Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2

Ok, I see what you're saying. My apologies, I thought what you meant by "Halo2 != 2002 e3 build" was that you were suggesting that the leaked copy was from the E3 Build, which it obviously isnt. Once again, sorry for misinterpreting your response.
i think it would be far more safe, to wait for the game to come out, and then get a pirated copy by the looks of things. Theyre bandying around a figure of 100,000 fine for the peeps downloading the illegal content...i mean WTF!! Bloody ont like MS aint got enough cash, but this still doesnt condone Piracy of any sort, or the fact that nickin stuff off MS being fun.. ITS STILL BAD!

I am ignorant of most things Xbox... but how can a game built for a non-PC get leaked without an emulator or some pretty heavy equipment to burn Xbox cds?
Apos said:
I am ignorant of most things Xbox... but how can a game built for a non-PC get leaked without an emulator or some pretty heavy equipment to burn Xbox cds?
Heh, actually I think there IS software/hardware that you can do that with.

You can find XBOX ROMS on most warez sites.
It would be smart for the Halo 2 team to make it for PC also... but too bad... they lost out a good audience.
vegeta897 said:
Afraid not. You have to burn it.

Err lol you shouldn't do it anyway!

there are emulators but they're in their infancy and don't really play games as much as they put on a slideshow and then crash...
Some_God said:
It would be smart for the Halo 2 team to make it for PC also... but too bad... they lost out a good audience.
Erruhh, actually, they are making a PC version.

They say it will come out late 2005. :(

Not that I really care, I will have HL2!!
:) thats the spirit!

by then we will have maybe expansion to hl2!!!
Of course Halo 2 will be better! Atleast Bungie is a reputable company that doesnt blurt out release dates and get hacked by some punk kids. Plus CS:S MP is soooo frickin' dated! Wow! Quake 3 gameplay with real guns! The only thing HL2 has going for it is physics b/c the graphics are so dated compared to doom 3 and FC. Heck, Halo 2 has better shadowing/lighting than it, and thats a xbox game! The gameplay in HL2 looks good though, but I doubt it'll be as good as Halo 2's SP experience. I'd rather have constant action than a couple of zombies walking towards me. But...I get to move boxes with a anti gravity gun! So it must be good!
TheHitman5 said:
Of course Halo 2 will be better! Atleast Bungie is a reputable company that doesnt blurt out release dates and get hacked by some punk kids. Plus CS:S MP is soooo frickin' dated! Wow! Quake 3 gameplay with real guns! The only thing HL2 has going for it is physics b/c the graphics are so dated compared to doom 3 and FC. Heck, Halo 2 has better shadowing/lighting than it, and thats a xbox game! The gameplay in HL2 looks good though, but I doubt it'll be as good as Halo 2's SP experience. I'd rather have constant action than a couple of zombies walking towards me. But...I get to move boxes with a anti gravity gun! So it must be good!

I'm gonna have to go out, be a fanboy and say...

Your signature is too big. :bounce:
vegeta897 said:
Afraid not. You have to burn it.

Err lol you shouldn't do it anyway!
I don't want one, and didn't think there was one. I was just posting that after something Apos had posted. He mentioned XBOX emulators, and I was almost sure they didn't exist, so I decided to ask.
who cares which game is better, because i am getting both games
[SARCASM]heh heh..noo halo2 is better[/SARCASM]
:dork: ^sarcasm^
Seriously, these f***ing threads really piss me off, they DO cater to different audiences, in fact, it may not seem like it, but COMPLETELY different audiences. They both will be great games, but HL2 will be better in terms of graphics, physics, and (maybe) storytelling. The point is Valve was trying to make a game for hardcore gamers to play, and they WANTED to try and make a revolutionary game, Bungie wanted to make a game that is for the average gamer, and they didn't want to waste the resources making a game that will set the bar for the next gen FPS, they are two very different games of the same genre, plz stop making these pointless threads...
OH GOD ROFL!!!!!!!!

