CSS: Sound Looping and Locking with CTD after 10mins..!


Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
My CSS is crashing everytime now after about 10 mins play. :frown: The crashing itself is always a Looping/Stuttering sound lockup, then crash to desktop with no error messages. it just goes poof to desktop after the looping sound lockup. The game runs just fine up to this point at a whopping 80+fps on my system at 1280 x 960. I reiterate that the crash is the same everytime, a looping sound CTD. Things I have tried to solve this are..

1. Reinstalled all Video/Sound drivers 6.1 Nvidia/SbLive.
2. Motherboard/Bios up to date..
3. Turned down sound Hardware acceleration to basic. Still Crash.
4. Speakers to 2 in game. No difference..
5. AA/AF on/Off: Made no difference
6. Reinstalled CSS..Still crashing
7. Reinstalled directx 9.0c After trying 9.0b.. Same crash
8. Moved Soundcard to different PCI slot. No joy..
9. Fastwrites On/Off : Same Crash..
10 -Heapsize 128000.. No difference
11. latest .NET Framework installed..

I am now at a loss as what is causing this. My sys specs are

AMD Athlon 3200+ (no-overclock)
1 gig DDR3200 Ram
Gigabyte GA700-N1 Nforce2 Motherboard
Nvidia 6800 128meg
SBlaster 5.1
Windows 2000 (all up-to-date)
Directx 9.0c

Im sure its not my system causing the crash rather than CSS itself as I have many other games running on this rig without any hint of crashes or problems of any kind..! I have looked in these forums as well as official Steam ones to seek help but have been unable to find specific htopics with this problem.
Seeking some help then guys..! Thanks..
Seems that it was infact .Net Framework that fixed it afterall. Just played for an hour and no crashes thus-far. :) Fingers crossed..
what is ur agp setting on lik x8 or x4 that used to hapen to me every time i started it up but the i realized that mine was on x0!
------>on my 9800xt
It wasnt the .NET Framework afterall.. Still crashing and still need some help guys.. Thanks very much..
i have the exact same error, tried windows .net framework, didnt fix, PLEASE HELP
I am experiencing this too now, after a week after gameplay....

I tried EVERYTHING.. more settings combinations than a McDonalds menu.

It runs fine for the first few minutes then WAM.. sound loops etc. crashes.. won't even go to desktop. just hangs. Reset pc. exact same problem. :frown: :frown:
Same problem

AMD64 3200
1 gig OCZ 3400EB (2x512)
ATI Radeon 9800 pro 256mb (latest drivers 10/17/2004)
WD 10000rpm 36GB SATA
MSI Neo2 (latest nForce drivers)

this is a serious problem that really deserves a bump :angry:
I think there might be a fix.

Download this and update your registry.

This was taken from here , page 5.

Also, increasing your virtual memory might help.

I hope these work, I haven't had a chance to try them out :)
My VM is at 500 mb...Still happens to me as well
ditto same problem. This happened once in a blue moon during after the 1.0 release, never during the beta, and today has happened 3 times. Any suggestions?
My system: P4 2.4C, 1.5Gb PC3200, 9600XT, Audigy 2Zs gold, Maxtor 120.
Yes, a good suggestion, msinfo32 shows on the conflicts sharing tab the following information:

I/O Port 0x00000000-0x00000CF7 PCI bus
I/O Port 0x00000000-0x00000CF7 Direct memory access controller

I/O Port 0x000003C0-0x000003DF Intel(R) 82865G\PE\P Processor to AGP Controller - 2571
I/O Port 0x000003C0-0x000003DF RADEON 9600 SERIES

IRQ 21 Creative SB Audigy 2 ZS (WDM)
IRQ 21 NEC PCI to USB Open Host Controller

IRQ 10 Universal Serial Bus (USB) Controller
IRQ 10 Intel(R) 82801EB SMBus Controller - 24D3
IRQ 10 Multimedia Audio Controller

IRQ 22 3Com Gigabit LOM (3C940)
IRQ 22 OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller
IRQ 22 NEC PCI to USB Open Host Controller

IRQ 16 Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24D2
IRQ 16 Intel(R) 82801EB USB Universal Host Controller - 24DE

