Disappointing HL2 weapons! so, so disappointing!!!



Right, before you guys start flooding the post protesting in an annoying high pitched voice

“WTF Do you mean the gravity gun was pant wettingly awesome!”

I KNOW! Best thing since slice bread!

That has got to be the only exception, to me that was one of the key factors that what made half-life 2, HALF-LIFE 2! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...AAA!

I was so amazed and impressed with the power of the sauce engine and the environments it quite literally brought to life, I was equally (maybe even more so) depressed with the weapons lack of personality, other then the crowbar and the gravity gun who had so much personality, they could host their own chat shows! But the other weapons, OMFG the other weapons! It was like having to wait six years for the world best peanut butter sandwich to be made, and then you finally get to eat it, and damn, it’s the greatest most orgasmic looking stroke tasting peanut butter sandwich you have ever eaten, but only to find out seconds later, when you have finished eating and frantically gasping for air, you find out you are violently allergic to nuts…Bummer!

These weapons are so AHHHH, not likeable! The gravity-gun and crowbar are like your best friends, but the other weapons, pistol MP7, and pulse rifle and like those friends you secretly hate! You don’t know why you hate them, all you know is that you secretly hate them and you cant wait until thing cooler comes along! But why? Maybe its something in their eyes, maybe they have shifty eyes, yeah, that’s it…these weapons all have shifty eyes!

What I think happened is that valve thought that it was more important to put all their effort perfecting the quality of the environment you play in City Seventeen that they made the mistake of rating the weapons as less important and allocating them with less time and effort. It almost feels like the only reason half-life 2 got delayed was because they forgot to make the weapons, so they done a rushed job at the last minute!
( a joke, so don’t whine, “but I saw weapons on the video trailers!”)

Brainstorming? (re-enactment played by actors)
VALVE 1: We need some weapons for half-life 2!
VALVE 2: cool Where is it set?
VALVE 1: Well, its set some years after the black mesa incident!
VALVE 2: Some years after? You mean in the future?
VALVE 1: Yeah, you could say that.
VALVE 2: ok, I’ll work on some futuristic sci-fi weapons!
VALVE 1: Yeah, sure, what ever! Just get it done!

How about NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You crazy weapon modelling b****rd!

what I truly, truly loved (as a friend) about the original half-life, well half-life with the blue-shift high definition model update (after the boob job) was the closeness to realism to the setting of black mesa and the weapons and equipment you used! This made the half-life experience truly great! Finally a sci-fi story where you blow aliens away with realist looking weapons instead of having steroid hungry monster of guns like in perfect dark (loved that game-as a friend of course) and red-faction one and two (eh, ok I suppose) and countless of other games that I cant remember the names of. The close realism of half-life gave the illusion that the events of half-life was happening right this minute, right now! sort of gave the impression of, wow, this predicament could actually happen for real and I could save the world…one day anyway.

So it looks like they made the decision to adopt the common sci-fi stereotype and make the weapons “futuristic” looking which in my mind was a big mistake! Doing this killed a big part of the personality of Half-life I loved, the realism, yes they perfected the realism of a futuristic battle ravaged city, but the weapons do not do them justice!
If we look at the M16 and the SA80, in the past ten, fifteen years, the frame of the weapon has virtually stayed the same, the only major changes are to the weapons ammunition, accessories and the material that they are made of. I would have been quite happy, even more happy if they just ported weapons from counter-strike and just made mild modification that they think would be made in “their” version of the future.

The modifications I would of liked to of seen?
For the pistol, I would of liked to of seen a more smooth frame. A modified laser sight (found in opposing force) would have been cool. And secondary three bullet burst mode (like the glock in CS, but a bit faster.)
The MP7 should of just been the M16 frame and just added some modifications, like the ammunition could have been more powerful, changed the colour of the muzzle flash. A secondary fire could still be the nade and a night vision scope with a heads up display identifying the enemy from friend.

The pulse rifle could have been a scaled down version of the cannon found on jet fighters. Cant think of a good secondary fire.

Oh yeah, I liked the rocket launcher too. So no changes other then maybe a night vision scope.

