Recent content by §amW

  1. §

    Team Fortress 2 Update Released

    Ahh so no more explosive jumping to neat places and being able to camp for half the round :(
  2. §

    Team Fortress 2 - Medic Achievements Revealed and More!

    Duh! an uber for even 1 second will extinguish fires.
  3. §

    Team Fortress 2 Server Update Released

    Maybe the non MMX SSE math routines doesn't actually exist? The console commands might not do anything if the code path that the commands revert to don't exist. And I would think they removed such legacy binaries to optimize the size of the game's executable. Has anyone tred to run TF2 on non...
  4. §

    Credit Card Details Stolen. Are You in Danger?

    Just because it is all over the internet doesn't mean it is real news. That second paragraph has nothing to do about why a site should not maintain the integrety of it's own information. Just because pple should be wary about information on the net doesn't mean that websites should not be...
  5. §

    Credit Card Details Stolen. Are You in Danger?

    They question is: Does valve even keep credit card numbers? I can see why they have cyber cafe card numbers because thier bill is re-occuring. But user creditcards have no place in valve computers.
  6. §

    Valve Game Assets in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

    Didn't valve use outside help to create alot of the art content? This is probably a 3rd party texture that got put into both games.
  7. §

    More Half-life 2 Orange and Black Box Details

    No one would make hardware features that are only acessable with directX 10. The trick for the programmer is to figure out how to use the hardware without using directx. That requires programming the videocard yourself.
  8. §

    New Portal Gameplay Video

    Ign tells me to get the latest version of flash player and then it tells me to get version 8... i go to the adobe website and it says i have version 9 already installed. IGN is useless anywyas.
  9. §

    Steam Store v3 - Beta

    Alittle slow i see. Finally ive been able to get these games for the past few weeks. In other words, this has noting to do at all with the new storefront.
  10. §

    Advertising in Counter-Strike Servers?

    what? this boards quick reply lagged a little... and it let me press reply twice~!
  11. §

    Advertising in Counter-Strike Servers?

    while steam has an eula. i don't see any legal documents for the source dedicated server which is provided separate from steam.
  12. §

    Darwinia demo out

    Ah yes... the tutorial that the demo is didn't give good instructions on how to use officers. But I figured this out: If you use the goto function of the officeres all the darwinians near him will follow the red dots that travel to the way point. You can you use the goto function to tell...
  13. §

    Steam Client Update Released

    The steam://connect/PutServerIpHere Allows you to hyperlink a steam server so that you now have an easy way to connect to server using an external program. As you can see this is a hyperlink so that game server websites can have an easy connect right on thier webpage, and other programs don't...
  14. §

    Steam Client Update Released

    this happens with the game backgrounds for half life mods too... i think if you use 24 bit colour for your tga it is read correctly.
  15. §

    DoD:S & Source Engine Updates

    have you seen servers with too many people... the serverside hardware is just not fit for it. If hardware gets more powerfull and with more optimizations it should be able to come back to 64... perheps they should also try to reduce the # of physics object.