goddamn abortion right, F(*&in hippies!!!

So, what's wrong with abortion? Isn't it the mother of the childs own decision if she wants to have a child or not?
And what if she's been raped, are you saying that she must give birth to this baby? A baby that would only serve as a constant reminder of her rapist?

And what the hell is wrong with hippies?
i'm a definative pr0-4bortionist (pro-abortionist)[who cares? its just a baby]

and waedoe, my mind has nothing to do with my parents and yet we do have similar idea's. Some of the stuff you said is wrong, murders dont deserve the death penalty, thats the easy way out, they have to suffer many years in a prison. (i think prisons are too cushy)

there is nothing wrong with hippies either, your brainwashed by t.v. and you also have too strong opinions, shurly you dont feel that strongly about stuff, because manily its stuff that has no concern to you, why get worked up about it?

[Cohn]FuSeD sound like a clone of me actually :cheese:
Jesus i didnt read your other post!

homo sexualtily is wrong? W_T_F??? your wierd...

(i'm not gay, but thats like saying its wrong to be religious, its thier life they can do what they want, besides, more girls for me! :D)

power to bush??? he already has power! and he is bloody useless with it too. war on terrorism??? idiot.

p.s. i love america, nice country.
Bush is a terrorist with a really good PR (public relations for you slow republicans) team... Its fuc*ing stupid to say that your blood is worth more than that of an Iraqi's, I'm American and I don't think that way. No one has the right to determine wether or not some one lives or dies, and if you ask me the death penalty is stupid because we are giving murderers the easy way out. Yet I am pro choice especially if the mother was raped, as long as life hasn't started it can be stopped by the mother if she doesn't want it, hell it save the poor kid a lot of trouble plus he doesn't have to grow up with king george as president and worry about the WMD's or the terrorist connections that don't exist.

some one said earlier 73 % approved of the war in iraq.... well according to the same polls 70% thought saddam huessin (sp?) and osama bin laden were the same guy, thats brain washing folks. and i still would like to watch this liberal media i still haven't got to see that sh*t everyone channel i have ever watched has been unbiased like me, except for fox news which is bloody appauling at best

Bush can go to hell, which he will for the 10 or more thousand innocent people he has murdered. And dick cheney will be right with him, i just hope satin has enough condoms I would hate for him to get that haliburton all over himself... Fu*k republicans and democrats alike this whole world sucks :cheers:
Originally posted by Innervision961

some one said earlier 73 % approved of the war in iraq.... well according to the same polls 70% thought saddam huessin (sp?) and osama bin laden were the same guy

:eek: :eek: :eek: WTF? But...but..but...how can somebody....surely...:eek: ....that's just strange...I mean...the same guy?....70%?!....wtf....thats impossible...surely people can't be that stupid? *confused*

Reminds me of a survey I heard of for several years ago, one that I hope with all my heart is wrong. It was something along the lines that 60% of all American twelve-year olds didn't know that WW2 had happened, and had no idea who Hitler/Churchill was...
But that can't be true...Can it? *looks worried*
it just shows that most people dont have a clue what thier talking about, so public surveys are a waste of time. 73% eh? so only 3% knew who thier fighting... good work people.
The answer to all this is schools, schools, and more schools. Free quality education including college, well paid & motivated teachers, boost of education in general. Most countries in Europe have things that resemble this (we don't have well paid teachers, and it's certainly not all perfect, but education is very cheap). That's why no leader here can pull a bush on his people. The only European country that has a questionable leader is Italy, prime minister Berlusconi, who owns all the big TV stations and feeds bullshit to his people. If you think you can be safe from brainwash-like practices just because it's the 21st century or because your parents told you so, think again. He succeeds in keeping his country busy with soccer tournaments, variaty shows, and other stupid things, while probably filling his offshore bankaccounts with money coming from his country in deficit because nobody is running it like it should.

When a politician tells the most obvious lie, there are always going to be lots of faithfull people who believe him.

EDUCATION people!!!

ps:3% knew who they were fighting, héhé, nicely put king john
Originally posted by [CoHn]FuSeD

Oh shite...You can't be serious about this can you? Do you even realise what you're talking about? You're talking about KILLING other people.
People with friends, families, children. And you want to end their lives?
Sure, what they did was wrong and awful, but they do not deserve death for that. Nobody deserves to die.

If there's concrete evidence that someone commited a crime thats completely outside of normal society (e.g gay rape, skinning someone alive) then we should just kill them. They would do much worse to us given the oppertunity and the VICTIME is the one who deserves our help. They don't have human rights because they have no humanity.

