Recent content by Langolier

  1. L

    Worst game(s) you ever paid good money for?

    I would say the worst game I ever played was Final Fantasy XI. A friend of mine introduced me to it and I was instantly hooked. Thankfully, I got my copy free from my friend (who had accidentally ordered two). I think I played the game for just about three years straight before I finally quit...
  2. L

    Combine Vs. Imperials?

    The rockets fired by an F-16 travel much faster than those fired by Gordon's RPG. Not to mention that a Gunship can only shoot down one rocket at a time. Imagine the Gunship is raining down suppressive fire on some infantry when out of nowhere a long-range missile from a F-16 14,000 feet up and...
  3. L

    post combine life (end of episode 3) ????????

    I wonder if the Antlions are really as terrible a threat as they are made out to be. It's possible the Combine keeps them around on purpose to serve as a deterrent to anyone who tries to leave Combine-held areas. Perhaps if the proper measures were taken they could be eradicated easily enough...
  4. L

    Combine Vs. Imperials?

    Coolness isn't what we are discussing here. While a gunship might be more maneuverable than an F-16 it isn't nearly as fast and doesn't pack nearly the range or firepower. Any decent modern fighter plane could destroy a gunship long before said gunship even knew it was there. The Combine might...
  5. L

    Combine Vs. Imperials?

    Considering we know more about the Galactic Empire than we do the Universal Union, I'm going to go with the Empire. The "Universal" part of the Union might be over blown. It might constitute only a few planets in different universes, not necessarily constitute entire universes or even solar...
  6. L

    Black Mesa Source

    The Marine's had bullet-proof helmets. Thus if you were shooting them there it would seem like they had rediculous health. Otherwise their health was quite reasonable. I vote for the combine AI because supposedly that is what the Marines use in Half-Life: Source and I find them to be much...
  7. L

    Blue Shift - your views?

    I love Blue Shift. I played parts of it over and over. As others have said the puzzles were well done and much more challenging than those in the other two games. As for Oppossing Force my only gripe with it is that Squads were under-used.
  8. L


    I don't have much, if anything to really add, but well said. Am I personally responsible for what my ancestors have accomplished, or done? No, but I'm still proud of them. I don't love ever act that my country has partaken in, but the very fact that it questions and second guesses itself is...
  9. L

    Half-Life 3 theories

    If anything I'd like to see a Half-Life 3 just so we can see another next-gen Half-Life game. There are a lot of interesting games coming out nowadays, or in production, and I'd love to see what Valve could do with all of that tech. I would really love to see the entirety of the Combine rendered...
  10. L


    It sure has a lot of story content for an episode that wasn't designed for it. --- Gina's suit is tan in Decay, but in Blue Shift her suit is orange again. If anything it's the suit colors that are meaningless as there were obviously changed for Decay to distinguish the two player PC's...
  11. L

    Civilians in City 17

    I think they are probably just the result of injury or malnutrition. I've only seen them on one male model as well.
  12. L

    Adrian Shepherd return?

    On its own I like the start to Episode One, but not when I take Half-Life 2's ending into consideration. It's a retcon. Half-life 2 ended perfectly, and it had feeling of finality to it. Episode One ruins that.
  13. L

    Adrian Shepherd return?

    I would like to play as Shephard again myself, but at the same time I think Opposing Force's cryptic ending is very fitting. There aren't enough of them these days. Regardless, there are plenty of plausible ways Shephard could be reintegrated into Half-Life. I still think that he or someone else...
  14. L

    The storyline to Half Life 2 makes no sense.

    It seems silly to me that the Combine has no way of reaching Earth. If they were precise enough to deploy their Citadels right in the middle of major cities then they ought to be able to reach Earth on their own. It is also a bit perplexing that losing just one Citadel would shutdown their...
  15. L

    HL: Source NPC's don't interact

    I know they should be able to reply to one another. In Half-Life 2 if you "use" an NPC they will say something and then the other NPC's will respond to that. However they don't say anything randomly without your having to "use" them. Where-as they do in HL: Source. It's not as if it makes the...