Dota 2 Updated To Balance Version 6.79


Retired Lead Content Creator
Staff member
May 29, 2007
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The most recent balance update for Dota 2, version 6.79, was recently added to the main game client after half a week on the test client. The update, which was announced on the Dota 2 Dev forums last Thursday, and has introduced a massive number of balance changes for many of the game's heroes, items, and abilities. A few important general talking points include limitations to item pooling, time restrictions for the purchasing of Flying Couriers, and an increase to starting gold, which has been increased from 603 to 625. The game's Day/Night cycle has also been dramatically reduced from 6 minutes down to only 4, something which is likely to change the play style for heroes such as Night Stalker and Luna.

Axe and Lich are amongst a number of heroes who have received a number of possibly game changing changes with the 6.79 update.

Speaking of heroes, a number of the game's cast have also been dramatically altered for better and worse. Disruptor, Enigma, Rubick, and Skywrath Mage may all now purchase an Aghanim's Scepter to improve their ultimate abilities, while Pudge and Vengeful Spirit are now allowed to purchase a Blink Dagger to support their Meat Hook and Nether Swap abilities, respectively. Items such as Tranquil Boots, Mjollnir, and Eye of Skadi have all been improved in one way or another, while Shadow Blade, Phase Boots, and Power Treads have had their effectiveness damaged somewhat.

This rather fleeting discussion of the update only scratches the surface of some of the most basic changes included with the patch, so we highly recommend you check out the patch changelog over at the Dota 2 Wiki or the Dota 2 Dev forums. If you have already had a chance to read the patch notes for yourself and you're looking for a more in-depth discussion regarding what the changes may mean for the game, be sure to head on over to Purge's 6.79 discussion video to find out more about how the patch may influence the competitive meta-game.


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Pretty excited about a lot of these changes. Brood got a pretty big buff, along with Bristleback and Disruptor from what I've seen so far. Huskar got nerfed pretty heavily which is nice as well. Overall the jungle seems to have gotten a nerf, while the offlane got buffed a little bit.