Recent content by UKchaos2

  1. UKchaos2

    Easter Egg translation, by me

    That easter egg is cool, but i think the vort that gives you the airboat gun has all the same lines too.
  2. UKchaos2

    Gordon=Gman? WTF the video!

    The 'animations' of the gman did it for me. Retarded, but damn, damn funny :D
  3. UKchaos2

    How many times did you see the guy with the briefcase?

    The gman lives in a dumpster.
  4. UKchaos2

    Follow Freeman complete chapter speedrun video! 8min

    Not everyone wants to download a several hundred mb movie file, i prefer the smaller chapter by chapter ones :)
  5. UKchaos2

    Empires map preview

    Well its better than a collection of weapon model rendered at settings so high they no longer represent the quality of the game graphics what so ever.
  6. UKchaos2

    They should have added more weapons...

    where are the ak47s, 5 types of mp5 and nightvision?
  7. UKchaos2

    AI Video

    HL2 is good in spite of its flaws, even the hardcore fans admit it isnt flawless. Only hack reviewers say dumb shit like that to get attention. This video is just another pissed off fan who got taken in by the hype and had over inflated expectations.
  8. UKchaos2

    cant stand any more B**chin!

    im sick of people who beat jokes into the ground :)
  9. UKchaos2

    Gonarch Vs. Antlion Guard

    Gonarch wins by just walking on the rocks :D Plus, the sound it makes running is worth a 100 combine thumpers.
  10. UKchaos2

    cant stand any more B**chin!

    Im sick and tired of threads like these that complain about people who complain.
  11. UKchaos2

    Some More G-Man Sightings

    I'll join in :)
  12. UKchaos2

    A social viewpoint on Counter-Strike and it's insults.

    hud_showtext_time 0 r_decals 0 At most importantly: Realise some people are idiots, you will never change this, you can only try to ignore them.
  13. UKchaos2

    Half-Life 2 Screenshots w/ Motion Blur

    If motion blur was used in games you could run them at very low framerates and it would still look really smooth. Thats how TV gets away with 30fps.
  14. UKchaos2

    Video: Ravenholm completed in 2.5 min on Hard

    Could you not say the same of any spectator sport? See if you care so little about them, dont waste your time posting in a thread dedicate to one of them.
  15. UKchaos2

    Video: Ravenholm completed in 2.5 min on Hard

    Some pretty spiffy jumps in there. I liked the use of the box on the rooftop section. I guess the gravity gun jump is gonna be a mainstay of these runs :)