Why Left4Dead sucks (a rant)


Oct 5, 2003
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Okay, first off: I am a fan of L4D and I love the game but I believe some aspects of the game are disappointing. I am not trolling or anything, it's just a rant about what I see as the weak points of the game.
I am also aware that some of my gripes with the game can stem from ignorance or misunderstandings of how the game works, so If it happens, feel free to explain what I have missed or if there are any fixes.

-So, here it is: my rant about Left4dead, well... Where to begin?
I'll just explain my usual play session of left4dead:


So I click the L4D icon, wait for it to load. When it's done, I decide that I'm just gonna do a quickmatch as I don't want to wait for the game leader to actually start the game if he ever does (and if it ever finds a server anyways). First "quickmatch" click, I wait for a few seconds before getting a "server is full" message. I'll try again, same thing. Again? Same thing. After about 8 tries, I decide to just hit the lobby, even if that means waiting for the game to be started.
So I'm the lobby, chilling and text chatting with people when someone uses his mic to voice cha-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t. Oh, great, stuttering, a flashback from Half life 2.

So the game crashed. Allright, I'm back to the desktop, I click the Left4dead icon but I get a "you cannot run more than one instance of the game at once" message.
I ctrl+alt+del to kill Left4dead.exe but it never works.

I'll reboot (the only solution). Wait a minute or two for my computer to be fully loaded, start steam, start Left4dead.
Ok, it works.
I'll try quickmatch again. Nope, "The" game is still full. Maybe on a second try? Fast forward to the 10th time, I join a game.
Game is full but I get a dead survivor slot, and it's the finale anyways. Let's start again.
After 2-3 tries, I manage to join another server. All's going well, it's early in the campaing so I can hope for a lengthy and fun game.
What's that? What happened? I shot that zombie many times. Why don't my hits get registered? I'm dead.
Okay I'll wait for next round.
I'm now an infected. I spawn as a hunter, not my favorite infected but whatever, I'll do my best. A "melee spamming" later and I'm dead.

Oh great, I got a boomer, even more great: I boomed them all. Let's just sit back and watch the score go up and the survivor's health go down.
But all I get is a 5-6 zombie horde. Needless to say, the survivors don't even get scratched.
Maybe next time I'll be more "lucky".
Oh great, I got the tank! I'll try to incap them all or at least kill one or two. Oh, there is a death timer when you are on fire? And survivors can outrun you?
Maybe next time I'll hit one.
Fast forward to the second tank: Great, this time they will pay, plus my teammate that has the tank seems to be a pro, they'll be dead for sure.
Unless the survivors hide under a tank proof staircase.
After two useless tanks and unfixed exploits, my team ragequits. But I decide to stay, after all it's taken me to finally join a game, i won't quit like that.
Okay, I maybe alone but I can still at least kill one survivor left behind. It's time to attack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack. What happened? I didn't see but I'm dead again. Thanks to stuttering.

The survivors win. I'm back to being a survivor and they become infected. They are four and I'm alone with three AI's. I ask that at least one player joins my team so it's more fair but all I get as an aswer is "SHUT UP FAG".

Let's try this.
So I'm all alone, against 4 infected. What is there outside the spawn? A witch and a tank.
I die while the AI players watch the walls.

The infected win. I'm back to being an infected.
The other team has 4 humans playing survivors. I'm alone on the infected team. There are no tanks or witches.

I think the director hates me.

Ok, maybe I should try to join another game, one with even teams. So I hit quickmatch: "the game is full"...

Then it's the same thing all over again.


It has started to feel like Left4Dead is more a game of chance and that skill does not really matter as it's more about: will the tank die for no apparent reason? will you get 18 second respawns as infected, or will it be 30 seconds? will boomers really work or will you get small, 5 zombies hordes? will your attacks register? will you get game destroying stuttering? etc...

