Recent content by saratos

  1. S

    Steam To Offer DLC In-game

    I'm sorry, I don't understand what this means...
  2. S

    Pirates, Vikings and Knights II Gets SteamWorks

    VAlve is just awesome. They are so supportive of their community...
  3. S

    Far Cry 2 Now On Steam

  4. S

    Valve on the Graphics/Processor Debate

    Not the GFX card, the processor power needed.
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    Valve on the Graphics/Processor Debate

    Pretty hypocritical of Valve, considering their immense requirements for Left 4 Dead.
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    Left 4 Dead Official System Requirements

    Yeah.... I will try the demo. I am not too pleased, especially since I don't see too huge of an improvement over Orange Box. Most likely, I will be able to run it on low, or using some command prompts to make the graphics even Lower than the GUI allows you to go.
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    Left 4 Dead Official System Requirements

    Well, first off, we don't know if those are the, "recommended" specs, or the "minimum" specs. My guess is that they are "recommended", but either way, even IF they were, "minimum," you could probably run it on a weaker machine.
  8. S

    The Scout is now doing infomercials

    The shamwows are a SHAM. Also: Yeah, it IS the scout.
  9. S

    Crysis and Crysis Warhead Head to Steam

    So... SecuROM or not? If it IS on, I will find, "other venues".
  10. S

    Team Fortress 2 Updates Coming To Xbox 360 Later This Year, Gonna Cost You

    Yet another reason why MS sucks. If people don't pay for the update, they are stuck with a buggy glitched version, that prevents them from playing with those who do, who will probably be very isolated for a while.
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    Arena gamemode - the verdict?

    ^Yawn at reckless exaggerators. Pyro is just as OP as Scout, Solly, Demo, Krits medic, ninja Engie, Heavy, Spy, and Sniper. If it gets near you and catches you on fire, that is your fault. Engies are just so used to camping behind their sentries that they have no clue what to do. Build a...
  12. S

    Team Fortress 2 Updates Coming To Xbox 360 Later This Year, Gonna Cost You

    ^No, EA made the PS3 version. Also, MS is going to hell. Seriously, I expect that they are the only ones who will make money, because Valve still wants it at a reasonable price. They don't even DESERVE the money, they already get payments for Live itself, which sucks. I have very sad...
  13. S

    Console Version Finally Getting Updated

    Noooooo.... Valve... You have GIVEN IN! I play PC, but I still hate M$ for their leechlike ways. They should be grateful that people even pay for XBL.
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    Alltalk server preferences

    I remember being on alltalk once, and I drove these two people nuts with my acrobatic Scout antics. It was hilarious: "Crazy Scout!" "what the hell!?" "Die already!" "Why won't this scout die!?" "How did you do that!?" I was doing lots of trick jumps and wall exploits to run away after...
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    Spy Crab

    Oh maaaannnn..... I wish I still had my PC (on an RV trip)...