Recent content by mad max 6

  1. M

    The Jehovah's Witnesses

    well im a Jehovah's witness in ireland. i have to say the people you are all talking about sound really bad, nothing like in ireland. some people will always be asses though, no matter what religion they are
  2. M

    make dial-up faster?????

    get sp2 put your security up to high turn off cookies turn off pop-ups
  3. M

    Check this metal out....

    strapping young lad-alien thats very good, also: shadows fall-the war within which is ok. slipknot are the best heavy metal band though
  4. M

    why was this locked also, was the guy banned because of it. some people might think its racist, but the thread was 95% fact, 5% opinion.
  5. M

    e3 access 2005

    who is getting this dvd, iv got it pre-ordered the 2004 one was very good its a 4 dvd set of film from e3
  6. M

    post your 3dmark05 scores here

    2391 with 5.3 drivers 9700 pro 351/310 2x512 corsair 2.5 3 3 11 amd 3200+ barton rage 3d optimisations and a very optimised system
  7. M

    Religous freaks

    god will kill you all :devil:
  8. M

    Aftermath preview in the German pc action

    you mean the pcgamer interview. if you mean the german mags preview then does it have a quote from valve. because the pcgamer previw has a quote from valve. here it is again(from memory): "if that works, the next step would be a steam only release, free from any publishers and restrictions"...
  9. M

    Aftermath preview in the German pc action

    so nobody cares that it is coming out in the shops even though you all thought is was steam only? just check the pcgamer interveiw. and thats hat doug said, not pcgamer!
  10. M

    Aftermath preview in the German pc action

    i refer you too my last post. FACT!
  11. M

    Aftermath preview in the German pc action

    dudes, doug said. "if that works, the next step would be a steam only release, free from any publishers and restrictions" so this will still be released via the shops! FACT!
  12. M

    how do i keep faces in detail

    so are r_lod "0" and lod_enable "0" the same?
  13. M

    how do i keep faces in detail

    ok, so i should delete lod_Enable "0" and put r_lod "0" in instead?
  14. M

    how do i keep faces in detail

    ye 16x too, i think iv got lod diabled in the cfg file. lod_Enable "0" but they still get fuzzy
  15. M

    how do i keep faces in detail

    when your up close the faces are very detailed, but as you move away they get less detailed. is there a way to stop this, mabey in the cfg file? thanks