post combine life (end of episode 3) ????????

Dec 19, 2006
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I search today at all threads and I did not find similiar thread...but I am sorry if this thread is somewhere alredy opened (sorry administrator)!!:p

So yess...I just wonder what will happen when we will end episode 3???Will Combine be really defeated( I bet not)I mean it can?t just end there...Valve can not just say like: so here is the end of all story!!!Half life means to much to lots of people so I bet that Valve will continue Half life sega in eny ways... eny though on this one??
i say the combine will be locked out (no portals) of earth and earth will be freed by ep3.

and if they were to continue, they might have a story bout you going to the combine world to destroy them? or gman or smthing?
i say the combine will be locked out (no portals) of earth and earth will be freed by ep3.

And what's the fun in that?

and if they were to continue, they might have a story bout you going to the combine world to destroy them? or gman or smthing?

Going to the Combine World to destroy them?...
Dude, there is no "Combine World" The Combine are a transuniversal Empire. Earth is part of the Combine World. Also, what can humans do? How is a primitive rase that was conquered by the Combine over 7 hours suppose to destroy them?
Would be bloody hard to portray, anyway. You really want to hear them complain that all the arable land has been overgrown?
I like soulslicer0's idea, going to their world and fighting them on their home turf...
It would be good to see that happened, it's been a long time since Gordon's been in another dimension, though I don't think the long-jump module is returning anytime soon...
If the Combine are defeated, that will mean another new enemy race in the third which could get a little clich?d (new enemy each game... loses the plot a tad).
However, as Samon said, it would be nigh on impossible to utterly defeat the Combine, on Earth perhaps, but hundreds (estimate) of planets/dimensions have been taken over, and each would need to be freed.
Also I think there is no doubt that we will be seeing G-man's employers in HL3, if not before then and possibly who or what enslaved the Nihilanth. If indeed they weren't one and the same...

The problem comes with making a plot to continue the series, something the transition between 1 and 2 did so well that it gives me butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it. Another Earth based plot with the Combine could be very similar to HL2, which is why I think the episodic format was chosen to create a continuous story arc that can constantly evolve.
HL3 should be based around a mass rebellion (against Combine) , Xen aliens and Teleportation issues.
Even if the Combine won't be the main enemy in future HL games, they should be left as a side-problem (like some Xen aliens were left in HL2 and the Flood were left in Halo 2 and possibly 3.
Combine going into desperation, aka = Nuking the earth until every life form is extinct on earth. ****ing epic cut scene :D!!!!!!
Does in Raising the bar says enythink abaut what will be next...or some suspicious hint or something...??

I admint I order book today!!
The Combine will be blocked off from Earth by that rocket thing, but somehow the rocket will (To Be finished, sorry)
why do you assume we'll win earth back? i'd enjoy it more if i had spent 48-odd hours of gameplay failing to save the world.

also sets the scene for any sequels

it won't be a win/loss. everything is a shade of gray in hl, which is why i love it.
magen if u had to fight the vorts again like in half life 1 lol cant see it happeing dow.
Does in Raising the bar says enythink abaut what will be next...or some suspicious hint or something...??

I admint I order book today!!

Nope, no such information. However, in one of the interviews I think Newell hinted that the setting for Episode Three could be the arctic base Mossman was seen at.
Somehow I don't think the Universal Union is what everyone thinks. I don't know, but I just don't think they have conquered a bajillion planets/universes. I hope the combine is revealed to be some sort of a facade, and in reality they are much more smaller and is used as a tool in a conspiracy surrounding earth the Gman and xen. I still question if the whole planet is even under the control of the Combine. All I hope is that the series goes in a direction that no one would suspect or even think of.
Somehow I don't think the Universal Union is what everyone thinks. I don't know, but I just don't think they have conquered a bajillion planets/universes. I hope the combine is revealed to be some sort of a facade, and in reality they are much more smaller and is used as a tool in a conspiracy surrounding earth the Gman and xen. I still question if the whole planet is even under the control of the Combine. All I hope is that the series goes in a direction that no one would suspect or even think of.

Well, they got Synths, which are (as far as I know) another race "assimilated" by the Combine. And being able to throw up a gigantic citadel that eats buildings probably requires high-tech equipment. I wouldn't be surprised if they stole the technology for that from yet another civilisation.
The Combine will never be truly defeated.

Unless...the Combine suffers an internal rift and becomes more than one entity. Or possibly, like many historical Empires, they could fall into decline because of internal weaknesses. There's a lot that could be done to complicate the story, render the principal foe less all-powerful, etc.
It's not fun when the combine get blocked from earth.

But if they TRULY are defeated, and the humans are free once more, how will they adapt to the new surrounding? I mean all the xen wild life teleported to earth and the massive fall of the world sea and the fact that the worlds animal population (excluding xenians) is thought to be extinct.
They can't just restart everything. They need time.

My opinion is that Earth is not inhabitable anymore. After the invasion the combine were also the only things keeping us alive.

