Big Daddies

Jul 23, 2003
Reaction score
Jesus Christ they take a lot of killing on hard mode.
What are you guyses' experiences on taking these down?

Last one i took down involved using up an assload of eve hypos to keep me shocking it while i hosed it with tommygun fire as i desperately backpeddled where i hoped would not be dead ends. Meanwhile it kept getting ridiculous close to me, often landing some nasty hits that caused me to burn through medkits.
ya, im having trouble on medium. I keep lighting him on fire as well as pumping shotgun slugs into him but it takes forever. I have only killed one as as im having a hard enough time with the damn splicers :)
I got hold of some armour piercing shells in the demo... do they not have any effect?
-electric buck
-armor piercing tommy rounds

Shoot & Run.
Yeah electric buck and armor piercing tommy rounds are the best. Best to have a plasmid that also keeps them in place for a bit. Early levels would be lightning, and after that the bee hive plasmid thing works nicely for distracting them, also damages them a bit over time.
I've been playing on hard as well and they are tough. Going through resources like crazy. I bet I would do better if I restarted though. Early on I spent money on more med kits but if I had done better then I wouldn't have needed those. And I would have been able to buy more armor piercing rounds.
the only armor piercing rounds i have at this point are handgun rounds :(

I have lots of tommygun ammo and Anti personel rounds for it, and i got lots of OO buck and a few electric shells

damn hard mode is hard, who would've thought?
ya, im having trouble on medium. I keep lighting him on fire as well as pumping shotgun slugs into him but it takes forever. I have only killed one as as im having a hard enough time with the damn splicers :)
Splicers go down fast with a HS or anti-personel rounds. Also the electricity only gives you a time frame of 3 seconds to do something.
I've been playing on hard as well and they are tough. Going through resources like crazy. I bet I would do better if I restarted though. Early on I spent money on more med kits but if I had done better then I wouldn't have needed those. And I would have been able to buy more armor piercing rounds.

I'm gonna restart today too, I made some bad choices. I play on hard and I die at least a dozen times before I can manage to kill the daddies. Gonna save my adam this time around.

I'm in Arcadia right now and I'm spending more time reloading my last save than actually progressing.

God I love this game. I really enjoy hacking stuff too. I hack every machine I see, doesn't matter if I won't use it. I just want to hack it. I died once to a safe when it overloaded haha :D
Electric shots are your friend.
That or you can freeze the Big Daddys' and shatter them with a bucket full of lead
Upgrade those guns. And use armor piercing. I took one down with just armor piercing pistol rounds. Incinerate's a pretty good bet too.
I love it when there are a lot of enemies around and a big daddy. Or better yet, 2 big daddies. Rage ftw.
I've only killed one so far without getting sent to the vita chamber. :p And I've killed quite a few. I seriously love not having to quicksave and reload all the fking time though... so while they may be hard as hell, it's still fun.
throwing explosive barrels and other debris at them is also pretty effective.
I just found that the electric gel for the chemical thrower is god damn amazing for the big daddies. You need the less ammo upgrade for it to be useful though. The gel electrifies them and damages them at steady rate, so they pretty much just stand there while you chip away at their health. If you dont kill them with the gel, by the time you run out of it you can finish em off with a few shot gun shots or armor piercing rounds from either the tommy gun or pistol.
I'm restarting tomorrow as I made a ton of mistakes and there is a bunch of stuff I want to check out. The game really isn't as linear as it first appears, which is great.

The most effective way for me was to set up a pile of ye olde explosive barrels, some prox mines, and then pump as much electric gel into it as possible (Note, these were generally bouncers, not rosies), when that runs out, move such so that it rushes the trap, and boom :D.

