Comcast has started to impose a fee on Netflix provider Level 3 Communications

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Party Escort Bot
Sep 14, 2003
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Comcast Corp. has begun imposing a fee on Internet middleman Level 3 Communications Inc., one of the companies that Netflix Inc. has hired to deliver movies and TV shows to Web customers.

Comcast, the largest U.S. cable TV company, has set up an Internet “toll booth,” charging Level 3 whenever customers request content, the Broomfield, Colorado-based company said in a statement yesterday.

So it starts. The FCC is set to decide wether they will start regulating this type of thing next month. Congress is against it but the FCC still has power to implement net neutrality. Unfortunately from the way our government has been managed I have a feeling they will cave and not implement it. And what Comcast is doing will be a test run before other companies jump on board. As we have seen in other areas these fees they are charging Netflix (and anyone hosted by Level 3) will probably increase on a regular basis and eventually they will apply to other companies.