Could this run half life 2 ?



My computer is p4 2.4 GHz with 512mb, but my videocard is Intel(R)82845G/GL Graphics Controller; I really don't know whether it can run half life 2, because the card is neither Gforce nor Radeon, do you guys think I can run hl2 on it ?
Why don't you get a Radeon or GeForce? the rest of your PC is very nice, it's a shame it's all going to waste with such a video chip ;)
You can get a geForce Ti 4600 or a Radeon 9500 pretty cheap now.
thats onboard video right? it wont run it well, but it probably could run it....
Barely run it.
Start saving now and you'll be able to afford at least an nVidia GF4 or ATI 9500 by the time HL2 is out. It'll be so much better then that... thing ... you have in now that you'll be glad you did.
Get a 9500 pro over the GF4 simply for the DX9 support.
no take the geforce fx 5900 it kick ass and the test show that this cart eat all the ati radeon.
question.. ARE YOU BLIND!!! there is a General Hardware forum! why do you post it here instead of there.

and ulukai, never trust the hardware review benchmarks. ati can easely beat the geforce fx 5900.
I think the general consensus is that that hardware forum is dead, at least that's what people have been saying...
Jesus the hardware forum is not dead, if you wait longer than 3 seconds for a reply you might realise that it aint.
I've got an AthlonXP 1.6+ (but doesn't that mean it runs near equivalent to 1.6?), 256Mb RAM and a GeForce3 64Mb
Should I just upgrade the graphics card? Would that make a big enough difference or would it make more sense to just save up and buy a whole new PC (I'm thinking of that at the moment)
dude don't spend 200 bucks on a video card that good. just get like a radeon 9000 or something. its pretty much the same performace for HL2. just a few minor things
Originally posted by duff man rocks
dude don't spend 200 bucks on a video card that good. just get like a radeon 9000 or something. its pretty much the same performace for HL2. just a few minor things

lol you dont know anything do you? maybe for hl1 there would be no performance differance with a high-ed card and a 9000. but hl2 and upcoming games will really make that false. there will be huge graphical differance between a 9800 pro and a 9000. just look at the chart.
Originally posted by El_Chi
I've got an AthlonXP 1.6+ (but doesn't that mean it runs near equivalent to 1.6?), 256Mb RAM and a GeForce3 64Mb
Should I just upgrade the graphics card? Would that make a big enough difference or would it make more sense to just save up and buy a whole new PC (I'm thinking of that at the moment)

an Athlon xp 1600+ runs as fast as a P4 1.6 Ghz. same with all models. my new Athlon xp 2800+ runs as fast as a P4 2.8 Ghz
Originally posted by gamevoodoo
My computer is p4 2.4 GHz with 512mb, but my videocard is Intel(R)82845G/GL Graphics Controller; I really don't know whether it can run half life 2, because the card is neither Gforce nor Radeon, do you guys think I can run hl2 on it ?

He has video on the motherboard...which means he has no AGP slot, which means he CANNOT get a decent video card.

You will have to use PCI cards
ATI 9500/9700/9800 are AGP and do not come in PCI form

Nvidia: Geforce3TI/Geforce4TI/Geforce FX 5600/5800/5900 do not come in PCI form

You are limited to very crappy MX series of cards basically for your PC,

Advice, sell your PC and buy a new one with a AGP slot.
Hell no don't sell thw whole PC!
Sell that crappy mobo and get a new one with agp slot!!
Re: Re: Could this run half life 2 ?

Originally posted by Shockwave
He has video on the motherboard...which means he has no AGP slot, which means he CANNOT get a decent video card.

You will have to use PCI cards
ATI 9500/9700/9800 are AGP and do not come in PCI form

Nvidia: Geforce3TI/Geforce4TI/Geforce FX 5600/5800/5900 do not come in PCI form

You are limited to very crappy MX series of cards basically for your PC,

Advice, sell your PC and buy a new one with a AGP slot.

omg, are u guys sure that my computer can't use any GForce and Radeon card?
Please tell me how to see it on the motherboard. Is there any PCI card can run hl2 with decent speed with maximum detail?
Yes there are PCI Video cards if you don't have an AGP slot. Best way to check would be to find the manual for your computer to see if it does. Your second option would be to open the computer case, actually not that hard.