For the shot gun could have had different types of ammunitions, and not change it to look “futuristic”!

The crossbow, the point of the orange bit????

I also think that the resistance and the combine should have had complete different weapons, the combine would have access to research and factories, so they would have the upgraded weapons but the resistance do not have these privileges so would have to make do my scavenging weapons from the from the past (M16/AK47/MP5 etc.). weapons that they stole from the combine would make up a very small percentage of their arms.

don’t get me wrong, Half-life 2 is a great game, surely the best game ever made and to be me made for years to come, well until Half-life 3 anyway. But it could have been much better, much, much better, and that depresses me.

So who aggress with me? Or just hates with for pointing out a flay in perfection as we know it? Come on let your feelings known, and please give reasons, back your views, don’t just say, yes, yes I do, or call me a n00b or lamour? Or what ever it is!
I disagree with you in more ways than I thought possible.

Oh and:

I was so amazed and impressed with the power of the sauce engine

That made me chuckle.
I thought the weapons were fine. There weren't 50 million of them, and they all had their perfect use.

The point of the orange bit is to power the dart up a lot, which is why Combine are pwned by it. The I-Rifle was cool, and I loved the secondary fire. The SMG was cool too, although I got too attached to it and forgot the I-Rifle sometimes.

Seriously, I partly agree, from an innovation point of view the grav gun is the only one. Love it or hate it, I thought it was fine. And I sincerely hope they do not put the satchel, mines and snarks mayhem into MP....
MP7 is a real weapon, you know that right? Look on google...

I will say that the pulse rifle is really an smg with more power though, they are almost identical. But either then that weapons are fine.

Now counter-strike weapons are just wrong. Not only in how they handle but also visually. If you play right handed you know what I mean. It always bothered me immensly that the, dont know the proper terms in English, cocking mechanism and shell ejection is on the wrong side of the damn gun.

Could never forgive this to counter-strike. And CSS does not even change anything damn it. Even though HL is not realistic in the slightest, CS weapons that pretend to be realistic would ruin the whole game.
HEaP said:
what do you disagree with?

He just didn't want to quote your whole post as an example but I think that's what he meant.
Don't agree. What you want implemented in the weapons would require about five different fire keys and it would only become a pain in the ass.

Let's make it so it has different fire modes! And give it a night vision scope! And make it so it can also launch grenades! Oh, and a laser sight! And we should also be able to give them different ammo, so we need a key for switching ammunition in a weapon.

Such features would have been more annoying than beneficial. Honestly, how many times would you have needed night vision? How many times would you have actually needed to use a laser sight? How many times would you actually need different shells for your shotgun? I honestly can't think of too many.

As for the look of the weapons, they seem fine. The pistol and the shotgun don't seem futuristic to me. On the contrary, they seem quite normal. Same with the sub machine gun. The only weapons that came off as futuristic to me were the I-Rifle and the Gravity Gun, and it's understable with those two guns.
He just didn't want to quote your whole post as an example but I think that's what he meant.
I am interested in knowing WHY people disagree, not just that they disagree, I don’t see the point in just saying “I disagree!" I am sorry if this sound harsh to people, its just how I feel.
I was a bit disappointed in the number of weapons, but there was always a weapon I could use to get the job done. The SMG should've had a better accuracy, but the other weapons were fine. The gravity gun is a superb addition, especially in the citadel levels where it gets boosted to a combine killer weapon.
I'm now replaying the game with the super gravity gun (I know, it's cheating but what the heck, I love the gun) on hard difficulty, makes things too easy :)
Absinthe said:
Don't agree. What you want implemented in the weapons would require about five different fire keys and it would only become a pain in the ass.

Let's make it so it has different fire modes! And give it a night vision scope! And make it so it can also launch grenades! Oh, and a laser sight! And we should also be able to give them different ammo, so we need a key for switching ammunition in a weapon.

Such features would have been more annoying than beneficial. Honestly, how many times would you have needed night vision? How many times would you have actually needed to use a laser sight? How many times would you actually need different shells for your shotgun? I honestly can't think of too many.

