Recent content by Annihilator_91

  1. Annihilator_91

    Exact time of release

    Who cares about the final release date....? We'll get the game the 16th... End of story...:P
  2. Annihilator_91

    It's now Thursday and...

    MUAHAHAH! Me buying the CE retail version immediately after school on Tuesday....
  3. Annihilator_91

    Does the Manipulator have ammo?

  4. Annihilator_91

    When You Have The Game Are You...

    I'll take my time with this baby... YEAHYEAH!!!!
  5. Annihilator_91

    Does the Manipulator have ammo?! :x
  6. Annihilator_91

    HL : Source (Full Overhaul Modification)

    Something that I REALLY want to see in this mod is the effects when for example, the Nihilanth dies. COOL or what?:D
  7. Annihilator_91

    Ultimate Half Life 2 poll P1

    I'd say physics and plot! (I voted physics)...
  8. Annihilator_91

    Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2

    Assphincter says what? :rolling:
  9. Annihilator_91

    Combine Citadel theory

    Yepp! I would say that you hit the spot! EDIT:I would not call those screenshots spoilers! :rolleyes:
  10. Annihilator_91

    HL2 Weapons

    The manipulator has started a second-generation of FPS weapons! :D
  11. Annihilator_91

    Half life 2 and the "bouncy" physics

    Agreed, and in RL you don't bounce of stuff like that.
  12. Annihilator_91

    now everibody hates source?

    With the majority...
  13. Annihilator_91

    Ahh the memories

    This discussion makes me feel al weird and warm inside, I think i'll watch a few binks! :D
  14. Annihilator_91

    Do younger gamers expect too much?

    The graphics of HL2 are the best ever seen in a game, and graphics do matter, to a certain extent. The Gameplay is also very important, more important than graphics. But admit Parrot that it would be dissappointing if HL2 had the same graphics as HL1....
  15. Annihilator_91

    Ahh the memories

    I was reading a PCG about it (HL2) and names came up like: Black Mesa, Gordon Freeman etc... I was like: I need to play the original in order to be worthy to play the sequel! A few days later I bought HL:Generation with CS, HL and all expansion packs. After that, It was only HL2. :D P.S. And...