I must add though that most of those gripes do not apply to games with friends, wheter it is because we are all on the same skill level, are having fun and not noticing the flaws or for some other reason, I cannot say.
L4D is a game to play with your friends?

Holy dicks
I run into the exact same problems, but my computer is only 2 years old. I'm getting a new one for Christmas, and I hope these problems won't occur, but my system is more than capable of running this game (I can play it on highest quality with no lag) and I get these errors. It's nothing to do with how good your computer is, it's some error depending on what your setup is. I've had an error with windows XP, where it would start stuttering (jumping around at random, freezing, then going, which makes it very hard to play games.) or just up and freezing, ever since I got it that if I suddenly lost my connection to the internet (Which happens randomly, and quite frequently, either because my router sucks, or because my system decides to eat my .NET dll files.) As I type this it is stuttering, and I have to reboot every time. Doesn't matter what I'm doing, it's just a sick twist of fate how long it will take, or which one it will do... i got lucky this time...

Anyway, Sometimes my l4d crashes randomly, most recently on No mercy, in the sewers, about to climb the ladder, just crashed, and I had a good team that round. Afterward it always takes me about 10 minutes to find a server, by which time I am so irritated I don't even want to play anymore. No offense Valve, when I do get to play the game, I love it, but it has been a long time since I've been able to play a full game.

I think the main problem is the stuttering and freezing, however, because each time l4d crashes, about 5 minutes later my computer will freeze or start stuttering. I don't have any other game where this happens, though. Just Left 4 Dead.

And Pes, it helps if you have 4 friends that put their money into computers, rather than game consoles. All my friends are convinced they will get more out of a 360 than a computer. I'd like to bash them with a shovel.
I have had zero problems with matchmaking since the demo. As for the voice chat thing, I've notice it stutters as people start talking but they are too dumb to leave voice chat on to fix it.
sounds more like a performance rant then about left 4 dead......come back when its about the game and not your outdated pc.
sounds more like a performance rant then about left 4 dead......come back when its about the game and not your outdated pc.

I concur that some problems can be from my computer. But attacks not registrering? I have a good connection and a good ping.
Balance issues? Gameplay issues and exploits? Not being able to join a not full game?
I don't think getting a better computer will stop all of that.

Bravo to you if you have a good PC (I couldn't help but guess a condescending tone to your comment). I just don't have that much money to put in a computer so it'll have to wait.

L4D is a game to play with your friends?

Holy dicks

Oh, that's clever.

I don't have enough gaming friends to always be playing with friends only. So I have to resort to "public" gaming.
yes you do have a point that most of those rants have nothing to do with any pc, but its just bugs in a game that will be fixed soon enough.

any rant that is about the gameplay? anything?
yes you do have a point that most of those rants have nothing to do with any pc, but its just bugs in a game that will be fixed soon enough.

any rant that is about the gameplay? anything?

Problem is there seem to be many bugs (i play other source games fine) and, as for gameplay, it feels somewhat unbalanced.

I understand this may be the way the director works, but it is frustrating to sometimes get an unavoidable witch and a tank in the same level (with no additional healthpacks, just pills) while the other team gets no tank and no witch (or an easily avoidable witch) with 4 bonus healhtpacks. I know it's supposed to be "random" and "surprise you to make it replayable" but to me it's just a "AH! I gave the other team an easy ride but I'll make yours impossible".
And that's just one example.

Especially since they tweaked the diffculty and fixed it a normal for vs. It would fluctuate before and, in my experience, felt much more smoother as it would really "scale".

As for the matchmaking, please, it's unbearable (at least, I find it to be that way) to always get "the server is full" when using quickmatch.

Post scriptum:
And (Not part of my rant though) is it just me or has the l4d crowd grown worse over time? It used to be a smooth and fun game where people really played as a team to a game of name calling where people seem only to care for their own score, like in CS?
Or am I just unlucky?
The matchmaking system is pretty hit-and-miss, sometimes I can join servers very easily, other times I have to put up with "Server is full" 10 times in a row before I can finally join a server.