And the alarming numbers of antlions. If the thumpers happen to run on some combine power that we don't have, and the combine are beaten on earth, will the thumpers stop? If so the humans will be overwhelmed by antlions. The antlions are the BIGGEST problem.
half life series will never end i think,it to cool,how hard would be for valve to invent another alien species or another dimension,maybe Gman is a traitor of his species and he will be hunted down on earth and gordon wil have to protect Gman and earth,because Gman saved Gordon,now it's time that Gordon saves Gman,but who knows......Gman knows,he travels in time....
half life series will never end i think,it to cool,how hard would be for valve to invent another alien species or another dimension,maybe Gman is a traitor of his species and he will be hunted down on earth and gordon wil have to protect Gman and earth,because Gman saved Gordon,now it's time that Gordon saves Gman,but who knows......Gman knows,he travels in time....

G-Man does NOT travel in time.
half life series will never end i think.

To think of is weird to think that the game that has the greatest storyline of all time and that creates such suspension...has to end one day. I mean Valve can't go on making up new aliens and stuff to keep the story moving.
It's hard to think that such a great game will eventually just stop.
It's not fun when the combine get blocked from earth.

But if they TRULY are defeated, and the humans are free once more, how will they adapt to the new surrounding? I mean all the xen wild life teleported to earth and the massive fall of the world sea and the fact that the worlds animal population (excluding xenians) is thought to be extinct.
They can't just restart everything. They need time.

My opinion is that Earth is not inhabitable anymore. After the invasion the combine were also the only things keeping us alive.

And the alarming numbers of antlions. If the thumpers happen to run on some combine power that we don't have, and the combine are beaten on earth, will the thumpers stop? If so the humans will be overwhelmed by antlions. The antlions are the BIGGEST problem.

I agree with pretty much everything Kevin said. If the Combine left earth, we would surely be overrun by Antlions. BTW, did the Antlions come from Xen? Or from the Combine?
In the' Mark Laidlaw vault, it says that there is always portal storms, even to this day. So I doubt that rocket we saw in one of the Ep2 video's will trully create a blockade around earth. Soon as the Combine get that transmission, they're going to come.

Remember Dr. Klieners speech in City-17 when he said "In what will be... utmost retaliation."
Thing is, if the transmission was info on human teleportation technology then earth is ****ed even if they close the portal storms.
Yes, the Half-Life WILL finish eventually, Valve need to finish it somewhere. I predict, the maximum of another story arc after this one finishes, and that will be the one to end it.

It would be stupid to go off into outer space to combat the Combine, for one thing, Earth is a tiny spec of the Combine Empire. Secondly, its none of the people of Earth's concern, they will just wanna get the Combine off Earth and make sure they dont come back i.e. severing the teleportation link between Earth and the rest of their Empire, and then concentrate on getting rid of the rest of the Combine forces now permanantely stranded on Earth.

I believe that link will be severed but the end of EP3.
Yes, the Half-Life WILL finish eventually, Valve need to finish it somewhere. I predict, the maximum of another story arc after this one finishes, and that will be the one to end it.

It would be stupid to go off into outer space to combat the Combine, for one thing, Earth is a tiny spec of the Combine Empire. Secondly, its none of the people of Earth's concern, they will just wanna get the Combine off Earth and make sure they dont come back i.e. severing the teleportation link between Earth and the rest of their Empire, and then concentrate on getting rid of the rest of the Combine forces now permanantely stranded on Earth.

I believe that link will be severed but the end of EP3

Well yeah, the Rebels don't really care about what's out there, they just want their world back and their humanity back as well. But if Gman get control of Gordon again, we could be doing other things that are off of earth. Gman doesn't care about what happens to humans.

Remember "Other interesting offers."? ;)
Well that could be a port of the plot line in the next story arc, while desperately combatting the remaining Combine forces on Earth, there could be a massive side-plot between Freeman and the G-Man, as he trys to take control of Freeman again.
Well that could be a port of the plot line in the next story arc, while desperately combatting the remaining Combine forces on Earth, there could be a massive side-plot between Freeman and the G-Man, as he trys to take control of Freeman again.

I'd say that the relationship between Gordon and the G-man is the main plot while the combine serve as a side plot.
Think of Ep2 as how Empire Strikes Back is to Star Wars, it sets up major plot points and reveals something, and lays down the path to the conclusion.
And what's the fun in that?

Going to the Combine World to destroy them?...
Dude, there is no "Combine World" The Combine are a transuniversal Empire. Earth is part of the Combine World. Also, what can humans do? How is a primitive rase that was conquered by the Combine over 7 hours suppose to destroy them?

How the hell can you spell trans-universal and not race?
Nope, no such information. However, in one of the interviews I think Newell hinted that the setting for Episode Three could be the arctic base Mossman was seen at.

I believe they made a reference to the massive human led attack on the Kraken base led by General Vance....which apparently also sported several large mechs...
I wonder if the Antlions are really as terrible a threat as they are made out to be. It's possible the Combine keeps them around on purpose to serve as a deterrent to anyone who tries to leave Combine-held areas. Perhaps if the proper measures were taken they could be eradicated easily enough.

Heavy bombing of areas they occupy or even poisons that they could take back to their nests to kill them off might work. The Rebels might simply not have access to anything of the sort since the Combine would have logically done all it could to rid Earth of any weapons that could be used against it. With them out of the way though there might be hope.
The Combine will never be truly defeated.

Unless we flood their net with images of goatse and the advisors will commit suicide, as they realize they can't get rid of the mental image.