CTF 2Fort for HL2 DM



(I have incl. b3 and b4 in the zip)

"Ported by: Kusa
Map Name: tdm_2fort_b3 & tdm_2fort_b4
Style: Capture The Flag
Download URL: http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA011095/hl2/tdm_2fort_b3.zip

Instructions: Take enemy's flag and bring it back to your team's battlements(sniper nest). CTF logic source available with .vmt file."

Not by me. Very cool port of 2fort to hl2dm. It includes functioning CTF using two steel balls. I've seen turrets up (like sentry guns) but not sure if they work. The respawns have anti-camper auto-turrets. Lots of flaming barrels in strategic spots. Fun new twist on 2fort. Plz get this running on servers. There's one in Europe that is very busy.
How is score controlled by capturing the flag? I've been trying to figure out how to do that
satch919 said:
Pics please.

I just took a pic of the vmf in hammer... doesnt look that um great, I expected a port of 2fort from TFC not a blank room with a few props :(

Woah, that sucks. People should only release a map if it has some substance to it. I like the concept of CTF but I just don't care for the arena.
Yes it is a little fun, just ran about by myself though, got to look for it online. It does show some promise IMO.
Looks promising. They just have to make it a little more stylish and pretty. Right now, the texturing sucks. :p
Thanks for playing.
Yea, I do know I have no skill for map designing skill. (rippped-off from TFC)
That's why I included .vmf file in it if someone could make better ctf-style map.

Now running tdm_2fort_b5 .
(filename is still b3, just because my 1st post coudn't edit for up-to-date)
Kusa said:
Thanks for playing.
Yea, I do know I have no skill for map designing skill. (rippped-off from TFC)
That's why I included .vmf file in it if someone could make better ctf-style map.

Now running tdm_2fort_b5 .
(filename is still b3, just because my 1st post coudn't edit for up-to-date)
Wow! You made it?! I just played it for a couple of hours, and it is great!
It really brings the fun of Team Fortress to hl2dm!
Awesome work! :thumbs:
the mapper at least should have added much, much more and NEEDED visual candy... I mean, the layout of the map was already there for him... he just applied textures and played with the flag thingy...

this map would defenately not get a high score from me on the visual part. But on the other side, it COULD be fun :)
Can you use GravGun to capture flag, and toss it into the goal? Making a quicker CTF score?
Just played the b3 version, it was fun, hl2dm crashed after an hour though.

I think the map needs more physics objects. Specifically, it need a small container (carrieable with the GG) in the spawn room, so i can fill the box with medpacks and batteries and resupply snipers at the balcony.
Overwatch said:
Just played the b3 version, it was fun, hl2dm crashed after an hour though.

I think the map needs more physics objects. Specifically, it need a small container (carrieable with the GG) in the spawn room, so i can fill the box with medpacks and batteries and resupply snipers at the balcony.

I like the idea of that. :)
Going around with a carriage and supply the other people. :cheers:
Yeah, I thought it was a good idea when I read your post 1st.
But I guess the items would go back to their spawn when sv_hl2mp_item_respawn_time(30sec or so) was passed?
I don't have an account on steam forum, so I'm gonna post here.
Originally Posted by Chrysis
Things that should be fixed: The spawn bug where you spawn on eachothers head and get stuck
I gonna add trigger_push under each spawn points in b6 so that should be fixed. Still you can duck out from stuck in current version though.
The underwater bug, were you are stuck in underwater mode - meaning no running and weird sound.
It's a HL2DM bug that should be fixed by Valve.
I already added a workaround in b6 but couldn't get rid of a weird water sound (can't use stopsound w/o cheat on).
Anyway next version the map gonna be darkened and slightly better tex.
Overwatch said:
Just played the b3 version, it was fun, hl2dm crashed after an hour though.

I think the map needs more physics objects. Specifically, it need a small container (carrieable with the GG) in the spawn room, so i can fill the box with medpacks and batteries and resupply snipers at the balcony.