Also griefers can really ruin your shit, there's been a few times where I've been in a game and some guy will join, shoot everyone, kill himself, then leave. I don't really know what they could do about that besides disabling friendly fire, which would suck. I guess public games should be avoided. ;(
I never had a problem with anything related to this product and/or service.

your comp. suck...(didn't bother to read the whole thing)...but I'm sure it boils down to you sucking as well.

merry christmas.

But L4D is awesome and theres only a few tiny problems which don't really effect but it but I would like updating. Such as the matchmaking system, it is good at the moment but I would prefer the original Server menu, a nice 'Cancel' button would be nice on loading screens and Dead Air and Death Toll versus would be very appreciated.
I have to agree with the OP (no offense), this game needs work. Personally I haven't had too much trouble with joining servers but I know many people have had a hell of a time getting into games. A server browser just works better for PC imo, dunno why they made the call to match it to the 360 version. I also get the stuttering bug but mostly only in lobbies so I don't mind too much. Performance-wise the game runs great on my 5+ year old machine, so no complaints there.

In co-op the AI director is a good feature. In versus it essentially breaks the game. When it's 4v4 the game is competitive and thus should be balanced. The director is random at best and often seems to favor the winning team. Things like if/where a tank spawn and the location of weapons/health have a huge effect on the outcome of a round and right now it just plain isn't fair. Making these things symmetrical for each team of course presents the problem of team 2 knowing what to expect but I'd prefer this to what we have now by far. If nothing else you could alternate which team plays survivors first every other round.

When people leave the infected side it also horribly unbalances the game. A quicker spawn certainly doesn't make up for only having one or two partners to attack with. The devs have absolutely been successful in making teamwork required to excel so a game where it's 4v2 is basically impossible to win unless the skill of each team is extremely unbalanced or you get a lucky tank spawn location.

The scoring system is jacked up. A close game is much more exciting/prevents people from rage quitting but right now it is very rare. Generally you can tell from the outcome of the first map how the campaign is gonna turn out. I think this could be solved as easy as changing the multipliers to additive bonuses.

The rampant vote-kicking for no good reason is incredibly annoying, but I can hardly blame the devs for that.

Then there is closet melee. Disregarding whether it is balanced or not, it simply isn't fun filing into a closet at crescendo events, right-clicking for a minute or two, then filing out. This happens at several predetermined spots in every game. I think the easiest and best way to solve this would be simply having a melee stamina of some sort, so you can't do it indefinitely.

All in all it is a fun game with lots of potential but it's very rough around the edges. Hopefully we'll see the sdk, some new content and some bug fixes pretty soon.
Yeah I agree on a few points.

1) more and more idiots have begun playing the game. I remember the first two weeks or so I didn't run into a single moron, everyone was great, focusing on teamplay and complimenting other players etc, but now it's starting to resemble CS. Maybe it has gained popularity and thus more idiots are playing.

2) Even games are very rare, at least when playing with random folks. You really need good teamwork as the infected and thus a few better players on one team can make a world of difference. Usually games end with scores like 5000 vs 500 or so. Typically one of the teams completely runs over the other during the first two maps and then people start ragequitting. I honestly this will be fixed, right now it's impossible to even out the teams if both teams are full. :(

3) The game really is rough around the edges, as someone else pointed out. Bring on more updates and the SDK, please! I really want to know what the community will do with the game, since the basic game mechanics are really great, imo.

4) MOAR CONTENT!! I thought the folks at Turtle Rock said they were working on new campaigns way before the game was released. I hope we get the new stuff soon, but even then the most important thing to do (and probably also the quickest and easiest thing) would be to make the two middle campaigns playable in versus mode. Puhhhlease fix those two campaigns for versus!
Aside from some bugs and the likes (and the complete lack of server list) is that L4D is boring.

