Recent content by Luke Triton

  1. Luke Triton

    L4D3 Confirmed?

    I never said it looked legit, I just thought I'd share this with you guys.
  2. Luke Triton

    Half-Life 3 Puzzle Solved

  3. Luke Triton

    Half-Life 3 Puzzle Solved

    HL3 on Wii U? Now that's something I wanna see.
  4. Luke Triton

    L4D3 Confirmed?

    Seeing as my last thread was locked, most likely because I put a link to a dot ru website, I will instead put a link to an article about the website. Sorry if I did something wrong, barnz. I...
  5. Luke Triton

    Hoax or real?

    So a friend just gave me this link: l4d3[dot]ru (I can't seem to put [dot]ru without it being censored. I'll let the website do the talking. No official word from Valve yet.
  6. Luke Triton

    Boston Marathon Conspiracies

    You mad, Americans?
  7. Luke Triton

    Dear Lovely Vegeta,

    Whew, I was worried I would have to use caps for a minute.
  8. Luke Triton

    Dear Lovely Vegeta,

    Why? You don't own BLOPS 2, do you?
  9. Luke Triton


    I was glad that there wasn't any gameplay footage, it meant that I had no idea what the game would be like before I played it. I was pleasantly surprised.
  10. Luke Triton

    Dear Lovely Vegeta,

    OH **** I FORGOT ABOUT THE AGE VERIFICATION THING AND JUST PRESSED GO Now I'll never know what the fuss is all about.
  11. Luke Triton


    Never saw District 9, dad tells me it's epic though. This one looks great too.
  12. Luke Triton

    CAn You Stalk someone With an ip address???

    This thread should be a Valvetime Heritage Site.
  13. Luke Triton

    Is Half-Life 3 Open World and Coming After 2013?

    There are three possibilities of how HL3 could turn out. (Worst possibility) Half-Life 3 comes out and it sucks balls. Sucks Duke Nukem Forever balls. (More likely possibility) Half-Life 3 comes out and it's a great game, but isn't as groundbreaking as HL and HL2 were. (Best possibility)...
  14. Luke Triton

    Loadout Game Thread

    Looks like the opposite of TF2, with hats meaning nothing and your loadout meaning everything.
  15. Luke Triton

    Batman: Arkham Origins

    UPDATE It's taking place in Gotham, (YESSSS) and it's not about Batman's beginning, it's about how he meets certain characters before BAA. I reeeaaally hope they don't mess this up without Rocksteady.