As for the look of the weapons, they seem fine. The pistol and the shotgun don't seem futuristic to me. On the contrary, they seem quite normal. Same with the sub machine gun. The only weapons that came off as futuristic to me were the I-Rifle and the Gravity Gun, and it's understable with those two guns.
I didn’t mean all of the features on the same gun, just listing the possibilities, still have only the two options.
options that give each gun its own Personality, to make it unique from one another truly what was the big difference between the mp7 and the pulse rifle? Its Just that one had a bigger grenade launcher that vaporised the enemy. What I was trying to say was that they should of put a more variation to different weapons so that they all had something useful. Maybe the variations I suggested where not great, but I’m sure better one could have been thought of!
You know what I don't get? Why some people are such weapons whores? It's the same with mods, the first screenshot released for EVERY mod is some semi-pornographic rendering of a gun, in super accurate detail. I mean, who gives a damn about the weapons? As long as they kill stuff and arn't totally stupid looking, it's fine. The game is all about the story, the world and the characters, not the accuracy of the weapons...
The variations you suggested would have been purely pointless. Not one time during the entire game would you need anything like that. Stuff like this only need apply to games such as the original Deus Ex - it let you load everything but the kitchen sink into your weapon. Ideas like this in Half-Life 2 would just be a waste of time in my opinion.

And the Pistol is the best weapon I've been given since the shotgun in Doom. It just feels so 'right'.

Shotgun futuristic? I'm no gun nut but the Shotgun in Half-Life 2 is a modern day weapon, isn't it? Spas or something. Crossbow - what would have been the point in anything for it? A dart, an orange electric prod, why care? At least with the orange prod you get that cool bzzzzzt charge with it. Feel sorry for the bastard I'm about to impale with it. There is one weapon I miss, though - the OICW. That looked the pwnage. But the Magnum more than makes up or it. Shoot them in the head and watch them do back flips. Brilliance.
Fighter said:
MP7 is a real weapon, you know that right? Look on google...

I will say that the pulse rifle is really an smg with more power though, they are almost identical. But either then that weapons are fine.

Now counter-strike weapons are just wrong. Not only in how they handle but also visually. If you play right handed you know what I mean. It always bothered me immensly that the, dont know the proper terms in English, cocking mechanism and shell ejection is on the wrong side of the damn gun.

Could never forgive this to counter-strike. And CSS does not even change anything damn it. Even though HL is not realistic in the slightest, CS weapons that pretend to be realistic would ruin the whole game.

mp7 a real gun, an ugly gun, but a real gun. Call me arrogant but i'd of preferred the MP5, a much more beautiful weapon.

I may of touched a nerve my mentioning counter-strike “realism“, so I’m gonna tread carefully, here. When I mentioned taking guns from counter-strike and putting them into half-life, what I meant was featuring t and adding to the models of weapons found in counter-strike, not the game play found in counter-strike. And to the realism to the weapons performance, I don’t give a s**t, as long as the game play is enjoyable to “play” why play a game if you do not enjoy it?
I loved the weapons. Sure they could have put more in, but then you wouldn't have used them all. Here are some reasons why I loved each weapon:

Pistol - accuracy, great for longrange headshots
Machine Gun - high fire rate + grenade launcher is so much fun
Magnum - one bullet + one face = one backflip (like Dux says)
Pulse rifle - alt. fire is great for cleaning out rooms
Cross bow - pinning people to walls, and the zoom
shotgun - excellent when indoors + alt fire shoots two shells at once
rocket launcher - its guided
grenade - firing them with the grav. gun
Well, there are 3 very novel weapons: the gravity gun (in two flavours), the secondary fire on the IR, and the pheropods/antlions (which in a way replace the snarks). The other guns are pretty much standard fare - I quite like the new pistol.

An alien weapon would have been nice. It seems very odd that the combine would use our weapons and not have any of their own.
HEaP said:
The MP7 should of just been the M16 frame and just added some modifications, like the ammunition could have been more powerful, changed the colour of the muzzle flash. A secondary fire could still be the nade and a night vision scope with a heads up display identifying the enemy from friend.

