Dawn of the Dead: directors cut (WTF?)


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
I just bought my copy of DOTD yesterday, on the box it said "to scary to be shown at cinema". Thinking it might have extra footage or something to just gross me out completely, I bought it and slapped into my DVD drive.

What I got was false advertising, there was nothing there that was remotely scarier than the cienma version, Hell it was exactly the same as the cinema version. So when it finished, I went to the Extras part of the disc, just checking it wasn't put into that part. No, no and no, you guessed it, there wasn't anything there to scare me neither (As a matter of fact these were just missing scenes with the main characters and the only part with zombies where when the zom's were running at the window).

Although I am frustrated at this, the good thing was that it was the same price as the normal box, so I didn't pay out for an extra piece of crap.
Well I am now waiting for a DVD version of HalfLife. That is if it will ever come to cinema.
:bounce: I am going to buy this DVD in about 2 hours time. I can't wait! I am getting the Unrated Version. :bounce: :bounce:
yeah this movie is great though. i dont know when im gonna get it, but soon i hope. was i the only one who laughed so hard when they were shooting "celeb" zombies? :LOL: "Burt Reynolds" :LOL:
SupremePain said:
was i the only one who laughed so hard when they were shooting "celeb" zombies? :LOL: "Burt Reynolds" :LOL:
No, you weren't. I almost died laughing. What a great movie... :)
That DVD hasn't been released here in Norway yet, but I will definately buy it when it comes out @ the 3rd of November.
Only thing that sucked about that movie is that zombies don't run. They move like in resident evil.
MaxiKana said:
Only thing that sucked about that movie is that zombies don't run. They move like in resident evil.
Umm...NO! WRONG!
The zombies run in this movie (Dawn of the Dead 2004). You may be thinking of the original. :rolleyes:
The Unrated version? Jesus Christ... can't believe they still censur things!
the original was better than the new one, but both are entertaining films. i thought the zombie birth was going alittle too far.
i have the unrated version =D Its good, Has some good deleted scenes =P

I kinda bought to many DVD's that day tho :(

Dawn of the dead original
Dawn of the Dead Unrated (new)
Night of the Living Dead (Orig :p Black+white)
Donnie Brasco
Air Wars

:>~ and then i preordered GTA SA Which I pciked up the same day as DOTD new :D~
Think of it this way, you own Dawn of the Dead on dvd. Thats good enough. Greedy :p
Cant wait for the SAW dvd. Going to be unrated. The movie was NC17 before they had to cut stuff to get a R for the theaters.
Directors Cut is used far too loosely today, back in the day when it first became famous (when Ridley Scott made the Blade Runner directors cut) it meant actually changing the movie to such a degree that the whole movie was cast in a different light, namely how the director intended it. Now it simply means throw in a few outtakes that don't further the movie what-so-ever and you can slap "Directors Cut" on the front. Or in the case of DOTD don't change anything!
no i mean Donnie Brasco ;D~ - Al Pacino / Johnny Depp are the main char's
SupremePain said:
yeah this movie is great though. i dont know when im gonna get it, but soon i hope. was i the only one who laughed so hard when they were shooting "celeb" zombies? :LOL: "Burt Reynolds" :LOL:

"Rosy O'donnell, tell him to get Rosy" :naughty:
Donnie Darko
Plot Outline: Highschooler Donnie is plagued by visions of a giant evil rabbit who orders him to commit acts of violence and predicts the impending end of the world.
........What? :x
SupremePain said:
Donnie Darko

........What? :x

Dont read that shit. Wow i hate this. Go see the movie for yourself. Its a great movie. Makes you think a lot.
I wouldn't agree, I thought it was stupid... tried too hard to be one of those 'thinker' movies. Frank was cool though. I guess the worst part about it was that I can't quite wrap my head around is that a fscking AIR PLANE ENGINE randomly fell on his house. Okay.

The Dawn of the Dead 2004 "Unrated" DVD is a great buy - I got it for $15.99 at Best Buy and I'm satisfied. The ten or so minutes of extended scenes are mainly just more gore, but there are some killer bonus features (the commentary is great, at least for an aspiring director like me, and there's a "We Interrupt this Broadcast..." thing which is well made, too). As for those of you who were mad because it was like "Even scarier! Scary as HELL!" in the commercials... it said that for the movie when it was in theaters too.

Unless you're a little kid, it's hard to be truely scared by a zombie movie, they mainly deal in suspense and "OMG that was gross".

Go buy it.