Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Doomsday - 8.5/10...
Awesomely over the top Mad Max/Escape from New York/The Warriors-type movie.
The Great Mouse Detective -8/10

I have no idea why I watched it, but I found myself enjoying it.
The Dark Knight 7.5 - 10

Sure, the movie was VERY enjoyable. Over the top Batman voice...blah. Obvious plot...blah. It also got quite dull in a few parts of the movie. I found myself checking out the people in the theater at those times.
2001: A Space Odyssey

10/10. I loved how SweetHL used this film in their mod
The Dark Knight - 9.75/10

I can't say anything that hasn't already been said but:-

Rachael being killed, christ, never saw that coming

Amazing film, and it's great the studio behind these films finally shows it can do it right.
The Dark Knight - 10/10

This film had me literally shaking with exitement, VERY few films have done. A masterpiece. I still cannot even comprehend how perfect Heath Ledger's performance was.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - 8/10

Pretty solid entertainment full of fun. Despite cold fan reception it's a classic Indy what I love. Even aliens were pretty good.
Over time Ive started to dislike Indy 4 more and more, think it was just the hype wearing off. I thought it was pants now that I think about it lol.
No, Indy 4 was an abomination.
It's the biggest disappointment I've had since Episode I.

Harrison Ford was not into his role at all and just everyone's performance was incredibly lackluster, also the Roswell thing was retarded.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall - 8/10...
Pretty funny.

Street Kings - 6/10...
Meh, action scenes were good but the story itself was all over the place.

The Lord of the Rings : Fellowship of the Ring - 9.5/10...
Awesome as usual.
Wanted - 8/10

Real over the top bullshit.....Just what you need sometimes, loved it.
That's harsh, but the movie managed to put me in a good mood.
Sometimes all you need is a feel good comedy and the guys who did 40yr Old Virgin, Knocked Up, Superbad, and Forgetting Sarah Marshall manage to deliver... even though Superbad was one of the shittier ones.
The Dark Night 9.5 - 10
Loved it. Went and saw it twice and still thinking back to the movie.
That's harsh, but the movie managed to put me in a good mood.
Sometimes all you need is a feel good comedy and the guys who did 40yr Old Virgin, Knocked Up, Superbad, and Forgetting Sarah Marshall manage to deliver... even though Superbad was one of the shittier ones.

Yet I found Superbad the best out of the ones you just mentioned. Knocked Up was good and I thought 40 YOV was just arse. Guess it's just a case of differing senses of humour.
TDK 9/10.

Lets not f*ck around, this was a sweet f*cking movie. But, however, it had it's flaws, so, yeah, 9.
Suicide Kings - 7/10.

Walken and Leary were great, and I'm glad it ended the way it did. Other than that, the plot wasn't really executed as well as it could have been.
Sin City - 9/10

Full of style, yet has a decent story to back it up.

Double post ftw.
Silent Hill - 7/10

It was on Sky, so decided to re-watch it again out of bordom, and although there were still plotholes, quite a few of the major flaws I discovered when last watching it last time, I found explained if you look between the lines. And I did find it an interesting watch, I mean compared to some of the other shocking video game to film adaptions, this one doesnt do too bad.

The atmosphere was spot on, the creatures were well done and looked cool, the soundtrack was awsome, I thought Jodelle Ferland's acting was superb for a girl of that age (defiantely someone to look out for in the next 5 or so years), but its just the storyline was rather dodgey and quite a few things could have been made clear, or re-worked altogether, but not a bad effort at all.
Behind Enemy Lines 2: Axis Of Evil - 7/10

Probably the best movie I've seen since.....ever.
The Dark Knight: 10/10. Just... Just wow. Especially liked the pencil trick.

Hancock: 6/10. Amusing at points, but otherwise forgettable. Only saw it because Wall-e was full :(
No, Indy 4 was an abomination.
It's the biggest disappointment I've had since Episode I.

It pains me to say it, but I agree. Infact, Episode 1 was much, much better than Indy 4, and Episode 1 was shite. Indy 4 is worse than National Treasure 2!

It couldn't have been less 'Indy'.

*swings off leading a monkey army through the trees*
Wow. Each time Warbs post about Indy 4, I pretty much find myself hoping I never have to be subjected to it.
...I think Warbs needs to watch Episode 1 again.
Uh, that came from Episode 1 which came out in like 1999 so the CGI wasn't at its best just yet.
Speed Racer - 9/10 - Great movie, loved the art direction. Wish those races were real, so awesome!
It pains me to say it, but I agree. Infact, Episode 1 was much, much better than Indy 4, and Episode 1 was shite. Indy 4 is worse than National Treasure 2!

It couldn't have been less 'Indy'.

*swings off leading a monkey army through the trees*
Agree with this. NT2 was slightly more enjoyable for me. The part when they were inside the cave thingy was more Indy than all of Indy 4 was. That balancing thingy would've been cool in Indy 4. How many times have I said thingy?

I just read a few days ago that the guy who wrote Shawshank Redemption/Green Mile had a script accepted by Spielburg, but rejected by Lucas. Lucas is a jackass.
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