The pulse rifle could have been a scaled down version of the cannon found on jet fighters. Cant think of a good secondary fire.

Oh yeah, I liked the rocket launcher too. So no changes other then maybe a night vision scope.

For the shot gun could have had different types of ammunitions, and not change it to look “futuristic”!

I also think that the resistance and the combine should have had complete different weapons, the combine would have access to research and factories, so they would have the upgraded weapons but the resistance do not have these privileges so would have to make do my scavenging weapons from the from the past (M16/AK47/MP5 etc.). weapons that they stole from the combine would make up a very small percentage of their arms.

An M16 don't exactly make for low profile weaponry, not exactly what a resistance fighter would want to carry when he has to move quickly. What's the point of night-vision in the game?

What's the point of different ammo for the shotgun? And what's the logic behind it?

The combine most likely very early destroyed most weapons so the civilian populace could not get their hands on them. And it makes much more sense for the resistance to steal most of their arsenal from the combine. Also, AK-47 and M16 wouldn't really fit in in the HL2-world.
The problem was, is that I'd seen all of them before (bar one) so there was no surprses. Same goes for levels (only the last I didn't recognise), and the vehicles (only two drivable??)
Oh my god, everyone is biting my head off for saying different ammo for the shot gun, ok maybe it sounds stupid this is what I was thinking. I saw this programme once, about the SAS or the nave seals? I cant remember what, anyway, they mentioned something about using a different type of shot gun ammo to blow out door locks and hinges.
So part of the puzzles would maybe involve shooting the door lock (maybe hinges too) instead of shooting a crappy pad lock to get passed an area. Or shoot the locks off of storage rooms in the apartments to get access to ammo etc. to most people this might sound pointless, but I remember at least two pad locks I had to shoot off and I remember thinking it would have been more fun shooting the door knob lock and hinges and watching the door to fall backwards.

Other possibilities? I didn’t quite like the bug bait, a good idea but still? I remember the vort giving me one bug bait ball, but I had an endless supply this made it too easy not bothering with my accuracy, and not having the fear of running out and the ant lions turning on me, I thought that would be more of an adrenalin rush.
Instead of trowing the bug bait, you shoot it.
So what if the resistance harvested the bug bait spores into a kind of powder. And then having all metal slugs in the shot gun shell replaced with the bug bait powder, so when you shoot the enemy with this kind of ammo, they get covered with the bug bait power spores causing them to be over run with ant lions? And having to reload on endlessly throwing! And picking up ammo at resistance drop offs before entering the prison. And having an limited supply would mean you have to use them wisely!
To those who say, well it would be a pain to switch from different types of shells, simple have two shot guns, pump action for the killing and a double barrel sworn off for the bug bait powder shells.
Any ways it was just an idea. I’ most people will hate.
a low profile? after nova prospekt its a full blown war almost. its a big city, im sure they would manage to hide in, or smuggle into the city, there are ak47s still hidden in the UK by Criminals !

An M16 don't exactly make for low profile weaponry, not exactly what a resistance fighter would want to carry when he has to move quickly.
HEaP said:
a low profile? after nova prospekt its a full blown war almost. its a big city, im sure they would manage to hide in, or smuggle into the city, there are ak47s still hidden in the UK by Criminals !
Yes, but until then, the resistance has relied on stealth for several years. M16's just aren't the type of weapons that are easily concealed.
The UK isn't under occupation of aliens, they don't have scanners flying around the place and they are allowed to have sex!
How do you smuggle something as big as an AK47 into a city when the only way to go from one city to another is through heavily guarded trains and checkpoints? The world outside City 1-20 somethin' is probably just wasteland.
A rifle also isn't as suited to the close range situations that the resistance finds itself in (house-house fighting in Anticitizen 1 and Follow Freeman comes to mind.)

My only complaint with the weapons was the SMG's horrible inaccuracy, and the Pulse Rifles lack of ammunition. (I also felt cheated by the lack of shotgun ammo. I miss the ability to carry hundreds of shotgun shells in HL1. :p)

I would have also liked to see the Tau cannon make a return (as an infantry carried weapon) as well as the Gluon/Egon gun and the Hornet launcher.

