Recent content by elkaebee

  1. elkaebee

    how's it going, what's up in your life, and who are all these people

    This isn't a cry for help or anything. And it's not April fools. It's late and I can't sleep and it's been a while since I've been able to honestly talk about everything and I don't see a shrink for another month and this place is far enough out of the way that I nobody who knows me is suddenly...
  2. elkaebee

    how's it going, what's up in your life, and who are all these people

    Imma doing okay. Just picking up the pieces and figuring where to go from here. Preparing a face to meet the faces I meet and all that shiz. The isolation gets to me sometimes, but hey, I was basically dating Laura Palmer. It's nice being able to feel something again, even if it is loneliness...
  3. elkaebee

    how's it going, what's up in your life, and who are all these people

    So it's been a while boys and girls.... These things happened: -Became head of high schools debating and running teams. -Won speech writing competition. -Became drug addict because of a girl. Beautiful young girl snapped me out of it. Beautiful young girl necked snapped by oncoming drunk...
  4. elkaebee

    'The Dark Knight Rises'

    It's Gordon. Shit went down and Batman ain't around.
  5. elkaebee

    Builderburg Media: "Okay, so flouride CAN be bad."

  6. elkaebee

    Top 5 Favorite Artists

    David Bowie Brian Eno Godspeed You! Black Emperor Nine Inch Nails Set Fire To Flames Tom Waits Frank Zappa
  7. elkaebee

    Nanowrimo - Are you doing it?

    I started on the monring of the 28th and less than two days later I came out with 50,014 words. I'm still not entirely sure what my novel is about, besides how gorillas-like pants-are a tool of The Man.
  8. elkaebee

    Wikileaks military whistleblower in solitary confinement: inhumane treatment

    Now why would the US need immunity from war crimes?
  9. elkaebee

    Wikileaks military whistleblower in solitary confinement: inhumane treatment

    Despite never having been convicted.
  10. elkaebee

    Civil Defense Drills...

    I've never told you this before Numbers, but I love you and every almond eyed person in your god-damned country. Stay strong, stay vigilant, stay awesome.
  11. elkaebee

    What's your favorite Elton John song(s)?

    Hercules Made me take up bass. That or the 11-17-70 versions of Bad Side of The Moon, Take Me To the Pilot, Sixty Years On and Amoreena.
  12. elkaebee

    90s Music
  13. elkaebee

    The Void

    Play this game. Even if doing so requires you to surgically remove your testicals, you must play it.
  14. elkaebee

    Desert island, five albums

  15. elkaebee

    WikiLeaks informer revealed; US military analyst

    What if states secrets are crimes? What if state secrets violate the very rules which the they govern not only themselves but measure others by? If state secrets are revealing the identies of individuals deep under cover, or militry plans ect., then I can understand your veiwpoint. But this...