Recent content by staticprimer

  1. staticprimer

    Katzenjammer, the best new band I've heard in a while

    Hmm apparently that song they like to improv on a lot. Here's one that's a better indicator some of their sound.
  2. staticprimer

    Katzenjammer, the best new band I've heard in a while

    They are out of Norway, but sing in english (perfectly). Oh and they all can play each others' instruments and swap between lead vocals.
  3. staticprimer

    Music: Rate and Discuss

    So because I first learned about Astronautalis here, I figured I'd post some songs from his new album, This Is Our Science, here. So, here we go. Brilliant, all of it.
  4. staticprimer

    Underrated Games?

    Alpha Protocol. For a game that seems to be most known for sub par reviews, I've never actually heard anyone say anything particularly bad about it. It remains one of my personal favorite games of all time.
  5. staticprimer

    The Troll Hunter

    It's now in netflix streaming for anyone that wants to see it.
  6. staticprimer

    LucasArts making a new open-world RPG

    Screw Jedi crap, give me another god damn TIE Fighter!
  7. staticprimer

    Deus Ex Human Revolution

    Ground floor, across from the lounge area.
  8. staticprimer

    Steam Download Improvements

    You can do that now. You just have to alt-tab once the game is running, pause and then resume the game you're downloading. Still, it's a pain in the ass and I would like to see that improved as well.
  9. staticprimer

    Bye bye BlackRock

    I enjoyed Split/Second. I always thought it was bizarre that it ended with a cliffhanger though.
  10. staticprimer

    No bodies found anywhere in Texas, especially not in a mass grave

    I don't know if the story has been updated since you posted it, but the article says no bodies found. The blood found was that of the boyfriend of one of the household, who attempted suicide.
  11. staticprimer

    Sarah Palin: Statue of Liberty was a gift to remind america not to become socialist

    bawhaha I would advise you read up the US's role in South America in the 1970's.
  12. staticprimer

    Music: Rate and Discuss

    She is indeed a fantastically gifted singer. If you haven't already, have a listen to her live stuff like this: Awe inspiring, particularly 4:00 on.
  13. staticprimer

    Odd sensation while lying in bed

    I've had this happen to me, used to be quite a bit, not so much anymore. I would get the sense that I'm looking at an impossibly huge object accompanied with a sensation of falling or 'zooming out'. Only happened when my eyes were closed, too. It's a disconcerting feeling, but it always...
  14. staticprimer

    Please fill out my socio-political survey!

    Is your name Jonathan? There are some fairly bizarre questions related to this person.
  15. staticprimer

    The female Bieber sensation

    As an April Fool's prank, my manager played the song on repeat at work yesterday. For eight. Hours. Straight.