But overall, I'm satisfied with the weapon selection.
Cpl_Facehugger said:
A rifle also isn't as suited to the close range situations that the resistance finds itself in (house-house fighting in Anticitizen 1 and Follow Freeman comes to mind.)

My only complaint with the weapons was the SMG's horrible inaccuracy, and the Pulse Rifles lack of ammunition. (I also felt cheated by the lack of shotgun ammo. I miss the ability to carry hundreds of shotgun shells in HL1. :p)

I would have also liked to see the Tau cannon make a return (as an infantry carried weapon) as well as the Gluon/Egon gun and the Hornet launcher.

But overall, I'm satisfied with the weapon selection.
It would have been cool with some really heavy duty gear for both sides. Like heavy machineguns mounted on barricades. But Half-life 2 did such a superb job with the urban fighting parts so it don't matter.
AJ Rimmer said:
Yes, but until then, the resistance has relied on stealth for several years. M16's just aren't the type of weapons that are easily concealed.
The UK isn't under occupation of aliens, they don't have scanners flying around the place and they are allowed to have sex!
How do you smuggle something as big as an AK47 into a city when the only way to go from one city to another is through heavily guarded trains and checkpoints? The world outside City 1-20 somethin' is probably just wasteland.

what you said is true, but with all the scanners Flying around they could not find black mesa east. They only found it when the woman scientist what her face told Breen the location. This gives the possibility of many hidden facilities like black mesa east that contains heavy weapons waiting for the full uprising. Rocket launchers? I did not see no combine using any rock launchers, only the ones mounted on the combine APC’s.

Plus with all high security how did the resistance get close enough to the combine weapons to steal? The only way the citizens get close to the combine weapons is when they are getting shot at. So the only logical answer is that they steal the weapons from the combine they kill killed with pre-invasion weaponry.

What I was trying to say is that the combine should have had more alien looking weapons vs. the resistance’s more human weapons, it would have been more funny when the resistance fight throws down his, M16/AK/MP5/pumb action shot gun/sworn off or what ever (only mentioned the weapons I liked) and picks up a completely more powerful ALIEN weapon and very happily says “nice!”
beeglebug said:
Obiously I am alone in my views... :)
No I agree with you, as long as the weapons are somewhat balanced and not completely illogical it's all good, no need to go crazy.
AJ i agree with you , I think the developers realised any more weapons would be overkill, and in testing possibly didnt provide the correct balance of gameplay.

the weapons are awsome... but then again im not some realisim gun toting nut ball, like those who often complain :p

besides HL with real world weapons at the moment... when its supposed to be set in the future,,, it just wouldnt be right
Any automatic weapon which combines both a scope and a grenade launcher would be overpowered in this game. Hence no OICW, Ak+scope+gl or any other simular thing.

If you can remember MP7 had a small zoom in some of the early videos, but they took it away.

They decided to make MP7 the main automatic weapon of the game. Anything simular would just duplicate it. (pulse rifle already does) MP7 is fine with me apart from its magical ability to fire grenades from thin air.

Pulse rifle could have more attitude, the secondary fire was cool but primary lacked uniqueness.
You know, you can fire your weapon the moment you let go of the suit zoom.
I used this alot to snipe with the pistol.

Zoom, pick target, release and fire, rezoom, though most of the time the target wasn't that far away to make aiming difficult.
Yeah, right, they forgot to put in the Collector of Fast Protons and Accelerator of Slow Neutrons. BFG too.

Actually it would be cool to make a game/mod with all the weapons that were EVER used in 3D action games. Starting with knives/crowbar/fist and ending with Gluon/BFG/Singularity Generator, etc. ;) THe old game Blood had a bunch of cool weapons, like Voodoo Doll and Spray for flamethrower ;) Painkiller too.

