Recent content by UrmeldieMurme

  1. U

    MP Mod v1.2a released with Crossfire !!

    Finally we managed to release version 1.2a. Still don't expect too much (it's a alpha :D). Website is still under construction; stuff will follow during this week. Some important links: Serverlist for online play! Board #IRC Highlight of update is the remake of the beloved map...
  2. U

    More money to pay for Hl2 ?!?!

    Mhm, and don´t the see the thread.
  3. U

    More money to pay for Hl2 ?!?! reportet, that Valve has change the EULA ( in englisch -> Final user license agreement ). That means, that Valve can require more money for hl2 from the hl2 players in the next 30 days. The Statement from Valve: If Valve gives you 30 days notice, they can make you pay more for...
  4. U

    Half Life 2 Eraser Mod

    A Half Life 2 Eraser Mod is availble. Here the informations: 1) BulletTime....yes, but it is not the same like in BulletTime mod. When you turn on bullettime, the gravity goes on its half, the gravity gun grows stronger, timescale goes on its 1/3 and the damage dealed to NPC's by headshots...
  5. U

    HL2 vid in the making.

    The Hl2 MP Demo is very nice and i have added on my site. If anyone have more videos like these, than send me on [email protected] and i will add it on my page !
  6. U

    New Matrix Mod

    Ok, i can do that, but i see, thay anyone has open a thread to the matrix mod.
  7. U

    New Matrix Mod

    A new Mod with the name Half-Life 2 Bullet Time Mod V1 is ready. Here the description: Here's a tiny simple script for hl2, which makes the game go "bullet-time" when pressing "b" button and while in bullet-time the physics and ragdolls fly a lot further than in normal mode. Due to no physics...
  8. U

    HL-2 Tweak Guide Released Today!

    Thanks ! Nice link !
  9. U

    Patch Is Out!!! SDK and SURPRISE next week! :)

    Thank you for the news !
  10. U

    Half Life 2 MP Mod v1.1a released

    More work and more time and the mod can be very good !
  11. U

    Post pictures of G-Man!

    Here are some pictures: More can you find on my Page !
  12. U

    Half Life 2 MP Mod v1.1a released

    The german Half Life 2 Multiplayer Mod released the new version 1.1a with follow setting: # added maps : testmp,hl2dm-fun,rocked_arena # fixed serveroption settings # fixed settings.scr # updated menu # changed police model to combine_soldier More Informations and Download can you...
  13. U

    Half Life 2 on Doom3 Engine !!

    A user from the Forum has made a Half Life 2 Map on Doom3 Engine. More informations and pictures can you find HERE ! It´s looks very nice !
  14. U

    Calling all screenshots

    I made more as 168 Screenshots. The Screenshots can you find here.
  15. U

    First Half Life 2 Benchmark

    It´s impossible, to make a Half Life 2 Benchmark in Half Life 2. More Informations can you find HERE