Recent content by gov_property

  1. gov_property

    chamber 19 turret room

    can't get it done. supposed to be jumping right? just doesnt work for me, the room with all the turrets and the techno music. any help?
  2. gov_property

    Alyx - Eli - Gordon

    Okay, here's my theory: Alyx is Gordon's daughter. Eli knows. Eli's pissed about it. Gordon make good love with Eli's chick. No good for Eli. But G-Man tells Eli: listen, I know you hate that MoFo, but whenever we send him on a rampage everything goes booooom which is good for getting rid...
  3. gov_property

    New Cs:s models

    I even played CS 1.6 with identical models for all players just because you could recognize friend and foe better. Good for reaction time, you know.
  4. gov_property

    Video: HLDM:Reborn

    I like the video. Very nice.
  5. gov_property

    Well let's see if we can't figure this out

    did u just validate via the 320 command or did u install with that little "my games" icon. i tried to start after the first downloadinng, nothing happened, then i realised there is an extra hl2dm icon, some extra downloading, now it works.
  6. gov_property

    Title Screen Background

    which is good, saves time!
  7. gov_property

    Best/Worst chapter?

    Least favorite: vehicles. Favorite: "cutscenes", everything after nova prospekt, ravenholm first and last part.
  8. gov_property

    Raising the Bar?

    Can't find it either. Nowhere. Too bad. I cry, I cry oh so badly.
  9. gov_property

    hl2 version

    hi, where can I see the version number of my half life 2 binaries?
  10. gov_property

    HL2 is not your dad!

    Öhm, I dont see your point. How 'bout just ignoring them. If you ignore them <> they ignore you then there's no trouble at all. wu:t!
  11. gov_property

    Where is the blue tentacle? Help!

    Thank god ocean isn't dangerous nowadays. Look, I'm a :cat:
  12. gov_property

    G-Man, the time line and the train.

    When the gman gets black and white you are teleporting. We are then in the "train". Its not the trainstation train, I also dont believe its the black mesa waggon. Its more some time travel train. Whatever.
  13. gov_property

    Valve 1, Warez Kiddies 0

    I think comments on this, be they by or who ever, should be nothing but neutral. Of course it is a topic about people doing ILLEGAL stuff, yet, Steams DRM Policies are somewhat questionable.
  14. gov_property

    Wow Ravenholm scarier than doom 3!

    I found Doom³ more stressful than scary. It really was a pain playin it. With all the flickering and moaning and so on. Intense but in the wrong way. HL2 plays awesome and is very well paced. Wouldn't call it scary though.
  15. gov_property

    will it all end with HL3 (dont read if not finished game)

    I really hope they'll do a worthy ending. Just dont screw it up. Dont milk the franchise. DO A WORTHY ENDING. DO IT. (with part three, of course.)