Too bad when most people pick up containers with things in them they go flying in the air so it'd be useless :(. Idea is good, but needs a way to be implemented correctly. Maybe a cage with a door that opens/closes filled with medpacks? Or just do it the tried and true way with a med terminal.
- Changed the name to ctf_2fort according to the custom
- Fixed items spawing at (0,0,0)
- Tweaked texture/model/lighting (darkened)
- Upped to 20 players capable (prev. was 16)
- Now be able to see through the water surface in the red base
- Can bring out items (not weapons) from any resupply
- Removed Ar2 alt from lower resupply
- Added a workaround for player-stucks-on-afker
- Tweaked turrets (now stopped fire when picked up firing turrets)
- Added a workaround for water-bug (no sound fix though)
- Fixed combine score (typo, and max limit; 320 from 160)
- Added signs from TFC

First of all I wanted to say thanks for the map, I play it on one of my servers 24/7 and its very popular.

There have been a few bug reports, I thought I would pass on:

- The turrets will start firing on your own team; the other team will put them outside of the spawn points so it kills them on spawn. It usually only kills one side though; not both.

- Flag can not go through via the water route; it forces you to drop it

- Small spawn issue; its much better than before though so no huge complaints there.

Thanks again!
This is how HL2DM CTF is meant to be played! oh man i had so much fun on it cause its perfectly balanced and the crossbow is so damn useful
- Tweaked Model/Lighting (lightened a bit)
- Tweaked team spawn (hopefully less telefragging on mapspawn)
- Unbreakable-props throwing in a water will return to home for preventing server lags
- Fixed water route preventing flags through
- Added Slam in lower ressuply
- All of players in captured team will get 10 points each now
- Now the Turrets return to home when enemy touch opposite's
- Updated ctf_flagtest for capable of game_score
aurigus said:
- The turrets will start firing on your own team; the other team will put them outside of the spawn points so it kills them on spawn. It usually only kills one side though; not both.
I dunno why, but now enemy's turrets are less abusable (see above).
Hope this works well.
- this map is heavily logic driven (entdata: 292653/393216 - 74.4%), so possibly malfunction in lagging situation.
- this map may not work well on linux server (physicssurface: 6085880/6291456 - 96.7% VERY FULL!). maybe later version will be reduced surfaces(working on simplified displacements).

Title : Sequential Territorial Control (Warpath)
Filename : ctf_warpath.zip (beta 1)
Porter : Kusa
Single Player : No
Cooperative : No
Deathmatch : Yes, 2-20 players, must be mp_teamplay "1" for server setting (Team Deathmatch)
New Sounds : No
New Models : No
New Graphics : Yes, from TFC
New Music : No

Objective: Capture all five command points in the map in sequential order. Move onto a capture point to capture.

Scoring: 30 points for capturing all the command points. The game will end by getting 150 points first or passing 30 min.

Other Notes:
Combine captures points in order -- 1,2,3,4,5.
Rebel captures points in descending order -- 5,4,3,2,1.

Once a point has been captured, it cannot be re-captured for 15 seconds. Points have a panel covering them when they cannot be captured.

The tunnel under the bridge requires a detpack(located in each team's base) to clear. Once it's been cleared, another detpack explosion can re-seal it.

- Installing Map
Place a .bsp map file into below directory (ex. default installed directory)
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\(your account name)\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\maps
Then choose the server which running map you want to play.
- Simplified displacements for linux server (b1: 96.7% VERY FULL! / b2: 79.7%)
- Tweaked Model/Lighting/Texture
- Tweaked func_door
- Changed Weapon/Ammo location
- Added a workaround for player-stuck-on-afker
- Removed soundscapes which may cause the server laggings
Love that map

Kusa said:
- Fixed Server crashing
- Tweaked func_door
- Sorted out logics
- Didn't work custom decals correctly with bspzip
- Now explode barrels spawn evey 60 seconds


Thanks so much for making this map, it brings back memories from when I played the original TF for Quakeworld, back in 1998.

I have only been playing HL2 DM for a short while, but I've spent most of my time on the few servers that have your 2forts map.

One request, maybe in your next version you'd be willing to consider:

GET RID OF THE COMBINE MACHINE GUN, or at least get rid of the ammo for the secondary (the bouncing glowball.)

I dunno if that's something the server admin can set, or if that's something set in the map itself, but that glowball has been ruining many a goood game of ctf, and a lot of folks playing seem to agree. Maybe other people on these boards agree that the glowball is way unbalanced. Not only does it insta-kill on touch, but it continues to bounce around the whole fort killing everyone.

The 2fort map was designed for TF, and it has a lot of narrow corridors. All it takes is one glowball down a corridor to clear out a whole team that has worked hard to make their way across the bridge, or worse, while coming up the ramp from the flag room.

Please, please, take it out in your next version.



ILL Clinton
Umm ok, I'll remove AR2 gun(and secondary) completely in b8 and see what will happen.
I think a gameplay will be changed a bit with new item added in b8.
ILL Clinton I think I've seen you on that server before. Anyway, I agree about the combine orbs.

But Kusa, do you have to take out the whole gun? I don't mind having the gun in there, it's just that the interiors on the maps are so cramped that I think the orbs are a little *too* effective. I think there's a way you can have the gun spawned without any orbs in it. I also love how you put the turrets and SLAM in there.
I'll release 2 version of the map and decide which one is the better.
I could set AR2 secondary limit (to 1 from 3) and spawn in the lower resupply every 'n' sec though.

scratch this, I couldn't change 'sk_max_ar2_altfire' during the game.
I'm going to remove AR2 secondary.
- Added Bounce Pad in the lower resupply (thanks CMEast for the idea)
- Fixed stucking doors with Slam
- Added ctf_2fort_b8n for the less weapons (no combine ball or 357)
- Changed name to sdk_flagtest.vmf
- Added sdk_bouncepad.vmf
Love the bounce pads Kusa


It was great to see you in the game last night. Sorry if I alerted everyone that you were the mapmaker if you wanted to stay incognito.

We really like the bounce pads, and you are right, it has changed the gameplay in a good way. Even the complainers eventually started to use them and seemed to like it.

What about adding moveable armor and ammo dispensers? Like the engineers can make in TF? They could spawn in the downstairs supply room after the team scores once or twice, just like the sentries.

Thanks again.

ILL Clinton
how about this?

Kusa said:

- Added ctf_2fort_b8n for the less weapons (no combine ball or 357)

I think taking both the combine and the 357 out will make a lot of good players go elsewhere to play, and no one really complains about the 357 very much... it's a skill weapon.

What about just making it so the combine gun in the upstairs resupply rooms have no secondary ammo, but there's one in the downstairs resupply that has 1 secondary ammo. And the one downstairs could spawn less frequently than the other weapons.

That way, the glowball is still in the game, but it requires more effort to get it, and is available less often. This will be an improvement because it will make the glowball more surprising, and people will use it more strategicaly, instead of just spamming them everywhere.

And of course, leave the .357 in the map. Can't have 2forts without snipers.

Just some ideas Kusa, but this map is always filled with a lot of us who only play this map, and most of us agree on this one point. It's usually only the newcomers to the 2forts map who over use the glowball.

THanks, and come play with us more often! :)

ILL Clinton
Thanks for playing with me yesterday, it was great fun.
ILL_Clinton said:
What about adding moveable armor and ammo dispensers?
With current HL2DM spec (entity game_player_equip), surpus items (a player with full ammo and/or armor touch the dispenser) will be duplicated onto the ground, so it could be abusable.
Even if let the player use every 'n' sec, it would create all of the ammo plus a battery into the ground everytime the player with full ammo/armor touch it.
What about just making it so the combine gun in the upstairs resupply rooms have no secondary ammo, but there's one in the downstairs resupply that has 1 secondary ammo. And the one downstairs could spawn less frequently than the other weapons.
As same as above, I have to use an entity game_player_equip for a secondary ammo, you could have that ammo many as you want.

Thanks for the feedback, I'm really happy to watch many players playing this map. (with lurking :LOL: )
.ñµkËz said:
Download dead...
Have you tried this link instead of 1st post? Worked for me.