Recent content by f1r3b4ll

  1. F

    Still Alive (DJ Jenns Remix)

    Thanks for the feedback anyways lol - I think i'll gently try and brush this one under the carpet and stick to the fact i was rather drunk when doing this - ahh the joy of excuses ^-^
  2. F

    Still Alive (DJ Jenns Remix)

    Ok, I thought some of you might like this (if theres anyone out there who actually likes dance music :P) Basically I got bored tonight and decided to remix Still Alive... Feel free to drop comments (within reason, criticism is welcome just be respectful ;) ) Anyways I'm off to bed...
  3. F

    Companion Cube Cake

    I have great and sad news, The great news is the cake is not a lie ! the sad news is the cake was my companion cube :'(
  4. F

    Companion Cube Cake

    All I know is that Im hopeless at baking lol... We're about to eat some later this afternoon, anyone for a bit with custard :P
  5. F

    Companion Cube Cake

    Watson, my dear boy, your powers of observation have outdone you ! Yes she is big and she's mine, all mine....muhahahahahah *inset evil cackle here* No idea who the female is though......lololol (proceeds to get bitchslapped from the cube)
  6. F

    Companion Cube Cake

    I'd love to win the internets but that was already won by "Still Alive"...
  7. F

    Companion Cube Cake

    So myself and the significant other were just so in love with Portal and everything in it we wanted to make a cake... the cake in the game has already been made, so we decided to make the next best thing. A yummy cakey tribute to our lovely companion cube... crazy vanilla cake with lots of icing...
  8. F

    Weighted Companion Cube [possible spoilers]

    I've made a companion cube in SL if you guys want it :-)
  9. F

    OHH MY GOD! (Huge spoilers)

    Remember the run in earlier with G-Man, "I have agrred to abide by certain....restrictions" (along those lines) This would tie in with past theories that G-Man can travel through time, he would have to have minimal interferance with the past to protect the space/time fabric etc and not cause...
  10. F

    Broken Physics!? - Video

    Boingy Boingy Boingy! I think the best advice would be to delete the cache and redownload it, looks like the maps have corrupted slightly during decoding. I didn't have that problem and from the looks of it neither did the majority of us. Hope it gets sorted fella.
  11. F

    OHH MY GOD! (Huge spoilers)

    The weird thing is here how we almost certainly all feel a slight tinge of embarassment at being emotionally moved by a game... Eli was a great character, amazing vocal work and had a great sense of warmth and likability to him. I think also for the first time the game was really callous...
  12. F

    Was it all part of the test? (spoilers)

    How do we know that pit was a fire pit ? It was just a red glow, perhaps all the cubes pieces get dumped in a pit ? or maybe the cake/robot arm/cube/GLAdOS pieces are a hallucination while your unconcious.
  13. F

    This Vortal Coil

    If i remember correctly, then you have to look to the lift mechanism to see whats missing when you pull the lever.. Get your brain in gear
  14. F

    OHH MY GOD! (Huge spoilers)

    After just completing the game today (I found out through some idiot spamming on a forum that Eli died, watching it was something else though) Ok so did anyone pick up the conversation in the control room while talking about the huge ship (that I can't remember the name of) and what it had to...
  15. F

    Up yours, HDR!

    Congratulations on the most retarded topic in history. Tell him what he's won Charlie....