Memory Address 0xD0000000-0xFAFFFFFF Intel(R) 82865G\PE\P Processor to AGP Controller - 2571
Memory Address 0xD0000000-0xFAFFFFFF RADEON 9600 SERIES

Memory Address 0xA0000-0xBFFFF PCI bus
Memory Address 0xA0000-0xBFFFF Intel(R) 82865G\PE\P Processor to AGP Controller - 2571
Memory Address 0xA0000-0xBFFFF RADEON 9600 SERIES

I/O Port 0x000003B0-0x000003BB Intel(R) 82865G\PE\P Processor to AGP Controller - 2571
I/O Port 0x000003B0-0x000003BB RADEON 9600 SERIES

I/O Port 0x0000D000-0x0000DFFF Intel(R) 82865G\PE\P Processor to AGP Controller - 2571
I/O Port 0x0000D000-0x0000DFFF RADEON 9600 SERIES

So i currently have this many sharing conflicts on my machine. How do i remedy this? Thanks.
It didn't help me either =/

I wish they would fix this.

I does seem to decrease frequency when you crank the vm up.

In xp: right click on my computer, properties, advanced tab, performance settings, advanced tab, virtual memory change tab.
i really don't think virtual memory has anything to do with it, i have it set to 2 gigs, and i have 1.5 gigs of real RAM. How much does this damn game really need? I think the hardware conflicts issue may be it, but how does one fix this?
hmmm, yeah

I think there are multiple causes for the same problem and one of the problems is ram, however, I think both of our problems are different.
Hey this is the same problem i'm getting except that this came up when the game froze
I reset all of my video settings back to default, and erased all of the registry entries relating to my video card, and I have not once crashed since. I used to crash around 2 mins into it, with a looping sound (usually a footstep or ambience). I also used NVHardpage to tweak my video card. Thats how I restored it back to default.

is there a program to reset the registry for ati cards, because that NVhardpage is made for nivida
I also had the same problem...I fixed mine by deleting all of my video drivers using Driver Cleaner 3 and reloading them again. I also turned my DirectX down to 7 by stating the game with
"-dxlevel 70" (Resets my video setting every time I start the game, and dosent have shiny stuff, but atleast I can play now.)
My specs are:
AMD 64 2800+ ; GF 4 TI 4200 ; 512DDR PC3200 ; Soyo CK8 Dragon Plus MotherBoard
Hope this helps someone.
CommandoSR said:

OMG!!! I can't thank you enough.. I've been playing hl2 for the past 2.5 hours crash-free.. I just came out for a second to thank you!
I ran msinfo32.exe and found that my onboard lan card was on the same channel as my sound card ie IRQ 17 so I physically moved the sound card down on slot.
Then I ran ICQ again to find my Sound Card on IRQ 18 and my Net card on IRQ 17, and that seemed to have fixed everything! :thumbs:
-try it guys!
ack.. it's back to crashing.. but turning down the hardware sound acceleration at start>run>dxdiag
and turning down the sound quality in the game to low helps a little.

If you want to test if your sound is causing the problem trying typing +nosound "1" into the consol (not sure if that's right maybe it's just nosound "1"). That way you can start pinpointing the problem. It's worth it! hl2 forever!
hello this is a copy of my conflicts page could any one tell me if these are conflicts that i can sort out and if so how!!

I/0 PORT 0X00000000-0X00000CF7 PCI BUS
I/0 PORT 0X00000000-0X00000CF7 direst memory access c

I/0 PORT 0X000003C0-0X000003DF RADEON 9800 PRO

MEMORY ADDRESS 0xa0000-0xbffff pci bus
MEMORY ADDRESS 0xa0000-0xbffff sis accel grfx port
MEMORY ADDRESS 0xa0000-0xbffff radeon 9800 pro

I/0 PORT 0X000003B0-0X000003BB RADEON 9800 PRO

This is my conflicts page are any of these bad enough to cause crashes cause when i get the crash i dont get the sound loop just freezes and i cant get back to the desktop im just stuck in th game. oh yeh how would i fix these conflicts????
any help would be much appreaciated cheers peeps.