The problem is it wouldn't add much to the game.
I happen to agree with him, at least on some points.
My opinions on weapons:
Crowbar: Unique. What more can I say?
USP Pistol: Wha..? Okay, it has a cool secondary fire (hold down the alt fire button and the primary fire button at the same time, release alt fire to spray bullets), but the secondary fire is the only thing that makes it worth it. Otherwise it's only useful if you are conserving ammo like a nut job.
Magnum: :thumbs:
'Nuff said.
MP7: WTF!? This is the dumbest weapon ever conceived in a game! It's boring, innacurate, and does about as much damage as the USP!
The only thing that's useful about it is the grenade launcher, but I can get the same effect with the Grav gun + nade.
Overwatch Pulse Rifle: This is a great gun. It "feels" powerful, the sound of the gun makes it worth it. And it is pretty powerful, especially if you are good at nailing headshots. The secondary fire is great, as well. Best in the game.
Shotgun: Well, it's good, could be better. I wouldn't mind doing away with the double-shot, and putting in a slug instead.
Crossbow: Best. Sniper rifle. EVER.
I hate people who whine about it, it's ownage. There is nothing like pinning a soldier to a wall, and whacking it with the crowbar.
Grenade: Nades are nades....but why the beeping sound, and why does it have a red glow?
RPG: Very good, no complaints here. Actually, I could use a heat seeking function.
Bugbait: Very unique, useful weapon, wish there were more Antlions though.
Gravity gun: t3h best. No arguments here.

Instead of the MP7, I would have had the OICW. Much better gun, less boring. Get rid of the USP pistol too..find something else.
Just my opinions.
HEaP said:
Right, before you guys start flooding the post protesting in an annoying high pitched voice

“WTF Do you mean the gravity gun was pant wettingly awesome!”

I KNOW! Best thing since slice bread!

That has got to be the only exception, to me that was one of the key factors that what made half-life 2, HALF-LIFE 2! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...AAA!

I was so amazed and impressed with the power of the sauce engine and the environments it quite literally brought to life, I was equally (maybe even more so) depressed with the weapons lack of personality, other then the crowbar and the gravity gun who had so much personality, they could host their own chat shows! But the other weapons, OMFG the other weapons! It was like having to wait six years for the world best peanut butter sandwich to be made, and then you finally get to eat it, and damn, it’s the greatest most orgasmic looking stroke tasting peanut butter sandwich you have ever eaten, but only to find out seconds later, when you have finished eating and frantically gasping for air, you find out you are violently allergic to nuts…Bummer!

These weapons are so AHHHH, not likeable! The gravity-gun and crowbar are like your best friends, but the other weapons, pistol MP7, and pulse rifle and like those friends you secretly hate! You don’t know why you hate them, all you know is that you secretly hate them and you cant wait until thing cooler comes along! But why? Maybe its something in their eyes, maybe they have shifty eyes, yeah, that’s it…these weapons all have shifty eyes!

What I think happened is that valve thought that it was more important to put all their effort perfecting the quality of the environment you play in City Seventeen that they made the mistake of rating the weapons as less important and allocating them with less time and effort. It almost feels like the only reason half-life 2 got delayed was because they forgot to make the weapons, so they done a rushed job at the last minute!
( a joke, so don’t whine, “but I saw weapons on the video trailers!”)

Brainstorming? (re-enactment played by actors)
VALVE 1: We need some weapons for half-life 2!
VALVE 2: cool Where is it set?
VALVE 1: Well, its set some years after the black mesa incident!
VALVE 2: Some years after? You mean in the future?
VALVE 1: Yeah, you could say that.
VALVE 2: ok, I’ll work on some futuristic sci-fi weapons!
VALVE 1: Yeah, sure, what ever! Just get it done!

How about NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You crazy weapon modelling b****rd!

what I truly, truly loved (as a friend) about the original half-life, well half-life with the blue-shift high definition model update (after the boob job) was the closeness to realism to the setting of black mesa and the weapons and equipment you used! This made the half-life experience truly great! Finally a sci-fi story where you blow aliens away with realist looking weapons instead of having steroid hungry monster of guns like in perfect dark (loved that game-as a friend of course) and red-faction one and two (eh, ok I suppose) and countless of other games that I cant remember the names of. The close realism of half-life gave the illusion that the events of half-life was happening right this minute, right now! sort of gave the impression of, wow, this predicament could actually happen for real and I could save the world…one day anyway.