But damn, I was NOT expecting big daddies to be this hard from the videos and such. They are nigh indestructible until you get heavy weapons.
Electric shots are your friend.
That or you can freeze the Big Daddys' and shatter them with a bucket full of lead

Don't shatter big daddies! They drop monies and some other rare loots.

now, would you KINDLY stop shattering big daddies
I've found explosive buck to be extremely effective against them.
Eventually it becomes piss easy to take them down when you get a hold of trap bolt.
I was surprised to see that the big daddies dont get along with eachother. I was fighting one of them and was pretty much getting my ass handed to me, so I just lit him on fire and tried to hide. Then I see another one come in and figured I was done for. He walked right over to the first one and started beating the shit out of him, meanwhile catching on fire. They both die at the same time and i harvest both little girls....
The best method I've found is to use the electric gel from the chemical sprayer. They are locked down as long as you keep the beam on them.
Oh hey something I forgot to mention. Take pictures of little sisters and rosies. If you're going down the righteous path, you'll appreciate the little bonus from the sisters pictures. As for the rosies, well I haven't researched past level 2 but the ++ damage increase is really helpful.
do you eventually learn what happened to the city and why it was turned upside down or is it presumed the invention of plasmids did that?

(please no spoilers)
do you eventually learn what happened to the city and why it was turned upside down or is it presumed the invention of plasmids did that?

(please no spoilers)

A large portion of the info you get about the city comes from diaries so learning about the city depends on whether or not your picking up diaries. They're easy to find though.
Don't shatter big daddies! They drop monies and some other rare loots.

now, would you KINDLY stop shattering big daddies

I only did it once.
Trap Bolts work nicely, I usually set up five and just bait the Big Daddy through them
I hate it when a weapon accidentally hits a friendly big daddy, and they just go psycho. I remember having to face 2 Big Daddies, and like, 4 Spider Slicers. It was pretty intense but nothing a lot of explosions didn't fix
I whacked one over and over with a wrench :D Normally I just shock em and use the shotgun on em takes only 30 seconds.
How come all the big daddys look the same? I like the bouncer big daddys there cooler looking. all I find is rosly or whatever there called.
ya, im having trouble on medium. I keep lighting him on fire as well as pumping shotgun slugs into him but it takes forever. I have only killed one as as im having a hard enough time with the damn splicers :)

Have to agree. If you play on medium and take autoaim off on the 360 version, just hitting the splicers with any form of eve hypo becomes a mission. And when 4 or 5 are coming at you, you nail your medic packs.

I actually love how this game is challenging, full of story and is LONG. Its like the ultimate FPS. Helps that its so damn cool too.

Ive yet to take on a Big Daddy, i cant wait though.
Ive yet to take on a Big Daddy, i cant wait though.[/QUOTE]

It sounds like You have not gotten very far in the game :| Cause its not long before You get to fight one.
Yeah but ive been watching my Bro's 2 kids, and one of them has ADD, so its like trying to play games with the riddler sat next to you.

Therefore ive got about 5 mins past where the demo finishes, before i wanted to scream at him...and let the 2 of them play other games while i worked around the house...

Only thing thats keeping me going is the fact that his dad picks them up in 20 mins *prays* so i can finally sit down and play it properly.
Medical pavillen or w/e is scary as crap cause of the doctor splicers that jump out and attack plus you see alota dead bodys with blood everywere and ahh its so creepy:eek: Not to spoil the small boss fight at the end of medical part but the guy you fight ehh just wait till you see what he has done.
Wait until you get further in the game dammit. Stop spoiling everything for yourself.
YOu HAVE ANNOYED ME FOR THE LAST TIME! *throws a fish at you* but ok ill wait
Okay - why the **** are these things ****ing near impossible to fight?

Being tough I can appreciate - but this is ridiculous.

Just ran into my first one, Atlas tells me I'm ready to take it down, and retrieve Adam from the little Sister. OK, I'm full on medkits and Eve shots, so I blast away with the electric plasmid and armour piercing pistol rounds/electric buckshot.

Not only does the thing take all of my medkits and my last entire bar of health to go down, but I find you can't even avoid the stupid ****ing thing. It slows your movement down, and its attacks are just unavoidable.

No worry I say, it's dead, back to the Vito Chamber and I'll collect the spoils. I get to its corpse - ANOTHER ****ING THING

Man, I'm so angry right now. I was doing well and settling nicely into the whole game. I hope I'm missing something, but from the way that baattle went, I doubt it.
Dodge. Dodging is always good. And make sure you're not missing with the armor piercing or standing 30 feet away with the shotgun.