Recent content by Pibborando San

  1. Pibborando San

    Weapon Balancing - Suggestions

    So, I've played DoD:S for more than few hours since it was released yesterday, and I've had a lot of fun with it. Graphics = great, sound = uber-great, and HDR = omg nerdgasm. Despite it being a pretty solid package, there are still things, I feel, that could be improved, specifically with...
  2. Pibborando San

    UT 2007 preview

    Are you kidding? You're machine will handle it fine. They showed it running on a 7800GTX (I think it was the GTX) flawlessly, probably with all the settings cranked. And that was an early, unrefined version of the engine. An X800XT, which is also what I'm getting soon, can get up there with...
  3. Pibborando San

    Aftermath Looks Wicked!!!

    Good job. You just described the last 3 seconds of the trailer perfectly! Now, about the previous 24 seconds... I certainly saw enough to get me excited. And about the whole, you play as Gordon AND Alyx thing, I'm pretty sure that info has only come GPhobi--err, GPhoria where Morgon Webb...
  4. Pibborando San

    HL2 vrs F.E.A.R

    Ok, I'm sorry, but I fail to see how that G-Man face looks more detailed/realistic than the UE3 face. That is almost PHOTO realistic, by far the most realistic faces I've ever seen. Also I'm not an Unreal fan-boy at all, I'm just stating that I have eyes that work. Edit: Sorry, got off topic.
  5. Pibborando San

    Aftermath Looks Wicked!!!

    I' pretty sure that was the G-Man at the end, but maybe just a rushed take to get something cool sounding in the trailer. Also, the animation of Alyx standing on the antlion's head and shooting it was the only bad part of the trailer, because the animation was really choppy and unrefined. But...
  6. Pibborando San

    Aftermath Looks Wicked!!!

    This was the only reason I put up with the travesty that is G-Phoria. I was like, screw you random celebs that don't know what a "gamer" even is, pointless awards voted on by a populous of mostly "hardcore" Halo 2 fanboys, and stupid, over rehearsed jokes. It was all about those precious...
  7. Pibborando San

    Half life 2

    The title of this thread REALLY needs to be changed. But anyway, I don't think I can help you. Did you reformat?
  8. Pibborando San

    HL2 vrs F.E.A.R

    Well, it doesn't have Per-Pixel lighting and shadowing, which is really the only thing holding it back from being a great "next gen" engine. I mean they did port HL2 to the Xbox. If they can somehow "upgrade" the engine with features like that, then HL3 could still look amazing on Source. And...
  9. Pibborando San

    HL2 vrs F.E.A.R

    As far as the "plasticy look" that's just because of normal mapping, and the developers not realising that they also need some good shaders on there too to make it look realistic. I thought in the first "interactive" part, where you're being briefed, the character's faces looked pretty...
  10. Pibborando San

    HL2 vrs F.E.A.R

    I'm running the same system, except for a Athlon XP 2800+, and if you have the 128MB version, I have the 256MB 9800Pro. Anyway, I was able to turn up most of the settings to Maximum, except no soft shadows (BAD BAD!!) and 4xAF with no AA at 1024x768, and get around 40 - 60 fps normally, and...
  11. Pibborando San

    HL2 vrs F.E.A.R

    Ok. I can see there's a LOT of argument in this thread about whether Source has dynamic lighting, shadows, what not. The thing is, it DOES have dynamic lighting, meaning light sources that can be moved around in the 4th dimention (time), and it DOES have dynamic shadowing capabilities, but...
  12. Pibborando San

    More info on "Doom" Movie.

    What's all this talk about it not being on Mars in the future and whot not? Didn't that preview article clearly state that it WAS going to be like the game?
  13. Pibborando San

    the NEW console poll

    Gh0st, you might also want to take into consideration that those comparisons were to the next gen console's last gen counterparts. Just because the PS3 is 35x more powerful as a PS2 doesn't mean it's significantly more powerful than the 360 (which I said was 12-13x more powerful than the...
  14. Pibborando San

    Sony may win next-gen war

    Was there any debate whether the GoW footage was pre-rendered? I guess I missed that.
  15. Pibborando San

    the NEW console poll

    These figures were derived from direct comparisons of the systems' hardware specs. So, yes, they are raw power comparisons. But from looking at what they can do, I'm surprised they aren't more powerful.