Duck jump

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Same here, I hope they will it can get you into some really cool places
OH PLEASE! this is the next generation of games people....

no way in hell the duck jumps gonna stay, it will be replaced with something more beffiting... and something that incorporates the physics engine fully

THE FART JUMP, yes you heard it here first the Fart jump was "leaked" by valve employees on IRC,
anywhoo you are equipped with a small pack of lambda issue matches from your days at black mesa, being a scientist has its advantages as you will always be in drinking distance of some sort of fizzy concoction.
just bend, pass, strike that match, and fwoom watch as the lighting, physics and the detailed particle engine do the rest.
happy gassing hl2 players ;)
Ahhh yes, the gauss jump will indeed be replaced by the gas jump! Takes a lot of time to master but will get you just about anywhere, great for deathmatch games...just be careful not to blow yourself up!
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
OH PLEASE! this is the next generation of games people....

no way in hell the duck jumps gonna stay, it will be replaced with something more beffiting... and something that incorporates the physics engine fully

THE FART JUMP, yes you heard it here first the Fart jump was "leaked" by valve employees on IRC,
anywhoo you are equipped with a small pack of lambda issue matches from your days at black mesa, being a scientist has its advantages as you will always be in drinking distance of some sort of fizzy concoction.
just bend, pass, strike that match, and fwoom watch as the lighting, physics and the detailed particle engine do the rest.
happy gassing hl2 players ;)

LOL u have been playing to mush Booger Man.. :D
Lets hope that there will be mantling, ala System Shock 2.
I hope indeed that the duck jump is back. I love the duckjump
*whoooooosh* oh look im way over here now. yay *whoooosh*:bounce:
Yeah it is back, I spotted him doing a really brief one in the trailer. When he's in that laundry part of the prison past the sentry guns check out when he jumps out on that bar thing.
im greatfull to hear that they might just keep it. the duck jump is part of the halflife feel.. i couldnt get used to other games that didnt have it..
Valve would be stupid if they didn't include it again.
Agreed, the duck jump was a staple in the movement for hl1. It allowed you to move and dodge and get over things with ease.. unlike quake style games.. :afro:
The duck jump? Never heard of it. You mean the longjump ?

The longjump was fantastic in the original Half-Life, made multiplayer unique and much more fast paced. I hope they keep it.

As someone else said, fools not to.
Well, the propelled jump was cool, but i mean the ability to jump and duck at the same time...
Originally posted by D33
The duck jump? Never heard of it. You mean the longjump ?

The longjump was fantastic in the original Half-Life, made multiplayer unique and much more fast paced. I hope they keep it.

As someone else said, fools not to.

Duckjump, y'know: jumping while simultaneously ducking to get into small, enclosed spaces that are off the ground.
It'll either stay or they'll come up with a nifty counterpart.
The duckjump is one of the few things that you could say is Half-Life's own creation. And if they don''t keep it they would be mental.
oh I see.. yeah that'll be in it.. it's in most games you play.
Its A Bad Idea To Remove The Duck Jump
They Should Bring it Back.
i'm hoping when i shoot some lame jump shooter they go flying backwards like they should.
they'll definetly keep the duck jump...that's like..taking out....the crowbar.
Watch the prison video, it's in there. The guy jumps then ducks in air and the screen does the exact same thing as in HL1.
I hope they keep the duck jump. You had to use it all the time and it r0x0rz your b0x0rz!!!1! It was 1337!
yeah duckjump is great. Do you also know that you will be able to sprint? Check the bugbait video when gordon rushes into the room with stationary mg's with the antlions and runs around to the side of the mg's.

He runs faster than usual
I think they'll invent a new thing called rocket jumping...

You'll fire a rocket and jump at the same time to jump really high. That would be cool huh?
well come on you can duck jump in real life. (try it. jump and crouch. it can be done.)
Originally posted by pHATE1982
I think they'll invent a new thing called rocket jumping...

You'll fire a rocket and jump at the same time to jump really high. That would be cool huh?
TFC had that already...
You can already do that in Quake 3. And you could Tau Cannon jump in HL1.
Originally posted by Saltpeter
TFC had that already...

It was sarcasm, sorry....

All the quake series have had it. It was a low pun... and people thought i was serious! lol