Disappointing piece of garbage..

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CrazyHarij said:
Half-Life. The name itself makes people bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla flizzum flap.....

I disagree. The story drew me in. I didn't know much about the people I was helping, other than their sufferring, but it drew me in and I wanted to help them. I'm a bleeding heart I guess.

The games characters and environments were truly a unique experience for me in gaming. And the story worked. The ending was a little dissapointing but it still gave me the chills.

Damned G-Man.....
I remember the times when people simply used to play games and enjoy them for what they were.
What exactly was in the leak that would've made the game so much better? I'm not referring to enemies or weapons - what plot content was removed that so degraded the final product in your opinion?
There seems to be atleast 1 thread a day saying Hl2 sucks. With your 5000 posts, you should know better. These threads are pointless.

And calling people "Fanboys" because they liked/loved Hl2 isn't too smart. If you really think Hl2 sucked that much, leave. That's the best you could do for yourself, and us.
rrm said:
I remember the times when people simply used to play games and enjoy them for what they were.

Yes, but as time passes, the demands and standards of games go higher. When games claim to reach revolutionary standards and proving things by having workers with excellent experience of certain fields you expect those fields to be something out of this world.
CrazyHarij said:
I played the leak. And yes, I am utterly crippled by the soul-destroying deluge of dropped and edited content. So much in the leak was amazing, and would've made Half-Life 2 more of a revolutionary game since lots of those things were fresh-thinking. I don't see why they cut it out, perhaps since they had to re-hash the whole story in some weird way because of something? The leak perhaps?

I think that they removed alot of that content because
1. It was supposed to be a suprise, It was supposed to make you think, and then suddenly everyone knows about it.
2. From what I hear a great many of the things in the leak would have made it very difficult to have the game scalable down the DirectX7, therefore, keeping good on that promise caused some things to be removed.

My two cents on that.

that was what i was trying to say in my first post...why dont you just add to another hl2 sucks post, its like making a pumpkin pie forum and every other hour a new person makes a new thread about how they hate pumpkin pie and yada yada yada yada. all there need to be in one i love hl2 and one i hate hl2 thread.
Edcrab said:
Yeah... thing is, HL really doesn't have that much story to analyse.

Resonance cascade- presumably initiated by a shady Administrator, or at least due to his gross negligence- allows aliens into our dimension/world. Player shoots aliens and tries to make way to surface. Encounters the military- but they're actually a clean up squad ordered to silence the entire facility, including the player. Ends up heading to puzzle-ridden Lambda, whereby they're (eventually) instructed as to what to do next. Player travells to Xen, thwacks Mr. Head Petals- que G-man and mysterious, dramatic offer.

what valve does is leave a lot of stuff for the player and community to analyze, thus almost making a story themselves. and if you have read any of Marc Laidlaw;s novels (writer of HL story) you will know that HL's story is anything but basic...just a lot of subtleties...like a book.
Well, the back of my HL box meets all the "revolutionary standards" it claims to reach. Best physics usage in a game ever, check. Best facial animation in a game ever, check. Stunning graphics and advanced AI? Nothing brilliant ('cept maybe the graphics) but at least its not a marked loss compared to recent games.

People just expected revolution because Valve made it. I'll say it again- you expected a gaming revolution like Half-Life brought, and an informational revelation which people should've known they'd never get if Laidlaw kept to his mysterious ways.

What if Half-Life is as good as it gets, eh? Name me any game which surpassed Half-Life in your eyes- I doubt there'll be any. You just got deeply ingrained issues because you thought the sequel would be the only other game that could recapture the magic :(

Gah, it's 3 am, I must be insane. I'll be back in 20 hours or so, probably. The depressing content is getting to me...
Just be glad Valve created HL2 and wasn't bought by EA (like my beloved CnC games).

Valve cares about the fans, and don't every say anything against that. Read Gamespot's The Final Hours (a pretty good article) if you don't believe. Gabe has way too much money to just be doing this for the money.
Edcrab said:
Well, the back of my HL box meets all the "revolutionary standards" it claims to reach. Best physics usage in a game ever, check. Best facial animation in a game ever, check. Stunning graphics and advanced AI? Nothing brilliant ('cept maybe the graphics) but at least its not a marked loss compared to recent games.

People just expected revolution because Valve made it. I'll say it again- you expected a gaming revolution like Half-Life brought, and an informational revelation which people should've known they'd never get if Laidlaw kept to his mysterious ways.

