Recent content by pgod

  1. pgod

    New Ep2 Trailer

    I made 3 quick wallpapers, cause I fell in love with those scenes :o Get them while they're hot:
  2. pgod

    New Ep2 Trailer

    GOD! OWNAGE! Graphically the new episode seems to be quite a jump, very very sexy :O Man I LOVE the forrest and the slight fog with the strider coming through! :rolling: CAN'T F*ING WAIT!! AND ADDITIONALLY TF2 AND PORTAL...
  3. pgod

    Valve Stuns Gamers - EA Conference

    HOLY SHIT! This is awesome!
  4. pgod

    Episode 2 Confirmed

    We won't have to wait too long for ep2... So I guess the wait will start after ep2 :P
  5. pgod


    The recoil of both smgs IS DEFINATELY higher than it was in DOD! The bullets now also hit right and left to the point you're aiming at, which makes it impossible to kill someone that is a few meters away. I mean I was used to moving my mouse down while shooting with the MP40 or the Thompson...
  6. pgod

    Custom Reflective Textures

    "$envmaptint" "[.5 .5 .5]" That will give you less reflection. Don't forget to type "buildcubemaps" into your console to get the correct reflections.
  7. pgod

    HL2DM, SDK, Engine Update Released

    I played it a few seconds ago... something weird happend: I got low on health, but no medi kit nor armor would recover any health/armor :| I will test a bit now. EDIT 1: It's working when I'm the server, perhaps I was playing on a not updated server. Did the DS get an update or just...
  8. pgod

    HL2DM, SDK, Engine Update Released

    Great! Cliffe could you tell us if and when Faceposer will be released? Thanks in advance.
  9. pgod

    HL2DM, SDK, Engine Update Released

    Great! Cliffe could you tell us if and when Faceposer will be released? Thanks in advance.
  10. pgod

    Post to show off your Gold avatars

    When then game is released I WILL PLAY IT, there won't be time to change any avatars months after the release!!!!11
  11. pgod

    If you buy the gold package can you still preload?

    You will only get the box, without the CD/DVD. It's still a purchase on Steam, you won't get a CD Key at all.
  12. pgod

    Original HL development info / screenies?

    Also cool: :E
  13. pgod

    Gone Gold

    Just WOW, and I slept, what a fool am I?! :eek:
  14. pgod

    HL2 loading between levels.

    Please look at it now. Half-Life on Steam just has the simple yellow "Loading...", there's no Steam window at level transitions. It was changed a while back... :rolleyes:
  15. pgod

    Steam Status and the "infamous update pattern"

    Mmh bots.