Recent content by Seraphim

  1. S

    half life movie

    I would hope that they make a movie about Half-Life. It would probably be sweet. If not, no harm no foul.
  2. S

    Half Life 2 Motion Sickness

    That's awesome! HL2 is a game so hardcore, you can't play it for more than three hours without vomiting. Game of the Year, here it comes!
  3. S

    Permanent off-world assignment?

    I think he means on the Combine homework. It's hinted that you need quite a bit of modification to travel back through the portal -- that's why Breen needed a "host body" since he had no mods.
  4. S

    Alternate ending (spoiler-a-holic)

    Yeah, I shot two of the energy balls at him when I said, "Screw this" and jumped over the fence. I was sort of unsure what to do, and I hate fighting Striders, so the best option was to get out of there. It worked out fine.
  5. S

    Another GMan Theory

    In my opinion, the G-Man is a representative of another dimension that is opposed to the Combine. Since we now know there are many dimensions, there are inevitably going to be ones that resist the Combine.
  6. S

    Seraphim's Complete (Mostly) Half-Life Theory

    I would love to do that, but it's so hard to organize.
  7. S

    The truth about Biozeminades

    Well, you can only kill them with spray paint.
  8. S

    Alternate ending (spoiler-a-holic)

    That's what I did. I thought that was what you were supposed to do...
  9. S

    Steam will kill pc gaming

    I love Steam. Keeps the piracy down, you know.
  10. S

    Seraphim's Complete (Mostly) Half-Life Theory

    Well, not everyone's played OpFor and Blue Shift and such, so it might be helpful to some.
  11. S

    So what happened to Breen? (spoilers)

    It's implied that there are other races out there -- supposedly the ones that would hire Gordon, maybe to fight the Combine in other dimensions.
  12. S

    Strange 5.1 Speaker Problem

    Hi. I've been having this problem for a while... when a character is talking, and I'm facing right at them, they seem muffled. When I turn away, they're talking fine. Does anyone know what this problem might be?
  13. S

    what are the combines?

    They're from another dimension. They enslave other dimensions (incl. Xen) and integrate their technology into their own. Sort of like Borg...
  14. S

    And it shall be called... combine art.

    Keep in mind that if you throw a pheropod at a Combine soldier, they dance.
  15. S

    Seraphim's Complete (Mostly) Half-Life Theory

    Well, you could at least tell me what I got wrong there...