Deck16][ - Needs You


Nov 25, 2004
Reaction score

This is the VMF file of deck16][
she needs to be textured
If you can be arsed, cuz i cant.



hehe, I love how nonchelantly you requested that, it was the sort of request where you know the other person has to do it because you have a higher rank than them/ you're their boss/ you're paying them. You didn't even say thanks properly.

If somebody actually does this for you I'll be mighty suprised, next time maybe you should try polishing up your ettiquette before you make a pain in the arse request like this,

When the forums are back up go to the mapping forums and search for the deck16 remake. This guy remade all of the original textures and they look pretty authentic, maybe you should talk to him.
Jay9475 said:
hehe, I love how nonchelantly you requested that, it was the sort of request where you know the other person has to do it because you have a higher rank than them/ you're their boss/ you're paying them. You didn't even say thanks properly.

If somebody actually does this for you I'll be mighty suprised, next time maybe you should try polishing up your ettiquette before you make a pain in the arse request like this,


lol, yeah does sound pretty lame,
but saying that, im lazy, dont give a funk about ettiquette
and i cant texture to save my ass, and sum1 would do a better job.
Hey, did you just run this map trough a decompiler or something? It's relly badly made at some parts. I've textures some parts of the map so far. I'll probably rebuild lots of the brushes to.
i did use a decompiler, had to rebuild alota parts myself, then i lost the will, so i want to pass it on
Hehe I was in the UT community long time. I can texture this but I dont promiss anything stunning. :p
Btw, how will we make a kicker? I dont know how to do that in Hammer. :stare:
more versions the betta :D, or be it open source...keep us posted wit screenies or files
I tried... I textured a bit and then built a bsp. That took me A LOT of time. Then I played the map and it is huge! When you walk slowly it takes ages to walk arround. It's just not a HL2 map. It needs to be scaled down to like 50% or 75% of its current size. It's just too HUGE! Also you need to build portals (zones). Sorry this is just too much work for me... :|
Decompiled? Oh god you should only do that if you want to know how a map does something (entity setup)

The brushwork needs to be heavily rebuilt before you should even bother about texturing.

Trust me I'm doing a remake of the TS map TS_supertimor and building it from scratch is a better idea.
m00b said:
I tried... I textured a bit and then built a bsp. That took me A LOT of time. Then I played the map and it is huge! When you walk slowly it takes ages to walk arround. It's just not a HL2 map. It needs to be scaled down to like 50% or 75% of its current size. It's just too HUGE! Also you need to build portals (zones). Sorry this is just too much work for me... :|

yes, it does need to b scaled down, but 50%? lol have u ever played deck16?

why say sorry? :D
Kyo said:
Decompiled? Oh god you should only do that if you want to know how a map does something (entity setup)

The brushwork needs to be heavily rebuilt before you should even bother about texturing.

Trust me I'm doing a remake of the TS map TS_supertimor and building it from scratch is a better idea.

Hence the fact, im not bloody doing anymore XD
insertcoins said:
yes, it does need to b scaled down, but 50%? lol have u ever played deck16?

why say sorry? :D
you move faster in unreal, and deck16][ is not as big as this one.
No offence, but.. I think ur making a mountain out of a molehill here.

Scale takes 2 seconds to do, then u have the guide lines for placing static meshes or rebuilding thus amazingly shity decompile blocks, which is mainly the outer regions.
Then having the ordeal of finding textures that enhance deck16 , be it concrete/tech, which.. being halflife 2 textures, isnt much to choose from .

I didnt start from scratch, seeing as i dont have Unreal Tornament installed anymore..
and comparing Hammer to screenshots from google! made me remember why i have the decompile tool stored away at the back of my HDD....
Placing a semi decent version of the VMF here. surely, some1 could easily hack away at this, without breaking into a sweat
and thats not me. :D

I stress this can be salvaged.