Recent content by WaterMelon34

  1. W

    I took a trip down memory lane

    I can't believe you guys are still on this forum. HL2 remains the most hyped game in history, and you guys were always dicks to me.
  2. W

    I have a deep and personal confession to make...

    No, you can't take this away from me.
  3. W

    I-Dose, getting high of brainwaves

    you're lying because its not supposed to work until you finish listening... so gg. Btw they say that on their forums, and I think it's in their FAQ too. most people who have never done any drug other than alcohol and maybe had one of those doses work on them probably wouldn't say things like...
  4. W

    what the hell is going on?

    Lock this thread please. I knew you shits would do this. Now I know I can't ask anyone about my problems. Gahhh these forums can go to hell for all I care.
  5. W

    what the hell is going on?

    No, it's not possible. I wanted to e-mail her or something but that would be stupid. Ah damn it I feel like shit again. Today people are so shallow all they think about is how to get a new boy/girlfriend or how to pull attention to themselves. It's so bad. This girl isn't like that. Just...
  6. W

    what the hell is going on?

    Thanks a bunch guys. I've gotten through another day :)
  7. W

    what the hell is going on?

    Bah. Well, I want to go to a nice university and get a degree in computer sciences. Maybe work at some large company for a few years and then try to make my own game company and hopefully crank out some good shit. Madog I don't want to forget her :( I'll try that though.
  8. W

    what the hell is going on?

    I don't want sex. I don't even want to get close to her really. I just want to know her. No romance. On a side note... I guess she just represents what I miss most about people. She looks so honorable, so mesmerizing... Anyway, I have some really ambitious goals in life, but they all...
  9. W

    what the hell is going on?

    You want me to masturbate? ROFL....Unless you mean that I should go after her. That is a problem too I guess... She's married, she's older, she speaks another language.
  10. W

    Is this true about Ipod?

    The only reason I have an iPod is because I got it for free in an internet bundle deal. I can play mario on it =D
  11. W

    what the hell is going on?

    I saw a picture of a woman - who I will not name - a few weeks ago and I didn't think anything of her but how she had a nice ass. I looked back a few minutes later and I couldn't stop staring at her face, and then I just felt a sudden rush of this feeling that I've never felt before. It's not...
  12. W

    what will games be like in 2012?

    There is no such thing as running out of ideas. A lot of great things (books, movies, games) are based on history. Do you really think that by 2012 there will be no new content? There might be a game on the Muslim vs. Catholic war that might occur. People have been getting new ideas by...
  13. W

    killing an innocent early on?

    I just block off any path they might use to get to the door while attacking them. So, they basically just keep running into me while I slice 'em up.
  14. W

    First Oblivion Gate?

    I had a frost enchanted knife at lvl 1 when I did it, so I owned it up without too many problems (though I didn't kill the final monsters, I just grabbed that special item thingy and closed the portal to get teleported back to town)
  15. W

    Where do you get lock picks?

    EDIT: Wow, yay for internet problems.