Recent content by Plug

  1. P

    Left 4 Dead 2 Classified Down Under

    Yeah i'll wait until the 22nd and if it doesn't pass, get someone to gift me a US version or something. I don't want to miss out on the awesome gore(some).
  2. P

    Left 4 Dead 2 Classified Down Under

    I just can't beleive decapitations and dismemberement were removed, considering they were in the first game. So much is wrong here. But... Alas, sad face. Hopefully the appeal process works.
  3. P

    Left 4 Dead 2 Classified Down Under

    Where is this classification report saying that piles of bodies and the like are removed? I haven't seen this information anywhere else, last I heard Gabe Newell said they weren't commented on what has been removed until the appeal process is over.
  4. P

    Valve Tries L4D2 Classification Again in Australia

    L4D2 has more blood and guts. Remove extra blood and guts and you have L4D1 style blood and guts. Simple. It's worth noting that the censored version got the ma15+ rating, and stated "Strong Bloody Violence" as a part of it. The Rating
  5. P

    Valve Tries L4D2 Classification Again in Australia

    It does suck, but i doubt it'll actually be that bad. I'm sure it will at least match l4d1...
  6. P

    Valve Tries L4D2 Classification Again in Australia

    Yes, x-drive - the cut version. We don't know what's cut yet, but something to do with intestines spilling out of open wounds, is my guess. An independant review panel will convene on the 22nd of this month to go over the previous decision on the uncut version. Source
  7. P

    The Left 4 Dead Survey Results!

    Hahaha so many funny answers. "Pills here" XD Do more surveys just for more.
  8. P

    Reasons for Infected Mutation?

    It's so funny watching you rationalise this. Whenever i'm in a conversation with someone who has the point of view that 'nobody is understanding me' either the person: A) Is incredibly bad at explaining things Or if they're concise and to the point... B) An Eejit (lol). Buddy everyone...
  9. P

    Reasons for Infected Mutation?

    Actually you look the silliest pushing your point so hard. It wasn't even a very good point to begin with because everyone participating knows this is completely fictional and just a little bit of fun. Fiction. Fun. Nobody participating cares if you deem their logic faulty. You are...
  10. P

    And so, the wait is on.

    I actually haven't been as excited about a game since the orange box! Weee! Getting friends together tonight to go through each campaign :D In Australia it's released in the early afternoon, so i can give it a big bash and not worry about work tomorrow!
  11. P

    The Team Fortress 2 Universe

    as found on the red website checkit!
  12. P

    TF2 Heavy Update on Tuesday

    It is a strange feeling for me to be so excited about a game update. I am enjoying it though. I will play team fortress until the day i die.
  13. P

    Flare Gun is pathetic

    I started using the flare gun as soon as i earned it, and i feel really disabled without it. I've probably gotten less kills with it than the shotgun - but the chaos and annoyance i've caused using it is far more fun, and effective. As it's been said, in the right hands it's a wonderful addition.
  14. P

    TF2 - Meet the Videos

    It can't tell the difference above 60fps, i'm not sure why cinema/tv chose the frame rates they did. Perhaps someone could clarify?
  15. P

    TF2 - Meet the Videos

    It sounds like overkill - but I would be willing to bet using more frames than necessary is common practice. So when the final processing down to 30/24fps happens each frame is perfectly accurate as it was sampled from the higher fps source. At least this is what happens in audio...