Sorry but it is. Maybe its just me in which case fair beans, but I have already gotten bored of it, the ONLY reason to play it now is maybe for the friendly banter but L4D isn't for messing about, you gotta play 100% or your a detriment to your team and I just cant be bothered playing 100% in a game I've beaten already, friends or otherwise. Likewise the game loses quite allot of value if you play on random servers with random folk, the game is meant to be played with friends, I don't know these randoms and they don't know me.

I've finished all the campaigns, I've basically done every challenge the game provides, every time I go to play again now is just more of the same, yawn zombies, yawn zombie hordes, yawn special infected, I dunno why other zombie mods seem to fare better but they do.

It is a neat idea, a good offering from Valve, and fun to play, but I dunno, it doesn't seem to have the lasting replayability that perhaps games like TF2 and such has.

The L4D campaigns should have been random created with map tiles, I dunno how they woulda done that, perhaps the maps wouldn't look as polished but by being mostly random they could have provided a bit more variety to the gameplay.

So yup, good game, just not a long shelf life ASAIAC.

1) more and more idiots have begun playing the game. I remember the first two weeks or so I didn't run into a single moron, everyone was great, focusing on teamplay and complimenting other players etc, but now it's starting to resemble CS. Maybe it has gained popularity and thus more idiots are playing.

Seems the way of Source games, they always seem to attract the scummiest worst assholes of the internet that only an image board can rival.
Sounds like.

System problems.
And horrible lack of friends.

I suggest. HL2.net Chatroom and ask.
I disagree with a lot of the OP's comments about the gameplay, but with regard to matchmaking I experience huge problems frequently.

I have a PC which is very capable of running the game on full settings without sweating. My internet connection is strong and fast, however when selecting 'quick match' sometimes I find nothing, sometimes I get thrown into an empty lobby, sometimes disconnects after 10 tries, sometimes joins a game and times out after 10 seconds, sometimes join a game. These issues are only when I play via 'quick match', other servers / games are perfect.

It's really great when you eventually find a quick match which works. You get into the game, then suddenly a vote appears "KICK PLAYER F1- Yes / F2 - No", because I've apparently wandered into a team which doesn't like change or different players :( Back to main menu...for more fun!
i am sure they will fix most of these problems with time
i havent played l4d alot but i like what i have played but yes they really should have server listings rather than matchmaking
The lobby system does suck, i always have issues with it. I hate how long it takes to find a server and there is no way to start the game without the lobby leader, so you get a full team having to wait on him. Also the fact you can't choose which server you go on and i usually get put on servers with awful ping, i mean why did it shove me on a Japanese server for christ sake. Sometime when i want to go on a lobby it shove me straight into a game, usually the one i just left. Just bring back the old server menu as well.

The AI director can be really mean, there was one game where my team kept getting early tanks, so we would leave the safe room and a tank would attack without the tank theme playing to warn us, and even then they would get another tank later. The other team never got one tank against them, and got the good weapons early. My team that felt that was way funfair and unbalanced.

The thing i hate about Left4Dead is that it's so depended on team mates which can make the game a nightmare if your team won't corporate and just want to be dicks. They refuse to listen when their tactic of running way ahead of the team and getting pounced,strangled kills then, or when they are a tank and focus on hitting the guy on the floor and no one else drives me mad.

Left4Dead is a great game, but right now i can no longer be bother with it any more the issues and poor teammates have ruined it for me.
i am sure they will fix most of these problems with time
i havent played l4d alot but i like what i have played but yes they really should have server listings rather than matchmaking

Get the game so we can play, hurry, schnell.

