Recent content by babywax

  1. babywax

    STALKER-Very cool read (Must READ!)

    The single player, if delivered as promised, would be really cool. If it's delivered as promised. If it's delivered as promised. If it's delivered as promised.
  2. babywax

    prop_static polycount question

    On the canopy, remove the parts that link the dips together, they won't really be seen. I colored them in red.
  3. babywax

    Haunted House maps/bits of maps/prefabs Needed

    Obviously running off of hammer silly!
  4. babywax

    What Happened To My Tetures!?

    We're not assholes we don't know what is wrong with your map dumbass. We're not here for the sole purpose of helping YOU.
  5. babywax

    Wearing a Combine Helmet.

    Yes it is completely possible.
  6. babywax

    Trying to compile a Character. Need Help please.>!

    ValvE didn't do that with XSI stupid, that was softimage, they did that because they want people to make stuff with the retail version so they can continue to make money.
  7. babywax

    Dark Conflict - Cancelled

    You might want to know that according to scientists, it's impossible for the moon to support an atmosphere, due to the fact that it lacks enough gravity to hold on to it. Cool idea though.
  8. babywax

    Project File Conversion - How to

    Have either of your been able to compile?
  9. babywax

    Modding for Youngsters

    Try softimage, not only is the free version well suited for HL2, but if he ever wants to buy it it's the cheapest.
  10. babywax

    Female Character 416,116 Polgons

    He said it actually isn't, and that it's just something wierd with the camera angle. Seeing as how you poly-modelled it, go into the vertex sub object and check the distance between the vertices to make absolutely sure, because it looks bigger in every shot. That's really wierd if it isn't...
  11. babywax

    Stalker Fourm

    It has an official forum, why not use that?
  12. babywax

    My First Gun

    It's not too bad for a first model though, aside from the inaccuracies.
  13. babywax

    shotgun model-first gun model! be nice!

    I don't really like the concept for some reason, just doesn't really look realistic. However, I think you did a good job for what you were trying to make.
  14. babywax

    Beta weapons ingame?

    We can't mod them into the game yet, we have to have the code portion of the game to mod weapons in. As long as it's like HL1 of course.
  15. babywax

    Can I have my skin back please?

    Wow, did you make that out of NURBs or polies? Great skin and model!