With the case off, look in the lower left "quadrant" of the motherboard. You should see a number of horizontal slots. If one of those slots is brown and offset to the right of the others, and as long as a PCI slot (there are other slots which are about 1/2 to 1/3 the size of a PCI slot which are not AGP).

This picture is turned 90 degrees clockwise, but you can still use it as a reference as to whether you have an AGP slot (the long brown one).
First of all, Thank everyone who tries to help me to understand my computer.
Secondly, the weird thing is that when I open my computer case I don't see any card inside, and I see 4 horizontal slots. 3 are white and 1 is brown; they almost have the same length. Do u think the brown one is an AGP slot?

I can't see the picture posted by Zyphria.

That is an AGP 4x slot, yours may be slightly longer, then it is an 8x AGP slot.
I think my Intel video chip is integrated to the motherboard , that's why I can't find the card.
Originally posted by Zyphria

That is an AGP 4x slot, yours may be slightly longer, then it is an 8x AGP slot.

Yeah, the brown slot in my computer looks simillar to the one on the picture, I think it's a 4x slot. Can I still install a Gforce or Radeon card on my computer. I heard that 4x slot is worse than 8x slot, Is it true? Are all AGP slots brown? White for PCI?
Yes you can get a Radeon/GeForce card

AGP 4x has less bandwidth than AGP 8x (roughly half), but it still will be a lot better than integrated video when you stick in a 9500 pro or higher in the slot.

The next task when you buy your card will be to diable your on-board graphics controller, which is simple enough but it could get ugly, someone on here should be able to give you some help when the time comes
There is not much difference between 4x and 8x really..
WOOT WOot WooT !!!! COOL!!! I can get a Gforce or a Radeon card now, Thank you very much!!!
My budget will depend on what job I can find before 30th September, If I have enough money I will buy a Radeon 9800 or a Fx 5900, if I don't then I will see what I can do. Is Fx 5900 better than Radeon 9800? Is Fx 5900 cheaper?
I'm like dropping school for few months to work in order to save up enough money to buy the machine that can run hl2 in max detail with decent speed. I think I went crazy the day I saw the hl2 E3 video.
Originally posted by gamevoodoo
I'm like dropping school for few months to work in order to save up enough money to buy the machine that can run hl2 in max detail with decent speed. I think I went crazy the day I saw the hl2 E3 video.

Seriously, no game is worth missing out on an education that will get you a better job later. Get a part-time job, and still go to school
Yeah, Murray_H is right - that kind of thing is scary, man. It's not as bad as those people whose lives fall apart after they get addicted to EverQuest, but you can't put a game in front of the future of your life - it's not healthy and it doesn't make much sense.
I have an AGP 4x, and i am planning on buying and ati radeon 9800. So my question is are there two different size 9800s for example, 8x and4x. Im kind of confused. Some one help please.
AGP 8x cards are backwards compatible with other AGP slots
Motherboards that only support 2x AGP are not compatible with 8x AGP cards.
To clarify the original question, yes 8x AGP cards are 100% compatible with 4x AGP mobos.

Also, do NOT drop school, making up for it down the line is much much much harder. Even a few months can throw you off track.
Thanks everyone, I appreciate your advises. I agree that education is important but I personally think that school is not the only way of learning. Let me prove to myself to see whether I'm right; if I'm wrong, I will defintly go back to school with more precise and certain objectives.
True, the 'problem' with society, is that some extreme examples stand out in the media to which people believe the also are an exception to the rule. Best of luck to you anyways.
Thanks! I don't think I'm an exception, I'm just another tiny human being who tries to live a life.