Edit: I definitely believe fixing the bugs and providing a proper server browser will help breath some extra life into the game, as it is, you'd think quick-matching would help for just picking up a random game when your in the mood, but really you just get lumped with strangers in strange dodgey servers that don't love your connection.
I have to completely agree with the OP and my computer is pretty damn good for specs. The game has a truckload of fixes and I hope that the SDK and a huge patch will be released tonight. I have stopped playing on the pubs as well. It's just melee spamming or hiding in a corner. I'm actually kinda embarrassed to say this but I got flamed so bad by 2 clan members that I felt like crying afterwards a while ago. Essentially there was a Tank and the car alarm was sparked off. So I ran for the saferoom and they were close to death so these clan members flamed me (verbally) for not helping.

They literally called me a POS and a worthless human being. When I got the Tank on the construction site on NM, they were like "oh man, we are going to lose because hool sucks". The Survivors hid behind the elevator and I couldn't get to them and died. They called me a ****ing loser and waste of life, etc. Now normally I'm the type of kind who doesn't take people too seriously. You all probably have been flamed or something. But I mean this time I actually felt like crying and I actually stayed in the game until I died as that Tank, which I regret for accepting the abuse. I literally felt like crying and I don't know why it was just so harsh. Don't get me wrong Valve has made a fun game. It's just getting wrecked by the bugs and pubs.
The less people you have in an online game the more focus is placed on individuals, so people without patience throw blame and hate around very easily, its a similar situation to a 5 man dungeon in World of Warcraft, publics will be fine untill somthing goes wrong, by which time everyone is a critic of everyone else, things are always infinitely better when you are with people you know.

I really dont understand why some people use exploits and cheesy tricks in a game like this, its like some people really dont enjoy being challenged, If a team decides to skip a standoff fight for instance, I usually leave because for me it completely defeats the purpose of the game.
I only find it boring because I have every achievement.
Chimpmunk, half of your rant sounds like your computer sucks at running the game... and the other half sounds like you suck at the game
Bravo to you if you have a good PC (I couldn't help but guess a condescending tone to your comment). I just don't have that much money to put in a computer so it'll have to wait.

Buggy computer != Cheap computer
Buggy computer != Cheap computer

I maintain my computer in good shape. I play all other source games fine.
Left4Dead is the only game/application that I have technical issues with.

And horrible lack of friends.

All my friends went back to Tf2. :frown:

In co-op the AI director is a good feature. In versus it essentially breaks the game.

I have to agree 100%.

Chimpmunk, half of your rant sounds like your computer sucks at running the game... and the other half sounds like you suck at the game

True my computer isn't that good. So i turned down the graphical features and it's running smooth. I play many other source games with no problems.
Stuttering is a known source issue and there are also many other bugs (attacks not registering, getting magically teleported as an infected, boomers not vomiting even when you left click, missing reloading animations, etc...).

I can tell what appears to be bugs from my computer not running the game efficiently.

As for my skills, well, I'm pretty average. I usually end up ranking second or third on team of four.
Too bad we're not all pro's like you. Nevermind the fact I never said I found the game too hard, I just said it's unbalanced and buggy.:smoking:
1. Server connectivity problems are largely due to the vast number of terrible servers out there. It's not a fault of the game, it's a fault of 3rd party servers. For every 1 bad server there is for Left 4 Dead, there are 5 for Team Fortress 2 and 10 for Counter Strike: Source. The only reason it feels as if there is a problem with the game is because you can't pick and choose which server you want to join - which is absolutely fine with me, I'd rather not have to search through thousands of server to find an empty one, try to coordinate with my friends to all join in at the same time just to find that someone else hopped in before we did.

2. Crashing/other technical problems are the fault of your computer, not the fault of the game. I have not experienced a single one of the issues you have, and my computer is 4 years old now. I take CARE of my computer, I don't have a million programs running in the back ground, and I upgraded the RAM and video card recently.

3. If your connection speed is low, you'll notice lag in games which would explain the reason your shots aren't registering.

4. As a boomer... If the survivor group is split up, the majority of the horde might go after the lone wolf and be quickly dispatched by a molotov or a pipe bomb. You always get the same size horde, period.

