But why steam???



ok so far here are the facts i've gathered from this, and other forums.


Steam servers are overloaded but alot of ppl just swear anyway to make the dload go faster.

Steam servers are not slow ffs.

Cs and other games are slow for the first time cause when u enter cs its dloading as it goes along...thats a 1 time thing (i noticed it when i was beta testing)

Err.. steam skin is ugly.


... anyway these are going to be argued over till every1 is playing ... but i didnt really get it... why steam? what do you need it for, id rather go play cs multiplayer , hl single/multiplayer the old fashioned way (the normal way) then having to connect to steam (if it connects)

atm my isp is sucking like f**k all and dcs on me once a day or so for about half an hour. what happens if i wanna play hl in the meantime...or cs 1.6 vs bots, i can't.

all this hassle to have a pretty buddy list?

this thread is practically meaningless cause i doubt steam are gunna stop what they are doing. anyway these are possibly the roughest times for steam users, once we get past this dload frenzy, HOPEFULLY wede be able to play without waiting 15 mins. :dozey: