Recent content by PjB

  1. PjB


    God, I've been trying to find this for ages. Anyone got a YouTube link to the whole thing?
  2. PjB


    I met them teddies! Some kids from the school around the corner from here made them. I met their teachers in the pub, celebrating. Good show, Space Teddies! Oh, yeah, and this is the image dump...
  3. PjB

    Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

    The Dark Knight: 10/10. Just... Just wow. Especially liked the pencil trick. Hancock: 6/10. Amusing at points, but otherwise forgettable. Only saw it because Wall-e was full :(
  4. PjB


    I like your thinking! :D
  5. PjB


    I fell off my bike into a bush of nettles. WINNER.
  6. PjB

    Jack Thompson: "Grand Theft Auto IV is the gravest assault upon children since polio"

    I suppose you're right there. I've just never really got my head around the concept of having sex in games, because the idea of it seems like a waste of time and game-monies because you gain absolutely nothing from it. Arguably you don't get much for randomly slaughtering hundreds of innocent...
  7. PjB

    Jack Thompson: "Grand Theft Auto IV is the gravest assault upon children since polio"

    I really, really don't understand why this is in even in the game. I mean, computer games allow you to do things that you could never or would never do in real life. Like shooting people, or running people over. But having sex? What's the God-damn point? Why not spend the time you use...
  8. PjB

    Jacky doesn't whine to his mommy. He whines to yours.

    I'd ask her right now, but I don't want to wake her. Ba-dum-TISH. /gets coat Jack Thompson annoys me greatly. The fact that he's a messed up, attention-defecit, lie-mongering cretin with nothing better to do, and is even regarded as a maniac by the Florida Bar, makes me angry enough...
  9. PjB

    omg D: D: D: D: !!

    Warped D:
  10. PjB

    thief 4 being made?

    WANT I'm a sucker for Thief and Deus Ex, and therefore everything that went through Ion Storm Austin. They're the whole reason I'm in this industry, and it was an ironic and sad moment for me when they were closed down. I'm going to have to re-play Shalebridge Cradle tonight in tribute...
  11. PjB

    Uwe Boll Will Quit Making Movies with One Million Signatures

    I haven't seen any of his movies either. The great thing about Uwe Boll is that you don't need to see any of his movies to know that he's a ****head. I mean, just take the Something Awful article about him as an example. I signed, because the guy is a retard and must be silenced.
  12. PjB

    Uwe Boll to 'fans': "F**k you, I'm a genius."

    There are so many words that could summarise Uwe Boll. Genius is not one of them. Along with Jack Thompson, he's one of the few people in the world I would like to see "go away". Not killed, or harmed in any way. Just... "gone". As if they'd never existed.
  13. PjB

    Deus Ex3 concept art

    I really want this game :( I didn't really like IW much, to be honest, but the original Deus Ex I must have played nearly twenty times over. I played it yesterday, in fact, and STILL discovered things I didn't know before. I'd have loved to have worked on this game. :( But that would mean not...
  14. PjB

    Battlestar Galactica - Final Season

    We (meaning the British public - not myself particularly) only pirate them because we don't get to see them until 6/7 weeks after you have! I remember last year they delayed Lost because the UK populace just kept downloading it, and BSkyB basically got a big fat zero for the ratings. To be...
  15. PjB

    What is your worst fear?

    Oh God, Furries scare the living f*ck out of me. I used to know one. Thought he was a wolf, or something. Fat, rude bastard. *shiver* Being buried alive would probably be my worst fear if it was ever likely to happen. But otherwise, losing a limb or a sense... That terrifies me :(