Recent content by tommycat

  1. T

    HL2 vs. Farcry - Fanboy showdown

    I liked Far Cry. I thought it was a good game. Admittedly, I still believe Half life(the first one or the second) had the better story line, but graphics wise Far Cry was extremely good. Where FC lost out was in the story and gameplay.
  2. T

    We lose the first round, but the show's not over yet...

    Personally I figured that it wouldn't win the GOTY for Spike. In a TV market, you are more likely to see console games win. Plus having Samuel L Jackson in the game kinda helps. Having played GTA:SA, HL2, and Halo2, I would rather have GTA:SA beat HL2 than Halo2. Personally I was ticked that...
  3. T

    Expansion Pack Theories & Thoughts

    The Barney that owes us a beer is Calhoun. Barney makes it through BMRF, and sees Gordon about to be shipped to Nova Prospekt. I'm guessing we get to play from Alyx, and Barney.
  4. T

    Gman = Stalker working from the future?

    I see him as somewhat like a salesman. City 17 was a type of product demonstration. Kind of like the Bink videos. Hehe it seemed like the story of HL2 was the story of the development cycle of HL2. You had people taking shots at you, you're rushed to it, you have people expecting so much from...
  5. T

    Best/Worst chapter?

    I thought the boat level was cool, but went on for too long. My least favorite chapter though was 15(credits) because it meant the game was over. My favorite was Follow Freeman, because of one word. STRIIDERRRRRR !!!!!!!!
  6. T

    Comical "Help, I'm stuck!" moments.

    hehe I found a battery under the bath tub. 1 in the machine, 1 on the bed, and 1 under a bath tub outside. I just figured that was a neat place to hide something in a game. so I popped it with the grav gun primary, and found a battery under there. My silly moment was in Sand Trap...
  7. T

    Zombie sounds

    After paying through a few times I find myself kinda creeped out by the zombies, and even more creeped out by the fact that I didn't mind giving them buzz cuts.
  8. T

    Air Boat Area: After getting gun

    You can airboat up the fence fragment onto the walkway to your right(as you entered), and just jump from there.
  9. T

    I Found Gordon!

    the G-man was holding the camera :D
  10. T

    Red barn on the Water Hazard level?

    Yeah, not much in the way of necessity. It has a few little items to pick up.
  11. T

    City 17 first Strider battle - out of ammo!

    hehe I loved that map craig, The unlimited ammo is in front of the building directly across from the building you just came out of. Funniest thing is that I just kept running around picking up ammo from dead guys, and beat that level. After I took out the striders, I was looking around, and...
  12. T

    Half-Life 2 DirectX Comparison

    Interesting thing to note: DX7 makes it real hard to hide in the water. DX9 gives the possibility to hide in water. so if you're playing multiplayer, the DX7 gamers have an advantage over the DX9 players. Single player: DX9, Multiplayer: DX7
  13. T

    Forgive my frankness...

    The G-man is either alien, or used to speaking in an alien tongue.He has "a voice that speeds up and slows down unpredictably, as if he is not quite comfortable with human speech."* The invasion was started because the Combine were attracted to earth by the dimentional rift at the BMRF...
  14. T

    Stuck in that ****ing prison

    I brought one turret with me(guess I wasn't as original as I thought) from the previous battle. I set the turrets up facing eachother(mostly) in front of an alcove. I hid in the alcove and waited with the grav gun. Every time I saw a nade, I popped it with the primary fire(and usually heard a...
  15. T

    is the CE worth it?

    I got the CE. All up and running been busy playing so haven't said much. I like the HL2 T-shirt. It only comes in black and XL. I guess because they can't check your size prior to shipping(Xl works for me as I like being able to wear a sweat shirt under my T). If it came standard as a DVD I...