Recent content by Crash Happy

  1. C

    What happens when you ditch Alyx?

    I think he means the post above his.
  2. C

    Halflife in 60 seconds

    Top marks to the german entry! (Oooer, reminds of a joke about porn.)
  3. C

    What else is bigger than this?!

    Well Gordon saved earth in HL1, or at least he thought he did.
  4. C

    Not Another Borealis Thread!

    It is a ship, you see it in Mossman's transmision. Dunno. It was on top of some snow/ice at the time of the filming.
  5. C

    What did you notice the second.. third time through the game?

    I actualy miss loads first pass. Honestly I'm more interested in story-relevant chat and supplies. That first scene when the bridge collapses is a good example as Valve really do their best to encourage you into looking at the bridge. I was more intent on looking for some weapons at that point...
  6. C

    How are we going to fight the Advisors?

    The problem with having Alyx take out the advisor is it makes her the hero rather than the player.
  7. C

    *spoiler* portal stupidity

    I grabbed a chair too, I don't think that's stupid though as it was actually really easy.
  8. C

    Gordon and Alyx

    Yeah, a simple explanation for how the GMan first got his foot in the door isn't hard. A guy comes up and offers you the purest example of exactly the crystal you need and no matter how dubious you may be you're likely to want to know more. If he asks for anything in return it's likely that it...
  9. C

    Sniper Sequence

    Amen to that. And yes, if you switch on the gas and then bait in a zombie Alyx will take it out and flambe him with the gas for you. I've toasted three zombies at the same time doing that. Or rather, Alyx did.
  10. C

    Black Mesa scientists in front of Borealis...

    I'd guess it was. The use of a familiar location from his past frames Frremans exploits in time, it's also useful in the narrative to point out a couple of things, that you've come a long way with his help and that in game terms your adventures in HL1 and HL2 are related. It doesn't even matter...
  11. C

    HL1 Help plz.

    Def looks like his death throws from what I remember. Bad luck you've had there.
  12. C

    Let it end

    I think the one thing that Valve could learn from their experiment with episodic content is that people get spoiled pretty quickly. Try and keep in mind that since it looks like they are returning to a more normal release schedule it means that the gap until HL3 is released could be very long...
  13. C

    I'm note sure I understand

    Was the testing over and so you were surplus to requirements or was everything that followed just more testing. You decide.
  14. C

    Black Mesa scientists in front of Borealis...

    Why not? Could have been a real train. One thing that seems likely is that the GMan would be perfectly happy with us not knowing the bounds of his powers. Maybe the things we see during his monologues are contructs, maybe they are real, maybe it's a mix of both etc etc. A very good reason for...
  15. C

    Not Another Borealis Thread!

    It's a mistake to assume it's the artic for one thing. It could be a superweapon of some kind, I wouldn't put it past the Combine to fire off a doomsday device if they lost grip on a world. In a way it doesn't even matter what is on the ship, there's tech from some company that was developing...