Recent content by Mint_Sauce

  1. Mint_Sauce

    Rock 24 - Allowing VMX etc

    Hi guys, I haven't posted this anywhere else as neither myself or Richard are part of the modding community anymore. However, I was chatting with Richard and we have decided to allow people to mod Rock 24 as they see fit. By this we mean we don't mind if you VMX all the maps, add chapters...
  2. Mint_Sauce

    Rock 24 - Release (HL2 SP Mod)

    Yeah, first it's a CS map, not a big one - just one so we have a multiplayer map in our portfolio. Then once that's complete another single player mod, might be on a next gen engine though rather than source, we will see.
  3. Mint_Sauce

    Rock 24 - Release (HL2 SP Mod)

    haha, sorry about that! Laura is my fiancee, we did have a proper voice actor lined up but she never got back to us so I got Laura to read the lines instead. I know what you mean, she did try her hardest though!! :E
  4. Mint_Sauce

    Please Help with Countdown timer...and...

    For the clock you can use a logic_relay and a couple of game_texts. Make six game_texts and name them game_text1 to game_text6, now in the text field in them, put in: game_text1 = 10 Seconds left! game_text1 = 5 Seconds left! game_text1 = 4 Seconds left! game_text1 = 3 Seconds left...
  5. Mint_Sauce

    Rock 24 - Release (HL2 SP Mod)

    hehe, yeah - it was a little nod towards Gabe. :D
  6. Mint_Sauce

    Rock 24 - Release (HL2 SP Mod)

    Rock 24 is a Single Player Mod for Half Life 2. This is our first mod and attempt at level design. Hope you enjoy! Story: After a disastrous rescue attempt to free Richard G Newell, a renowned rebel scientist, Dr. Gordon Freeman awakes to find himself locked in a holding cell on a...
  7. Mint_Sauce

    Rock 24 - HL2 SP Map

    Hi, Myself and another mapper have been working on a HL2 SP Map for about the last year. It's coming to a finish and should be released in around a months time (read: a while). Here's a video of the first section made by smokerscough (the other mapper). Please be aware the video hasn't had...
  8. Mint_Sauce

    Your preferable character in hl2 expansion

    I wanna play as DOG
  9. Mint_Sauce

    Train to Nova Prospekt

    I think the Stalkers are sent to work in the Citadel as slaves whilst the Combine Soldiers are used against the resistance.
  10. Mint_Sauce

    Help using phys_motor and phys_hinge

    Make your propellor a func_physbox and get rid of the hinge. Now using your phys_motor, make the motor entity 1 and the propellor entity 2. That should be it.
  11. Mint_Sauce

    Internet, not LAN

    It's very random for me. Sometimes when i'm testing my maps people randomly join and i'm like WTF?! Other times, when i'm waiting for people to join to test I find that it's running as LAN, I usually bring up console and type sv_lan 0 deathmatch 1 map xxxxxxxxxx Sometimes that works...
  12. Mint_Sauce

    Physics map

    Took me about 2 days I guess. Most of that time was spent learning hammer. I have used hammer before (the first one) a few times so it was mostly just seeing what I could do and how triggers work ect. :) Gunna either make another or make a dm match in the same style (without contraption though) :D
  13. Mint_Sauce

    Physics map

    Yeah I noticed but since the post got moved I can't edit it :/
  14. Mint_Sauce

    A few more 3D screenshots.

    yeah, it looks ace! Wonder if someone will mod hl2 so we can have this as we play the game. maybe get a special pair of glasses that crosses your sight automatically.... actually, let me copyright that idea right now :P ©™
  15. Mint_Sauce

    Physics map

    Made a physics map, the idea is not to kill each other but to watch the ball go around the contraption. If you ever played mousetrap, it's a bit like that :D ph_machine (5.0mb) Enjoy!