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  • Second phase is not that difficult, just wait for him to teleport, dodge, give him 1 or 2 hits on the back, rinse and repeat.
    I tried dodging, mixing in Quen and Yrden (which are both leveled up to tier 2). I've decided that I'll just start pre-Isle of Mists and figure I'll go from there.
    I hate you so very much, that I have to invent a new word just to express exactly how much. I ultramegaloathe you.
    Haha yeah, a fan of the Giants mainly Bonds is me boyhood hero :laugh: Also follow the Marlins too, we don't get much coverage over here but one watches as much as one can :p

    I see you're a fan of the NY Mets! How's that workin out for ya? :D
    I'm pretty sure that's just the 'weight' that tells the 360 whether the console is upright or horizontal. Lets it know what lights to put on when you have a controller on. But yeah, it might just be the 360 itself.
    E74: AV cable error... There is a problem with the AV cable, try using a different AV cable. If the cable is known to be working then there is a 90% chance it's a scaler chip problem (the "ANA" or "HANA" chip connected directly to the AV cable) in rare cases it is the GPU.
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