Compare HALFLIFE2 with a pc FPS for god sakes, not this crappy halo2.

what a joke and insult to halflife2
I'm sure halo2 will be a good game.. but.. halo2's gameplay is very different from half life 2...
L337_Assasain said:
The point is Valve was trying to make a game for hardcore gamers to play, and they WANTED to try and make a revolutionary game, Bungie wanted to make a game that is for the average gamer, and they didn't want to waste the resources making a game that will set the bar for the next gen FPS
Subz said:
OH GOD ROFL!!!!!!!!

Compare HALFLIFE2 with a pc FPS for god sakes, not this crappy halo2.

what a joke and insult to halflife2
What an inconstructive and biased statement.

Seriously, if you're going to go around slamming other games, at least give a valid reason, we've got more than enough "ohh omgwtfbbq HL2 pwns, halo 2 is shiat, omg it sucks, dont make me laugh!!!111!1one!!!" fanboys in this forum.

Look, I've got an example of someone like you, minus the extreme bias and lack of grammar/spelling. It's called "the post by BetaMaster". See, that's what's called constructive comparison. Rather than spewing what amounts to propaganda, he's got a breakdown of each game's pros. No cons, but you can come up with a list of those simply by deducing which pros are specific to which game. Try something like that, you might get a better response. And judging by the quality of that post, I would have simply passed by your post if I weren't in a debating mood.
TheHitman5 said:
Of course Halo 2 will be better! Atleast Bungie is a reputable company that doesnt blurt out release dates and get hacked by some punk kids. Plus CS:S MP is soooo frickin' dated! Wow! Quake 3 gameplay with real guns! The only thing HL2 has going for it is physics b/c the graphics are so dated compared to doom 3 and FC. Heck, Halo 2 has better shadowing/lighting than it, and thats a xbox game! The gameplay in HL2 looks good though, but I doubt it'll be as good as Halo 2's SP experience. I'd rather have constant action than a couple of zombies walking towards me. But...I get to move boxes with a anti gravity gun! So it must be good!
Wrong on a number of points.

1) So Valve has lost their reputability because they got hacked? Yeah, good job there. :dozey:
2) If you think CS:Source is "Quake 3 gameplay with real guns!" then you're sadly mistaken. Why don't you find out for yourself: Copy all the CS Source models into Quake 3, do a quick weapons mod, then compare gameplay. On second thought, you still might not be able to tell the difference. Never mind.
3) Halo 2 might have better shadowing than HL2 (if Halo 2's shadows are fully dynamic), but definitely not better lighting. And the shadows in Halo 2 are, based on the ODST render, pretty pixellated. But it's really a moot point, it won't add much to the gameplay of either game.
4) HL2's gameplay is going to consist of a couple of zombies walking towards you? Man, I must have been smoking something, because I seem to vaguely remember, oh, I don't know, TWENTY-ODD OTHER VIDEOS that prove the contrary.
5) Sarcasm duly noted and disregarded.
I just downloaded the 2003 SP demostration and it looks alright. Nothing groundbraking. But I realize many here are sweating at the palms waiting for this game, so I'm not gonna rag on it. I did like the giant Covanent cannon thingie that shot the blue ball into the skyscraper.

It seems to me that Halo 2 will be more cinematic, while HL2 will be more personal and in your face, although not to the extent of Doom 3. Thats not to say both games don't have exceptions. Hell, the City 17 scenes of the binks look nuts, and PCGamer said that the last few levels were insane.