What if Half-Life is as good as it gets, eh? Name me any game which surpassed Half-Life in your eyes- I doubt there'll be any. You just got deeply ingrained issues because you thought the sequel would be the only other game that could recapture the magic :(

Gah, it's 3 am, I must be insane. I'll be back in 20 hours or so, probably. The depressing content is getting to me...

No, you're right.. Half-Life might be as good as it gets. And it's 4 am here, these are the hours when I'm being a bastard.

Just to get deeper into the story, I've checked out the Storyline thing on the internet and it seems like things make alot more sense than they seem to make in the game. It's just that it'd be more enjoyable to hear more story and storytelling in the game tiself. Anyhow, I'm not at all disappointed for buying the game since that's a ticket to all the modifications that'll be around soon, so I guess you can say it's abit of both good and evil.

Oh, and yeah, about the excessive sarcasm and negativity in the posts and especially the title, was due to an event on the IRC channel:

me and Dalamari thought of trying to create a "hot debate"
Guys, stop being fanboys, stop just saying OMFG YOUR DUMB HL2 IS THE ROCKS
Debate his point

I THINK that hl2 has a pretty good story, and even though it doesnt add much to the events of BM, it sets you up for the third (its a trilogy+) The technology was great and i think that it really wants you to study every picture and every room and every line of text. I think that the action is balanced, could have used some more guns and enemies, but i think they did a good job making the guns do exactly what you expect them to do (SMG sprays lead, shotgun makes thing dead, crossbow pins people to the wall, and the revolver makes the cops need to find their dental records)

The levels had a healthy balance of HOLY SHIT HE HAS ORANGE EYES, KILL IT!!!!11 and ok...i need the blue barrel...and put the box there....crowbar that...kill the crab...bingo. I think youre being a bit too harsh on the storyline, you say they are bad storytellers, but i think its just the media they show it. Lots of people dont like that, lots of people like it to be told like a book or movie. I dont know, love it or hate it.
He does make some excellent points about the game's lack of continuity and that it doesn't stick to one setting like Black Mesa

While it certainly did not match the original half life in story, immersion experience and in its deep psychological value, no one can argue whether or not it is fun to play - of course it is - his point is that it does not go above and beyond the current expectations of the FPS genre in that it is still a simplistic shoot-em-up that doesn't meet a higher standard like half life did
Still, its by far the most FUN game to play with its good graphics and exciting action

And by the way, the whole thing about advertising source, thats a pretty dumb claim, considering Valve's main source of revenue is game sales, not source code sales - other companies will buy the code, but Valve's main goal is to market to gamers
I completely disagree with you, but you presented your argument well, and you shouldn't be flamed for it by a bunch of immature idiots.
1000% disagree with you! :flame: HL2 is the BEST game ever played..hands down.
CrazyHarij said:
No, you're right.. Half-Life might be as good as it gets. And it's 4 am here, these are the hours when I'm being a bastard.

It would be a shame to see your 5,400 posts go to waste. You spent, what (?) - how many years in ANTICIPATION waiting for this game only to be sorely dissappointed?

Such delicious irony!
CrazyHarij said:
Half-Life. The name itself makes people tremble and shiver with joy, feeling sudden remembrance of past golden gaming days. That first time you rode the train track. When things started going wrong. The headcrab suddenly jumping out of the first corner, making you scream as your pants suddenly weren't that roomy anymore.

The realism in the game, the atmosphere. How it took gamers with storm. What other games were around there back then? Games where the peak of the complexity of the game was "Find the red key to open the red door to the red vault with the red boss so you could find the green key to the green door to the green vault with the green boss."

No, Half-life was completely different. It had substance and consistance. The story was, albeit in the old b-movie "Experiment goes wrong"-style, was carried out with perfection, due to one thing: Storytelling. Storytelling is the language of the game, it's way of explaining the game to you, telling you the story, immersing and embracing you into the illusion that you really are there.

Half-Life did that in a way which has yet to be surpassed. The whole game was like a solid, uninterrupted consistent journey towards freedom. Gordon was, ironically, not a free man. He was trapped in the depths of humanity's own manufactured Hell, Black Mesa. A ridiculous amount of corridors, rooms, office complexes and machinery stations which was once a haven, was now an inferno, with aliens waiting in every corner, aliens who weren't as friendly as E.T, rather, they were sure to massacre everything that wasn't part of them.

