do not run.....i am your frind....hehehe



Hi ai am Gorden Freeman and i am from NORWAY
and i am 15 soon 16
HAHAHAHAHA:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
brian damage i like your code, hehe, i can write stuff in it, i think

|-|£||0 |8/\||\||)/\|\/|/\6£

i think my code is slightly different haha. Oh, and yeah i have half life 2 aswell, no wait, actually........ i dont.
Wasn't "Gorden" spelled with an "a" as in "Gordan"? I'm just wondering if it was intentional.
Hi nub, ever thought about shutting your godam pie hole.
Originally posted by Hadoken
Wasn't "Gorden" spelled with an "a" as in "Gordan"? I'm just wondering if it was intentional.

Oh no! its the 'how to spell gordon/gorden/gordan/gigren' I remember a whole thread on this damn topic.....

anyway, welcome to the wont last long:cool:
its GORDAN freeman it says so on the box and in the game at the begging
But what does the game and box know? That's like trusting something you see on the internet!

I say we email Gabe about it.
Originally posted by Gorden-Freeman
Hi ai am Gorden Freeman and i am from NORWAY
and i am 15 soon 16
HAHAHAHAHA:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Hvor bor du?
the box and the game know everything, cos its the game isn't it? if the game says it gordan then its gordan nowmatter what gabe says
This is bringing back memorys.....those memorys that shouldnt be brought back under any circumstances!!

Anyway its gorden!:D
the gordan,gordon,gorden fight was before my time, what was it like?

besides its GORDAN!!
Ah, sit down and i will tell you a tale, of gordon/gorden/gordon...

....there was a whole thread on what it was called, some guy decided to make a whole subject on it, and no one would give away, it was rather funny actually.
Its blatantly dave.......oh no wait thats dave snake, sorry carry on...

Gordun freemun
Gordon Freeman period :p.

I once saw a mailbox with the name Friman on it, wich is swedish and means freeman. I wan't a mailbox that says freeman on it...
I reckon you'd run the risk of getting personal correspondance from the G-Man.
ha ha, yer that would be funny....but he might get the pay check from Black Mesa! that would be a hefty amount
Ahem. Direct your attention to the attachment


  • gordonfreeman.jpg
    88.4 KB · Views: 462
Hi Im Gordon Sturrock (My real name)

Stfu you fake gordon, you dont have hl2 *pokes, like... really ****ing hard* :)

Btw, anyone who gives a shat, Gordon is a scottish name meaning Spaceus Fort, and I have no clue why theres Gordan or Gorden, prob the English getting it and ripping it apart

*Sits in his fort, fireing ion beams down at everyone or something*