Antlion defence sequence (spoilers)


Apr 28, 2004
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I have just been playing through HL2 EP2 again, and got to the antlion defence bit (You know the on I mean if you played it). I was gonna come here and write a long discource on it, untill I realised it was superfluous.

I have decided instead to settle on:
This scene ranks, when the music kicks in, and you reload your shotty, imo, as one of the single finest action sequences ever created in gaming history.

By all means discuss, but if not, I just wanted to share with the world how good that sequence was for me, even on a repeat play. We are talking actual shivers down my actual spine.
I really dug it when the vortys came in an kicked butt!
Definitely dude when those vortigons came to help and we started owning the antlions it was just a great feeling. I know exactly what you're talking about.
It's one of my favourite sequences in the entire series. It's really good.
It reminded me of the final showdown in Blue Shift.

I fired two shots during that. One magnum round, one MP5 grenade.

Defending the Mineshaft is really nice though.

The mines are sorta worthless IMO.
That was the only good part in the mines chapter.

When the music started playing, i made a separate save so I could play it again. :p
It's ****ing sweet, to be sure, I played it through again last night.

What nails it for me is the moment when, after carefully allocating firepower for five minutes or so, the vorts come, all the lights come on, the music starts and any semblance of strategy flies out the window :E
Combine mines usually bounce in my face and explode.

It hurts :(
where are you putting them?
usually,you should put them towards the middle of the tunnel and stand in the opening

btw,who puts a turret in front of the cave-ish tunnel and forgets about it?
Ya it was an awesome sequence in the game. I hope Valve makes another scene like this in ep3.
I hope that,instead of antlions,you and a bunch of rebels must defend something from a zombie attack!D:
Ew. No.

What I would like is a rebel/combine attack where I wasn't the determinator of the whole business. You see this (sort of) during the final bits of Ravenholm, in the carpark, and during Lighthouse Point, but it would be nice to have it in a larger scale and see the AI shamblings of a rebel force defending against Combine fireteams.
I'm with you all the way...

About the not subscribing part...
I heard that music track in the Gameplay Demos and was incredibly pumped to hear it in-game.

They couldn't have picked a better time or designed a better set-up.
I got that mp3 3 days before release I was listening to that mp3 all the day ...
I want a sequence like that in EP3 against combine soldiers and hunters. Combines come from the tunnels while hunters sometimes smash through windows :O
Eh, it was okay, but had nothing on the Nova Prospekt beach-storming sequence in HL2 when the antlions are on your side... that was probably the most thrilling sequences of the entire series to me, just for the sheer spectacle of it all.
Eh, it was okay, but had nothing on the Nova Prospekt beach-storming sequence in HL2 when the antlions are on your side... that was probably the most thrilling sequences of the entire series to me, just for the sheer spectacle of it all.

I wonder what would happen if I never turn off the thumpers outside of NP?
Antlions stop following you until the post-bunkers where they come again.