£100 Worth it?


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
at the mo i got a:
rad 9700 pro
512mb 2700 ram
wd 120gb SE 8mb cashe hhd

i was thinking of getind a 2400xp with a new hs/fan its £100 what speeds on any dx9 games do u think i will get for my £100?

thxs for the help
See if you can up your fsb to 166 from 133, that would get you 1.8ghz.
You could OC that 1700+ alot. If you have sufficient cooling, the 1700+ is a massive OCer.
how much we talking???

i never been one for oc as good cooling that makes no nose costs more money which i dont have

also my case sucks i got a intake fan but no holes for intake :P

got a nice big outtake fun but again it makes nose and as my pc on in the night my olds dont like it making a lot of sound........ my cpu fna nice 70-80 mm runing at 4krpm and nice big hs not copper tho.