Your goal? You had no goal. There was no score to reach, no set amount of enemies to kill, no red door with a red vault with a red boss. All you wanted to do was to get out of there alive.

As things went more and more wrong, the government decided to try and clean things up. However, not in the ways you or that unlucky scientist friend thought; They wanted to clean everything up, including "unauthorized" human witnesses.

Anyhow, I hope you get the idea. Half-Life was perfection. The story did not end in the traditional movie fashion, rather it left you standing there, considering you did not choose to be eaten alive by Xen aliens, looking at the mysterious G-Man, putting you in stasis as the screen turned black.

Now.. I hate to say this, but in comparison with this masterpiece, Half-Life 2 sucks. The story? You're thrown into an urban meatgrinder you barely know anything about and become the resistances little paperboy to travel here and there only to be interrupted there and continue traveling with boring vehicles.

You meet up with Kleiner, Barney, Alyx and before you know it, you're running away from the police you have no idea which you have no knowledge of. Why did Gordon choose to fight with the clueless resistance? Why aren't you fighting directly against the aliens, but instead fighting local authority?
Why are you in one place at a maximum of 20 minutes before you're sent away on a long repetitive journey with a vehicle just to show off Source's capabilities for vehicle travel? Gordon is a real man, he uses his feet to get through things. He's not lazy, taking the boat or the car to job, he walks through heaven and hell to it.

It just seems like it's all.. rushed. It's nowhere near Marc Laidlaws first job.. You're interrupted everywhere, you don't get a clue about what City-17 is and what humanity has become of, except tiny subtle hints just to rush through the storytelling and focus on advertising the Source engine. The battle AI is good, the graphics are impressive, but that means jack shit when the game's most pure essence is nothing but a gray blob. I don't see why the game is worthy of all this praise..

I'd have loved to fight around more similar areas in City-17 and being more in the actual city rather than being in one spot one second and being 10 miles away the next. It lacks consistency, it lacks innovativity, it lacks essence. Now the game's nothing but something to pass the time with, battling a combine soldier or two to play around with the ragdolls.

I honestly thought Valve would do something at least as impressive again, but it seems like astonishing, truly revolutionary, pieces of software are only seen once in a blue moon. It's frankly obvious that the game is just an interactive advertisement for Source.. Shame on you, Valve.

Anyone who agrees or disagrees with me?

edit: in-post ads suck almost as much as HL2.

I actually feel sorry for you, rather than really angry AT you, because you have found what will probably be the best gaming experience for a long time a disappointment.

That being said, I completely agree about in-post ads.
Wow, Ive never seen such a large concentration of fanboys, ever.
Halflife 2 was a great game, sure, not the best this year though, let alone ever. Vampire Bloodlines is literally 3-4 times as long and is as fun or even better than Halflife 2. The only thing it really lacks is polish.

Oh and good luck crazy, halflife2.net is home of the most rabid fanboys ever to exist on the internet.
I am slightly disappointed but I heavily exaggerated it in the first point due to:
me and Dalamari thought of trying to create a "hot debate"

The storyline could've been alot better, the gameplay is great and the game is immersive but frankly many games have that, but very few games have a great way of storytelling.

Oh and yeah, incase you didn't notice I created this thread due to:
me and Dalamari thought of trying to create a "hot debate"
Woggy said:
Oh and good luck crazy, halflife2.net is home of the most rabid fanboys ever to exist on the internet.

Riiiiight....you became a member in Sept 03. 228 Posts, and you're still hanging out in here because....? :LOL:
HateCrime said:
Riiiiight....you became a member in Sept 03. 223 Posts, and you're still hanging out in here because....? :LOL:

It was better before :)
CrazyHarij said:
me and Dalamari thought of trying to create a "hot debate"
You knew exactly what it was, flamebait. And of course it worked because a lot of folks here have no self restraint. Still, it was a stupid idea on your part.

Oh, and Woggy, there are a lot of zelous individuals here, but that doesn't mean that everybody is. I happen to think that HL2 is one of the, if not the best SP experience I have ever had. But I am not going to rabidly defend it. You think differently, but neither of our opinions are fact.
I agree with some of those points, and don't think HL2 is as great as the original.

It's still a sweet game, though :)
Alright, you've had your fun with the flamebait thread :p

And in post ads do suck :)
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