Anyway, IFF H2 comes out on PC within a reasonable amount of time, I'll buy/download it.
My statement is based off several leaked halo2 SINGLEPLAYER videos vs. HL2 binks. they hold no absolutely NOTHING against hl2. hl2 is the next gen of fps, halo2 is kind of last gen remnants for console resulting in no mods, few models, bad gfx, and a generic sci-fi story.
Half life 2 is primarily a single player game. Halo 2 is going to be a primarily multiplayer game.
yes, halo2's laggy 16 player mp with quake2 level design(trust me on this one :lol:..the walls and buildings especially) will totally outclass an infinite number of quality mods including DOD:S,CS:S,NS2,SVENCOOP2, and countless incredible mods even pc gamer has covered.

you are a geniouse ragnarokk.
As long as Halo 2's co-op is as good as the firsts, and Legendary is as challenging, I'll be very happy :)

Co-op alone should provide 100's of hours of happy gaming.
With HL2, its mods alone should allow 1,000,000 hours of gameplay alone :).
Subz said:
yes, halo2's laggy 16 player mp

It's laggy? I don't quite believe so.

Comparing Halo 2 and Half Life 2 is like comparing apples and oranges. They're both fruits, but they still have a couple of differences. Most of all that you eat them on different systems. ...Or something.

Anyway, until both games have been released, this is a pretty pointless topic.

And for those wondering how people who have downloaded the illegal copy of Halo 2 actually play it, they burn it onto a disc and then play it on a modded Xbox.
Ragnarokk said:
Half life 2 is primarily a single player game. Halo 2 is going to be a primarily multiplayer game.

That is SO dumb to say considering Bungie directly stated Halo 2's single player is their main emphasis.
disruptioN_ said:
I think both games will suck.

Nah, so far HL2 was reviewed - The results say it lives up to hype.

Meanwhile, Bungie is keeping Halo 2's reviews from being printed before it's release last I heard.
So who here actually PLAYED Halo, so we can establish who knows what the first one was like, and who's just an HL2 fanboy following the rabid pack?
There is absolutely no contest.

Comparing HL2 and Halo 2, is the same as comparing HL2 and Halo 1. Halo 2 isn't in league with HL2 in the LEAST.

I'm not saying it's bad, it just should not be compared to HL2 out of fairness.
If you don't know anything about one of the other games in a VS. poll/thread, dont bother to post, your opinion will be based on what you DONT know about another game. I loved Half Life 1 and have been following Halflife 2 for quite some time, same with Halo 1 and Halo 2. Honestly, right now I think they both look incredible and I dont think one looks better than the other. Both have great single player campaigns(although no reviews prove this, but what has been released so far looks great), and both have great mp components, although halos is original and hl2s is rehashed mods, BUT there will be some new mods that will reign terror in CS:source and the like, I am sure of that. Anyways both look great, so just try and enjoy both of em.
I loved Halo. And I have played Halo 2.

It is a good game. There are some definite improvements on Halo. And it still has Co-Op, which is one of the biggest selling points. However I do not think I will enjoy Halo 2 nearly as much as I did Halo, mainly because it is years later, and now, as much improved as the graphics are, it just looks craptacular to me. :-/ I hate to say it, but the GFX kill this game for me,. especially in split screen. My 9800Pro puts the Xbox to shame. If Halo 2 were on PC, it would stand half a chance. Its just too hard to look around and make out what youre shooting at.

Oh well. I bet Halo 3 for Xbox 2 will be good.
Did Bungie actually even try to make interesting environments this time? Or did they they just stick to the formula of Halo 1 (just a place with bad guys)?
Exodin said:
Meanwhile, Bungie is keeping Halo 2's reviews from being printed before it's release last I heard.

Nope, there will be Halo 2 reviews out before the game's release. :)

ElFuhrer said:
Did Bungie actually even try to make interesting environments this time? Or did they they just stick to the formula of Halo 1 (just a place with bad guys)?

The former.
ElFuhrer said:
Did Bungie actually even try to make interesting environments this time? Or did they they just stick to the formula of Halo 1 (just a place with bad guys)?

Destrucible environments that your enemies/allies will use to their advantage. Placed in real world locations around the globe, where gigantic battles will take place, I am sure the environments will be "interesting" to say the least.