Recent content by Beazil

  1. Beazil

    Headcrab Plush Toy Kit

    slashandburn, others, wow! I have read through all 31 pages of this, and laughed out loud about 7 times. Bravo sir! I think my favourite comment came from the fellow who wanted his own "furry little head humper" for his own. You have inspired me to try my hand at sewing! Cheers...
  2. Beazil

    1 Step away from High Def Conversion

    Tried to make sense out of some of those links, followed them looking for info on hd models that would work with source, and found myself just getting a headache. Drax: Pretty please, with sugar on top, continue your work so we can play with HD models. Thank you. :) Sincerely, Beazil.
  3. Beazil

    Why the ridiculously low-res textures?

    Valve DID say something about releasing the "radeon levels" where a higher end vid card would be required.
  4. Beazil

    1 Step away from High Def Conversion

    so what kind of timeframe are we looking at?
  5. Beazil

    1 Step away from High Def Conversion

    Keep at it Drax, someone's gotta crack that nut.
  6. Beazil

    1 Step away from High Def Conversion

    Be sure to let us know (and post dammit!) when you are done Drax! I am eagerly awaiting a high def pak. Gotta love the ragdoll thing and lighting effects in the meantime though!
  7. Beazil

    1 Step away from High Def Conversion

    Thanks jheaddon, and since this is way beyond my meager abilities, keep us posted on your progress Drax. I would be very interested in seeing your models in action.
  8. Beazil

    1 Step away from High Def Conversion

    I am hoping someone can provide me the same answer, and tell me where they are stored. I have an unofficial high def pack for steam, that works great with that version, but I cannot figure out where to put the mdl files for the source version.
  9. Beazil

    Is half life source all that different?

    Does anyone know where the models for source are stored? I got a high def pack (unofficial) for steam, but I don't know where to place the mdl files for the source version.
  10. Beazil

    Half-Life: Source = dissapointment

    ODD: I don't have high def models. I don't understand why not. They are the same models as in the original; not the blue shift ones. Anyone have any idea why? I would REALLY like to get this fixed. As an aside: I love the physics and ragdoll effect. Sounds and lighting is way better...
  11. Beazil

    How many are going to play it the minutes it's released?

    Had to post on one thread tonight, and this one seemed the best. I am eagerly awaiting hl2 like the rest of you, but I am going to bed shortly and getting up around six am to play. I gotta get some sleep before work though. For those of you playing right away, I offer my salute *salutes!*...
  12. Beazil

    So.. what happaned to the borealis part?

    Ah! :laugh: BTW, I have no idea about any borialis level. Any screenshots postable? Edit: God I'm stupid tonight. You mean the original concept start for HL2 with the icebreaker?
  13. Beazil

    HL2 Online Activation / Restrictive Firewall -- help!

    Wow. That really blows for people with internet woes. (no, that wasn't on purpose).
  14. Beazil

    So.. what happaned to the borealis part?

    off topic: What the hell is that yappy thing as your avatar? The more I look, the more it makes me want to giggle. :)
  15. Beazil

    Valve, I love you.

    If not, maybe they could hire some for ambiance? :afro: