Recent content by mrxskinny

  1. mrxskinny

    What could GLaDOS stand for?

    Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System
  2. mrxskinny

    Custom Portal Level Made by Bethesda

    Nice little challenging level. Really has you think differently than what you're used to in the regular Portal maps. I finished it in about 30 minutes.
  3. mrxskinny

    Episode 2 speedrun!

    Heh heh...!
  4. mrxskinny

    Players Getting Bounced Around. Annoying?

    That happened to me too!
  5. mrxskinny

    Resistance and Liberation Update

    The lighting and the environment look top notch. Let's hope the gameplay is as good as the art direction :thumbs:
  6. mrxskinny

    GLaDOS and Chell are The Combine

    Doesn't sound too plausible, what with the G-man actually working for Aperture Science and being C Johnson. I see G-man as an autonomous being or possibly working for a force that we don't know about yet.
  7. mrxskinny

    Rock, Paper, Shotgun interview Minivera Creator

    Something he said about the big mods that are large overtakings was a bit disconcerting. He mentions Black Mesa: Source specifically and I would hate to see it fall apart because the scope and vision that the team working on BMS may really be too big.
  8. mrxskinny

    Insurgency Beta 2 Teaser Trailer

    I tried playing this mod a few months back and I was wondering why the video looked so familiar. The gameplay was rather weak and servers were usually empty or low population for the most part. It reminded me of DoD but with even more camping (if you can imagine). I got tired about the 100th...
  9. mrxskinny

    Portal on X-Play

    If they include a portal gun in the next installment, that means we finally get to see Gordon Freeman himself!
  10. mrxskinny

    when this releases...

    My guess would be the former.
  11. mrxskinny

    Who all doesn't like the demo tweak?

    Excuse me if I don't play as much as the majority of you guys, but my views are still valid.
  12. mrxskinny

    Who all doesn't like the demo tweak?

    I think the nerf was way overboard. I find myself playing TF2 a lot less now because of it. If you look at my TF2 stats in my signature, I play demoman almost exclusively. The nerf has definitely changed the playstyle of the class drastically almost to the point of unplayability. Yes, I was...
  13. mrxskinny

    Post your Stats!!!!

    Wow 28 minutes alive as demoman? Tell me your secrets.
  14. mrxskinny

    Post your Stats!!!!

    Demomen represent!
  15. mrxskinny

    Team Fortress 2 Update Released

    Thank goodness, this was a much needed update that addressed a lot of problems many players were having. Also they fixed the Demoman's stickybomb gun animation :)