Video: Ravenholm completed in 2.5 min on Hard



Hey all, I've been practicing and I have my new ravenholm video:

It goes through 4 demos, starts at the beginning of the chapter and ends after the graveyard. If you want the demos you can download the pack here:

Each demo was started using the map xxx console command, and then they were strung together in pinnacle studio. Fraps was used to rip the demos to avi's. The total time for the 4 demos is 2:28. Each demo was recorded on hard mode.

If speedrunning interests you be sure to check out HL2DQ. We have demos of all the levels and we are making a continual speedrun of the entire game.

www . hl2dq . tk
whats the fun of this ? who wants to watch someone else playing anway.... booooring.
ooh maddox fan above :) funny guy.

Another quick time...lets celebrate...
Hehe, maddox=teh roxx0rs.

Anyway, sort of a noob question, where do I put the .dem files to watch them?
Some pretty spiffy jumps in there. I liked the use of the box on the rooftop section. I guess the gravity gun jump is gonna be a mainstay of these runs :)
it's a great time but... god i hate those things, literally don't enjoy doing them or watching them
whats the fun of this ? who wants to watch someone else playing anway.... booooring.

Could you not say the same of any spectator sport?

See if you care so little about them, dont waste your time posting in a thread dedicate to one of them.
just watched it through, well class. the jumping bit when you went into the tree was class, i didnt know you could do that :( i guess i missed alot of things if that type of thing is consistant through the game
Ooh, nice. Fastest I've seen Ravenholm done. Well, apart from Gregori. He's faster even than you, as the video well portrays.

Heh, and I bet all these done-quickers love the existance of the Gravity Gun...
Well done. I didn't know you could do jumps like that box jump and saw blade jump.

good work.
Really cool, well done :)

It's weird to think I probably spent an hour exploring every inch of Ravenholm.
Do you do it originally on a normal speed, or is it slowed down with a console command and then later sped up?
Maybe you should try a HL2 speed record too. The current record is about 2h 58min.
Thats crazy, you definately have a good eye for shortcuts :D
wow that was intense seeing it done so quickly. I was impressed how you bypassed the whole graveyard area.
The part where you use a box to make a huge roof-to-roof jump, and then quickly turn around and CATCH the same box as it's falling off the first roof is really pro.
If you don't like these things then don't read or post in the thread. Ill download it in 10 mins and take a look. You can learn from them as well as the entertainment value. :)
Most impressive. And to think that I must have spent about an hour in Ravenholm. The crate jump was very impressive, and the sawblade jump was something I didn't know could be done. The long roof jump with that crate is probably the most impressive bit there is.
Yea, that was totally totally cool. Insane stuff there. Valve should probably pay you to test run their level and clip off those parts before compiling the final versions of the maps. :p
heh, he messed a couple of parts :D

good job though, quite amazing, nice box work.
BlackMesaDude said:
whats the fun of this ? who wants to watch someone else playing anway.... booooring.

Other than hundreds of millions of people who watch other people play sports on TV every day...
Really cool! Congratulations. But there are some parts when you could win a second or two...
The_Monkey said:
They haven't played through the whole game, have they? On this page there are "only" the chapters, not the whole game. When will it be ready?

Right now it's open competition. Anybody can submit a demo for any level to get the fastest time. We want to make sure we figure out all the major shortcuts before we do the final run. Once we think we're about done, the next segment works by having everyone record for the first level. When the fastest time has been agreed on, the game is saved at that point and distributed. Everyone downloads the saved game and tries the next level and so forth. This way it's a collaborative run and it's also continuous.