Custom Speech Television Issue


Jan 31, 2010
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Firstly, thank you to Barnz for helping me on my last issue. :)

Nearly everything is working now except one thing. I've basically used the 3rd trainstation map (for it's TVs) and changed Breen's speech file. While he does speak out this custom speech the Combine logo won't go away so you can't hear him on the TVs.

Anyway to fix this without deleting the logo? I thought it would work since I only changed the speech file, but as I seem to have learned nothing is ever quite so simple. ;)

EDIT: Just to see what would happen by removing the screen, he as expected appears but no sound is heard. Using no clip again shows he is speaking the new speech though.
I don't think your post is clear enough - did you replace the vanilla speech? I believe there's a timer set to change the television's view/speaker when Breen's speech ends. I assume your custom speech is longer than the vanilla, right?
It's shorter. I must be missing something as I am not sure what you fully mean by vanilla speech.
the original speech file - do you use the television settings as a base for your map?
I've basically saved a copy of the third trainstation map and altered the speech file. So instead of the instinct speech it's a custom one. But I wasn't aware that a timer needed to be altered.

It doesn't change from the Combine screen either, it stays that way no matter what. I'm sorry if I am not explaining this well.


I didn't realise Hammer had prefabs. Using those I now have solved the Combine slate issue. But I still can't hear the speech itself. Is this because it is a custom speech? The standard Breencasts work and even Barney's does.
Ok, I've used the jumbotron and breen booth prefabs and changed his speech file. It works for that except the custom speech is not broadcasted to the jumbotron so he is just miming. I followed what this poster had written on here

and for the speech and faceposer scene I used something called "The Complete Guide to Faceposer" and yet still no sound is broadcasted. Have I made the audio file wrong or something? I mean if I had made the audio file wrong it wouldn't work at all I would have thought. It does work for the character itself but it doesn't broadcast and I can't think of what to do. I feel I am so close and just can't get the last bit.