Damn you steam!!!


Nov 14, 2008
Reaction score
um... hi i guess, i really, really need help.

For some strange reason Steam has decided to not work properly anymore, why, i don't know. But for some reason Steam fails to load properly and after it has taken its time (about 5 mins) loading the games page after saying "Scanning for (imaginary) updates" it finally loads... then what? oh it just doesn't load any of the games i want to play, like say, hm how about THE L4D DEMO D: , or CS:S or any other game, it just freezes... and does absolutely nothing before either just quitting without a message, or asks me if i want to quit the application or wait for it to load.

This seriously annoying problem started about a week ago, for some bizarre reason, and persists on making my life a living hell.

The most annoying thing is that while everyone else is wanking off the L4D demo im stuck with this crap with only 3.5 days left of free (unplayed) demo.
Hmm, have you tried reinstalling Steam?
No, i really cant be bothered waiting what could be a day for steam and my games to reinstall, then there are the servers and maps, mods, etc.
It just screwed itself up for no obvious reason, why would you bother posting, telling me to try and reinstall, its the obvious slow crappy way to do it, im sorry but i just need to know if there are any GOOD, QUICK ways of fixing it.
Or you could stop being a douchebag and reinstall steam, though if the download takes a day, maybe you have a connection problem that is keeping you from playing. Maybe your internet is running slow for some reason.

Also, steam doesn't have to reinstall all your games if you just reinstall steam. If you delete the steam folder when you "reinstall" it, you are a tard. ;)
Wow i really didn't expect anyone to reply like that and be such an asshole, hmm I'm guessing you're American, correct me if I'm wrong, but that really isn't a nice way to reply, if you ask me you are the douchbag, so please piss off if you're gonna be like that. And further more, the only reason to reply is if you actually have anything to say that could ****ing help not just insult me.
Reinstall steam and stop being obnoxious, we're offering you help. This guide, here, tells you how you can move your games out of the folder to avoid redownloading.
I lol'd again. Say something to me, I dare you.
Wow i really didn't expect anyone to reply like that and be such an asshole,

Wow. You asked for help and when someone came offering it you gave an asshole reply and didnt expect asshole replies back?

No, i really cant be bothered waiting what could be a day for steam and my games to reinstall, then there are the servers and maps, mods, etc.
It just screwed itself up for no obvious reason, why would you bother posting, telling me to try and reinstall, its the obvious slow crappy way to do it, im sorry but i just need to know if there are any GOOD, QUICK ways of fixing it.

Yeah, we did give you a GOOD, QUICK way of doing it. Reinstall Steam, ******.

Wanna fight? One on one, me and you. Right here, right now. I'm up for it.
Yeah, we did give you a GOOD, QUICK way of doing it. Reinstall Steam, ******.

Wanna fight? One on one, me and you. Right here, right now. I'm up for it.

You got beaten by a Primary School kid. He's an Evil Clown. You're dead, sir.
The guy is replying to the comment Van Halen made, which was unnecessarily rude for no reason.
Or you could stop being a douchebag and reinstall steam, though if the download takes a day, maybe you have a connection problem that is keeping you from playing. Maybe your internet is running slow for some reason.

Also, steam doesn't have to reinstall all your games if you just reinstall steam. If you delete the steam folder when you "reinstall" it, you are a tard. ;)
I'm not surprised he replied a little hacked off. Cut it out.

The clean install of Steam should fix your problem. The problem could have derived from any kind of corruption on your system, if you have had any virus problems recently.
Wow i really didn't expect anyone to reply like that and be such an asshole, hmm I'm guessing you're American, correct me if I'm wrong, but that really isn't a nice way to reply, if you ask me you are the douchbag, so please piss off if you're gonna be like that. And further more, the only reason to reply is if you actually have anything to say that could ****ing help not just insult me.

Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but your reply to a moderator's help wasn't very nice either, though I do apologize for acting like a toddler and jumping on the insult train... I just can't stand when people ignore or insult good advice. It pisses me off. But I did offer you advice, if you read past the... rude... "douchebag" and "tard" part. (One wasn't direct like the other was, see if you can guess which.)
Thank you hectic and Van for apologizing, i see there are a few people who don't want to be so immature and rude about this. And where did this 'We' come from Xendance? The only role you have played in this is trying to start an overseas fight.
Hmm i just tried one of the solutions, but no dice. I removed my steamapps folder just now and nothing started being retarded or slow when i loaded up steam. I figured out that it must have been a file that i dl'd from FPSbanana and some twat screwed up with a file and put something in it to screw up steam. That's just a theory but to me it seems the most probable, to you its probably bullshat. So i guess i will have to either re-dl CSS or find the 'corrupt' file and get it the **** off my computer.
...Virus scan your steam folder? :/

Might help, not sure if the scan will recognize it though.
Nahh dude i just re-installed it, so now i have to reinstall everything because it was just completely ****ed up.
Its what boys do -.- and some girls... huh i guess most people are assholes sometimes. And yes, even i have been an asshole to some people, only because they are complete assholes themselves. Oh and i did do a virus check and 0 threats were found, which is good-ish. Another update: I figure that the source of the problem is in CSS but either in the models or materials folder, so i wont have to download the maps again at least :D