So it looks like they made the decision to adopt the common sci-fi stereotype and make the weapons “futuristic” looking which in my mind was a big mistake! Doing this killed a big part of the personality of Half-life I loved, the realism, yes they perfected the realism of a futuristic battle ravaged city, but the weapons do not do them justice!
If we look at the M16 and the SA80, in the past ten, fifteen years, the frame of the weapon has virtually stayed the same, the only major changes are to the weapons ammunition, accessories and the material that they are made of. I would have been quite happy, even more happy if they just ported weapons from counter-strike and just made mild modification that they think would be made in “their” version of the future.

The modifications I would of liked to of seen?
For the pistol, I would of liked to of seen a more smooth frame. A modified laser sight (found in opposing force) would have been cool. And secondary three bullet burst mode (like the glock in CS, but a bit faster.)
The MP7 should of just been the M16 frame and just added some modifications, like the ammunition could have been more powerful, changed the colour of the muzzle flash. A secondary fire could still be the nade and a night vision scope with a heads up display identifying the enemy from friend.

The pulse rifle could have been a scaled down version of the cannon found on jet fighters. Cant think of a good secondary fire.

Oh yeah, I liked the rocket launcher too. So no changes other then maybe a night vision scope.

For the shot gun could have had different types of ammunitions, and not change it to look “futuristic”!

The crossbow, the point of the orange bit????

I also think that the resistance and the combine should have had complete different weapons, the combine would have access to research and factories, so they would have the upgraded weapons but the resistance do not have these privileges so would have to make do my scavenging weapons from the from the past (M16/AK47/MP5 etc.). weapons that they stole from the combine would make up a very small percentage of their arms.

don’t get me wrong, Half-life 2 is a great game, surely the best game ever made and to be me made for years to come, well until Half-life 3 anyway. But it could have been much better, much, much better, and that depresses me.

So who aggress with me? Or just hates with for pointing out a flay in perfection as we know it? Come on let your feelings known, and please give reasons, back your views, don’t just say, yes, yes I do, or call me a n00b or lamour? Or what ever it is!

...you do realize most of the weapons are real right? Besides the Pulse Rifle, Gravity Gun, and the Gauss Cannon, everything's real right? The pistol is a USP Match. It doesn't have a 3 round burst because thats not how it was made. MP7 is a SMG. The shotgun is a SPAS-12 (well...sorta). The Crossbow is yes a futuristic weapon with the radiated arrows. But come on, if it weren't, they wouldn't do much damage. And plus its the future where an alien species rules over the planet.
MiccyNarc said:
Instead of the MP7, I would have had the OICW. Much better gun, less boring. Get rid of the USP pistol too..find something else.
Just my opinions.

OICW was scrapped because it was becoming way too expensive and useless because of the needed batteries and its weight. In other words, OICW is not a good weapon to base your army on to.
i liked them all, all but the mp7. you really cant hit the famous broad side of a barn with it. "only" a grenade launcher with a submachine gun attached to it. the typical weapon i use exclusively when i'm out of ammo.

the shotgun rocks ;)
My opinons on the weapons:

Crowbar: Ultimate melee weapon ever :D

USP: Love the pistol, love the sound and is a decent overall weapon.

Magnum: Great overall, but never use it much for some reason

MP7: Enjoy using it, although its somewhat innacurate i really like it.

Shotgun: Most useful weapon, especially the secondary fire, mows down the Overwatch forces.

Overwatch Pulse rifle: Gotta love the sound :D and gthe secondary fire is awesome. Pretty good.

Crossbow: How can anyone complain

Grenade: Dont use them much, unless against snipers, usually i fidn myself throwing the combines grenades back at them more than i use my own.

RPG: Its a rocket launcher, what else can you expect :thumbs:

Grav Gun: The ultimate weapon
...you do realize most of the weapons are real right?

really? you mean there are such things of shotguns! and machine guns! :E
what im saying is they could of been The futuristic modifications could have been done better! making the game much, MUCH better, not that I hate it, I love this game! Just could have been done better, in my opinion!