Recent content by Bolleh

  1. Bolleh

    fake screen shots

    He could have found out that it was called the Hydra by looking at the list of enemies on PHL.
  2. Bolleh

    Deathmatch is gay

    I never have a problem with lag unless I join some shit server, if you just stick to the ones with the good pings (of which there are plenty) you should be fine. I think one of the main problems with the servers, is that people are throwing them up without knowing what their server is capable of...
  3. Bolleh


    Because it will hurt more... ;)
  4. Bolleh

    HL2 Accidental Porn

    Heh.. :sleep:
  5. Bolleh

    [Important] Proof of the netcode issues.

    It is relevent, there is no logical reason that this problem would suddenly reverse itself. All those two videos prove is that atleast one of them is bollocks.
  6. Bolleh

    US soldier admits mercy killing Iraqi teen

    You're an idiot. Why would the American's interrogate a wounded civilian? If he was known as a non-combatant, this wouldn't happen, or atleast wouldn't go any further than simple questioning. Why would the Iraqi people see someone who was wounded by the Americans as a traitor? Why would a...
  7. Bolleh

    [Important] Proof of the netcode issues.

    These two videos completely contradict one another. In the video showing the hitboxes, they are infront of the model. On the second video, they are behind. Explain.
  8. Bolleh

    KOTOR 2 vs WoW

    If KOTOR2 is half as good as KOTOR, I would buy it. I loved KOTOR, probably my second favourite game of all time. I played it through 3 times, so I got about 60-70 hours of play out of it. But then again, MMORPG's really don't do it for me. I gave SWG a go, and to be honest, I thought it was wank.
  9. Bolleh

    Counter Strike: Source Cheating... Valve Should Be Ashamed.

    Thats pretty much all you can do, I personally have never had a problem with cheaters in CS, or CS:S, I guess I'm just lucky. Or your unlucky. Or this isn't as big a problem as you make it out to be.
  10. Bolleh

    HL 2, Counterstrike

    If you can't beat that, I don't think gaming is for you.
  11. Bolleh

    [Video]My first attempt at movie making

    I liked it, I thought the spliced in clips from FG were cool. Good job.
  12. Bolleh

    What source will offer for DOD

    I too hope that DoD: S is more in line with CS: S than HL: S, unless its converted well, then there is really no point in converting it.
  13. Bolleh

    Check this map out

    Skyline has as much right to express his opinion as you do, even if he does present them like a complete prat. Just because your views conflict doesn't make him a troll - although he maybe one for other reasons. Anyway, its a nice map, good job AgentXen, and all the best for the Map Contest.
  14. Bolleh

    a better game is.....

    Thanks for the info!
  15. Bolleh

    Team Dethmach Scoring

    Its just the total number of kills made by the team.