5. As a tank, you clearly don't know how to use him. You need to approach under cover, throw rocks from a distance, and surprise them. You can't do this in all situations, like long corridors... but the advantage is that if you're bottle necked, then so are they. Never attack them in the open, you'll surely die. You know the tactics you use as a survivor to kill a tank? Yea, if you set yourself up to fall for those same tactics AS a tank... well, I'll let you do the math.

6. Tank proof stair case... have a smoker yank one out then smack him away. Easy. Throw rocks at them. Easy.

7. A hunter is not a front lines soldier. That's the standard zombie's jobs. A hunter's job is to wait for the opportune moment to strike, like when a survivor is far away from his teammates, or there is a fire between him and his teammates, whatever. You don't pounce on them when they're already defending themselves, you wait until they are running, then you jump them from a distance away. If you don't know how to play the game, then stop blaming the game because you're not having fun.

8. AI survivors are better than human players. They'll always heal you, and they have lightning quick reflexes when getting special infected off of you. I'd say you had the advantage.

9. The rest of your problems, including number 8, are almost certainly cured by simply playing with people you know. Don't join a random server and expect to have fun, people are idiots. Find some friends, MAKE some friends, and play the game that way.

10. Furthermore, I have experienced many of these issues you've brought up - however, I managed to fix them by changing my tactics both in game and out of game.
I have to completely agree with the OP and my computer is pretty damn good for specs. The game has a truckload of fixes and I hope that the SDK and a huge patch will be released tonight. I have stopped playing on the pubs as well. It's just melee spamming or hiding in a corner. I'm actually kinda embarrassed to say this but I got flamed so bad by 2 clan members that I felt like crying afterwards a while ago. Essentially there was a Tank and the car alarm was sparked off. So I ran for the saferoom and they were close to death so these clan members flamed me (verbally) for not helping.

They literally called me a POS and a worthless human being. When I got the Tank on the construction site on NM, they were like "oh man, we are going to lose because hool sucks". The Survivors hid behind the elevator and I couldn't get to them and died. They called me a ****ing loser and waste of life, etc. Now normally I'm the type of kind who doesn't take people too seriously. You all probably have been flamed or something. But I mean this time I actually felt like crying and I actually stayed in the game until I died as that Tank, which I regret for accepting the abuse. I literally felt like crying and I don't know why it was just so harsh. Don't get me wrong Valve has made a fun game. It's just getting wrecked by the bugs and pubs.

I have to quote this to.

For whatever reason I just cant get obsessed about doing well in L4D as some.

TF2, I can rage with the best of them but I really cant stand loud shouty angry people whinging in L4D, especially over voice-chat.

The game works by playing with friends and having fun, and if one person is trying to play like its a CS:S clan-match and makes this known with verbal vomit over voice the game suddenly loses all appeal.

You have my sympathy dude, I know how it feels to get frustrated folk wasping over voice at you because god forbid the director spent the whole level trying to kill your team.
1. Server connectivity problems are largely due to the vast number of terrible servers out there.
Then why not let us choose them?

2. Crashing/other technical problems are the fault of your computer, not the fault of the game.
I have to disagree. Games can and do have bugs. Not everything is to blame on the user's computer. Just because you are not having any issues does not mean no one is.

3. If your connection speed is low, you'll notice lag in games which would explain the reason your shots aren't registering.
I understand that. I play many online games. I get no problems and always have a good ping.
I also get hit registration problems in L4D even when I have a good ping.

4. You always get the same size horde, period.
It seems not to be the case, from my experience. Do you have a quote or something to back this up?

5. As a tank, you clearly don't know how to use him. You need to approach under cover, throw rocks from a distance, and surprise them. You can't do this in all situations, like long corridors... but the advantage is that if you're bottle necked, then so are they. Never attack them in the open, you'll surely die. You know the tactics you use as a survivor to kill a tank? Yea, if you set yourself up to fall for those same tactics AS a tank... well, I'll let you do the math.
I am aware I am not a good tank or at least not the best one. But I know how to use him. It just seems stupid that the survivors can outrun him and that being on fire kills you after a set time, even when you still have health.

6. Tank proof stair case... have a smoker yank one out then smack him away. Easy. Throw rocks at them. Easy.
Ecxept when the survivors spam you with autoshottys at point blank or when you have no smoker or your team at the moment (or worse, a smoker that won't listen to you and help).
Also, it's far from being easy to drag a survivor out from under the staircase when 3 of his teammates are next to him.

7. A hunter is not a front lines soldier.
My gripe is just with the melee spam.

8. AI survivors are better than human players. They'll always heal you, and they have lightning quick reflexes when getting special infected off of you.
Or they'll blank for a few seconds, go back for a down survivor far behind and get themselves killed, they don't listen to you or follow plans that you make, they attack avoidable witches,etc...

9. Find some friends, MAKE some friends, and play the game that way.
I like how you seem to assume I need to MAKE friends. I have few gaming friends and they have abandonned L4D and went back to TF2.
Of course, when I can, I play with friends and it's more fun.

10. Furthermore, I have experienced many of these issues you've brought up - however, I managed to fix them by changing my tactics both in game and out of game.
Tactics can only get you so far. When the director decides to give the other team 4 bonus healthpacks, early good weapons and no tank/witch, while giving your team late weapons, pills only (and only 1 bottle of pills) and a deadly tank/wtich, there isn't that much you can do.

Answer in the quote.
1. openserverbrowser in console
2. I haven't had any bugs in L4D and I play on a decent PC
3. I don't. Can't be L4D's fault.
4. Horde size is pretty consistent, although it appears it's smaller if you're in a place where it's hard for a zombie to get (like on a roof or something).
5. I'm a pretty shit tank, as well, but I've seen some tanks do some devastating shit to the entire Survivor team.
6. I dunno anything about a tank-proof staircase.
7. Whatever
8. AI survivors seem to be hit and miss depending on the situation. They're perfect shots but they don't spend a lot of time checking around themselves. They're great with dealing with hordes since they automatically distribute the minimum hits to kill and automatically switch to the next target. Sometimes the AI is stupid, like in the elevator scene, they'll attempt to kill everything before getting into the elevator.
9. Finding friends to play L4D with has never been a big problem for anyone, I reckon. LAN it up.
10. This is a problem that I'd agree could use looking at- however the most severe case of imbalance in Versus has only been that one side was given an extra tank or something. A witch isn't really too terrifying since Versus is forced on Normal, and Normal witches suck dicks and are easy to kill.
Well, game plays pretty flawlessly for me, so sucks to be you....

I'm VERY sure Valve are aware of the bugs now. Instead of raging about the same ol' song and dance, why not just stop annoying the rest of us.

Every game has bugs. Let them know about it and go on about your day without acting like a giant vagina with a sand castle inside.
Originally Posted by Chimpmunk
there are also many other bugs (attacks not registering, getting magically teleported as an infected, boomers not vomiting even when you left click, missing reloading animations, etc...)
Attacks not registering- probably lag from your computer.
Getting magically teleported as an infected- if you get too far away from the survivors, you can "teleport" closer to them.
Boomers not vomiting even when you left click- if the survivors melee attack you, you can't vomit on them for a few seconds. Either that or lag
Missing reload animations- more lag

Originally Posted by nurizek
he game works by playing with friends and having fun, and if one person is trying to play like its a CS:S clan-match and makes this known with verbal vomit over voice the game suddenly loses all appeal.
You do realize that you can vote kick people off don't you?

Wow, a lot of the other real bugs that are being talked about don't seem to be on the Xbox 360. Finally the 360 wins one!
Xbox 360: 1
Matchmaking is a hideous problem.

I have no computer troubles.
I never play l4d without a full house of 3+ friends.

Almost makes an unenjoyable session impossible.