If western society becomes to soft on certain subjects we will lose control and then there won't be any human rights. You have to teach people that actions have consequences, because there morals won't keep them in order and they'll laugh at your wineing.
hmm, haha.. i think waedoe is pulling our collective leg people. but if not..

waedoe, remember when you were asking for our help on how to improve your anti-abortion tirade? what myself, dfc05, and pendragon (among others) were trying to tell you remains true now. you're just ranting, and being especially ignorant sounding while doing it. go back and read that thread and see; we're trying to improve your arguing skillz. don't, just blame your schooling for your grammar.. makes you sound like a bleeding-heart liberal, not taking personal resposibility for yourself :) if you see a problem with yourself, rectify it.

bush is a terorrist? jeez im sick of hearing that. and you know what, to me, my blood IS worth more than iraqi's, particularly when my damn soldiers are dying to defend your ignorant, ingrateful asses. the fact is, none of you have presented ANY sources by a credible organization to lend weight to your opinion. "THE HOLE ****RY IS AGINST HEM!!!!111 STOPID REPUBLICKIN!!".

"Bush can go to hell, which he will for the 10 or more thousand innocent people he has murdered."

im sorry, but you dontknow shit.
I have some questions that remain unanswered... and it doesn't look good for the Bush administration.

Where are the WMDs? Where are the biological weapons? Have either been found?
What about the uranium talked about in the State of the Union?
Where is Saddam?
Where is Usama?

You would think with all our technology and power we could find two men. We have spy satellites that can resolve things less then a meter long. But somehow they've gotten away.

And what exactly are the repercussions of the so called 'Patriot Act'?
Why can't we see the entirity of the 9/11 report?

Answer that.
Being opposed to the war and questioning leadership does not make us ignorant assholes, our forefathers set up the country with free speech because they knew that tyrany comes from ignorance of the masses, just look at iraq. Also before you critize anyone about not using credible information you should present a point as oppsed to just shouting.
Originally posted by gh0st

"Bush can go to hell, which he will for the 10 or more thousand innocent people he has murdered."

im sorry, but you dontknow shit.

Well, seeing as you are so enlightened, might you please consider to explain this for us ignorant asses?
Hasn't he murdered thousands of people indirectly by his actions? Don't you admit that if Bush hadn't existed, these innocent civilians hadn't been murdered?
Bush is a murderer, and nothing will change that. I would like to say that he will burn in hell, but unfortuantly I do not believe in heaven or hell =(

Originally posted by gh0st

my blood IS worth more than iraqi's
How can this be true? How can your blood be worth more then an iraqis blood? You are both of the same species, and the blood of both of you is equally valuable.

Originally posted by gh0st

particularly when my damn soldiers are dying to defend your ignorant, ingrateful asses.

Hmm, I wonder why your soldiers are dying? Could it perhaps be because they have illegaly invaded Iraq, and are now occupying it? Could it be because the Iraqi people are not happy having the USA-niang (don't want to use the word America, seeing as America is so much more than just the States) soldiers in THEIR country? Hmm?
how is gay rape worse than normal rape? because it could happen to you? thats hardly fair. As for wierd o's, mental people usally kill themselves given time.

confused is right (cant be botherd to type all the caps and stuff) every one's blood is worth the same, i will say this a lot of times in my life but, !!!!!Americans are too patriotic!!! there i go, i said it, happy now?
Originally posted by king John I
confused is right (cant be botherd to type all the caps and stuff)

Heh, you can't be bothered with the caps and stuff but you can be bothered to write that in the parenthesis :)
Originally posted by gh0st
....particularly when my damn soldiers are dying to defend your ignorant, ingrateful asses.

I was gonna say defend Americans from what, but then i remembered watching CNN and seeing people weaving in and out of mortar impacts in their cars on the way to the office......
Originally posted by waedoe
pretty easy to talk shit when your half a country away, how do you know your not the one being brain washed :) hell you wouldnt know. your goddamn liberal parents spoon fed you that homosexuality is alright and that murders dont deserve the death penelty. how much does a bullet and a gun cost? what $250 all togehter, line the bastards up on a wall and shoot em. saves us tax dollars and, space in our prisons. The only thing a liberals good for is Complicating the simplicity of everything.

well your right about one thing....i have no problem with homosexuals.....

you go on to prove my point with how naieve you are.....you are just digging your own hole.

btw....if you want to meet me just let me know......

edit: i doubt you would say any of that within earshot of a gay man or woman......
if we illegally invaded anything, then sue us.

yes, bush has killed people. bush enjoys killing. he enjoys killing arabs. and white people. and black people. and everyone.

whats your point?

and murray: from global terrorism, havent you ever played raven shield? i know its a bad analogy but destruction can come from the places we least expect.

besides, bush is legally bound to act upon the intelligence given to him. if you have a problem with the "evidence" then dont be mad at him, be mad at the senate, and the cia who decieves all on a regular basis.